
Legend of the Voidwalker

A former delinquent, Cloud Alistair found himself in a chain of unfortunate events.   First, he got kicked out of college due to a false accusation and then chased down by a group of thugs.   Just when he thought he was safe, he suddenly got sucked through a portal and stuck inside the void where there is nothing to see but land stretching as far as the eye can see and the endless ocean of stars up above.   Will he be able to escape and find his way back home? Or will he perish in this godforsaken land?      *Inspired by reading savage divinity so no OP MC. Also please forgive me if my English is not good. Not my native language. This is my first story and I welcome constructive criticism. The story will also be posted in Royal road.

CloudyDay · Fantasie
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66 Chs

Chapter 19: Sparring Match

I am playing in the basketball court with my friends, just having fun playing ball. I was always been more athletic than the other kids in our neighborhood so naturally I became the best player and the other kids praise me. One day a group of kids from out of town came for what seems to be their vacation. Watching from the sidelines, they started to mock us and said that we suck at basketball. Naturally we got angry and challenged them to a game. As the best player in our neighborhood, I feel that it is my duty to make them eat their words. The game was difficult as our opponents are far more skillful than us. In the end we lost and it wasn't even close. I was never been so humiliated like that before. I challenged them once more but this time it is on one on one, but the result was the same. A crushing defeat. Worse was the ones who I considered as friends abandoned me because they don't want to hang out with a loser and started following the victors.

I remember myself crying on the way home from the humiliation and being abandoned by my friends. When I arrived at our house, my father was there. I told him what happened and said "Son. Losing does not mean you're weak. It only means you have a lot more to improve." He put down his paper and put his hand on my shoulder. "Accept your loss and learn from it. So that you will be better the next time. Remember. It is not a sin to fail. Not learning from your failure is. Also. Friends who abandon you when you are down are no friends at all. Don't worry about them for one day you will find true friends that will stay with you through thick and thin. Just be sure to be also be there for them, because that is what a friend is." Then the doors open and my mother came in carrying groceries with Anise. "Alright son. Let's go help your mother with the groceries. Remember what I said okay?"

I just nodded, but deep inside I couldn't let go. Maybe if I heeded my father's word back then I would not have lost my confidence in myself and become the meek boy who was always the target of bullies when I was in middle school. If I had the confidence I had when I was a child then maybe Clyde and his friends will not bully me.

When I woke up from my dream, I was greeted with the sound of fighting. I quickly got up to see what was happening only to find the Knight Peter and the Monk Kurt sparring early in the morning. I watched as Peter relentlessly swung his wooden sword at his opponent. Sword strikes were heavy and fast. He seem to be tireless as he continued his chain of attacks for 2 minutes now with each attack clearly aiming at the vital points of his opponent.

As amazing as Peter might be, what really caught my attention was the Monk's movement. His movements were smooth as he moves in the area like he was gliding while dodging all of his opponents' attack with apparent ease. He ducks and weave around Philip's attack like a shadow as his opponent continued to miss by just a hair's breadth. Philip was clearly frustrated as he tried to shield bash the monk, but it was a feint. Creating a blind spot with his shield, he swung his sword with all of his strength.

I don't care if he is using a wooden sword, but if that hits it will surely injure Kurt gravely. Before I could shout to alert the monk, he dealt with it with no problem. In a blink of an eye, he grabbed the shield with his left hand and pushed it aside as easy as pushing aside a curtain. He then redirects the wooden sword with his left hand and then pushed him with both hands to the chest in one fluid motion. The push was strong enough to send a man weighing at least 130 kilos of muscle of his feet and rolling in the ground. Unfortunately for the downed knight, the monk did not relent as he quickly followed up and delivered a kick as the knight quickly got to his feet. He caught the kick with with his shield which sent him rolling in the ground once more. Before he could get up, the monk planted his foot on the knights chest.

"Damn you Kurt. Would it hurt you to let me hit you even once?" Philip said as Kurt help him to get back to his feet.

"Yes it would hurt me. With how strong you swing your sword, it wouldn't matter if it was made of wood. It would break my bone all the same if it hits." Kurt smiled at his friend. "And if I let you hit me in pity, this would not be practice. You will be able to hit me once you are strong enough to do so."

"One more time! I almost had you this time." Said Philip.

"Whatever you say." Kurt replied as he helped the knight back to his feet. "You are quite energetic today. This is already the fourth round. Is something bothering you?"

"Nothing." He replied. He tries to look calm and collected but even from meters away in my cage, I could see that he is troubled. I just remained silent. It is not my problem. "I just want to work some sweat." He finally got his calm back and readied his weapons.

They continued their sparring as Philip continued to be defeated. I was surprised how his body can handle getting hit by the monk's fists and feet. Maybe it was because he was using mana to reinforce his body. I don't know. I just continued to watch. Imagining what I would do if I were in their position. Against Philip, I am not confident I can win in a straight up fight. He have the advantage in strength and range given that I will not dare fight him with a sword. I already learned in my fight against Vash that it was more dangerous to clash sword with an expert while being a novice with swordsmanship than expertly fighting while barehanded. Just like what the monk is doing right now.

Even with all the disadvantages, I firmly believe I have a chance to win if I make use of my advantage in speed and stay mobile with my footwork. That way I can let him tire out and quickly knock him out with a choke hold once I find an opening. The only problem with that tactic is if I have the stamina to dodge him before he tire. I couldn't even stay awake for long yesterday despite being asleep for three days. How could I outlast this beast of a man who have stamina to swing his sword for minutes on end without showing any sign of fatigue?

I then turn my attention back to Kurt. We are both hand to hand fighters but I can see that our styles are complete opposite. Although I was forced to fight defensively against armed opponents, I prefer fighting offensively. He on the other hand prefers defense over offense and does both at a higher level than me from the way he moves. I don't see him use grappling moves, preferring open hand strikes surely to minimize the damage to his opponent who was just knocked down once more after a feint after he parried another attack causing Philip to raise his shield. It created a blind spot which Kurt took advantage as he quickly swept his leg and then finished him before he have a chance to recover by throwing a punch and halting his fist before it hits his opponents face. Clear sign that another round was over.

Two more rounds followed which ended the same with Kurt winning without even getting hit once by Philip's sword.

Drenched in sweat and panting in exhaustion, Philip placed his wooden sword and shield against the side of his tent. "You're really not pulling any punches Kurt. Ouch..." he winced in pain as he crouch to get two skins of water from his bag. "But don't relax just yet. One day I will be one who will be victorious. Just you wait." He stated as he threw a skin of water at Kurt and they proceeded to drink.

Quenching his thirst, Kurt answered. "That I don't doubt. Especially if you continue this level of effort." He seem to notice that Philip was glancing around as if he was looking for someone or something in the forest. "Hmmm... I see whats going on now." He contemplated.

"What?" Philip asked while trying to look innocently which only makes it more obvious that he is troubled by something.

"You try to put your mind from being worried that she hasn't come back yet. Is that why you try to busy yourself with sparring?"

"Of course not... It's just... It is already near noon but she haven't come back from her patrol. I know she is capable and nothing in this forest would be a danger for her, with her being an elf." Philip paused as he stare longingly at a direction in the forest. He then turned once more at Kurt. "But I still worry you know. It is normal. After all she is an important member of our party."

"Ah so that is why. I knew it was odd that you asked me to spar. You haven't asked me for a spar for over a year now."

"That is because you trashed me so bad in our sparring. My parents were watching you know. Even then you didn't take it a bit easy on me. I almost died in humiliation after not being able to land a single blow."

"It is better to lose in a sparring and learn your strengths and weaknesses rather than die in a battle for overestimating your power. Remember--" But before Kurt could finish, Philip cut him off.

"Yeah, yeah. To go easy on a friend is to consign him to death. I know that mantra by heart now." Philip answered.

"Good. That means you are learning." He paused as Philip once more gazing toward the forest. "If you're want to look for her you can go. Just be sure to be back before lunch or else Ortho and Mark will eat all of the food. Those two were still deep in their study and will quickly ravage the food once they smell me cook." He jokingly said.

"Thanks Kurt." He nod in thanks at the monk and quickly went inside his tent to gather his equipment. Not even two minutes passed when he exited his tent. He is now wearing his full plate armor with his short sword in his hip and shield in his back. "I will be back before lunch. If Alora comes back before me, don't let her leave the camp. Let her rest even if you have to force her to. She's been up for two days now. She needs her sleep." He once more halted mid stride and added "Also ask Ortho to make a cart for Alora to sleep in. We will tie it behind the cage so we can proceed on our journey back the Guild while she rest."

"Why don't you leave a list now would you." Kurt teased him. "Don't worry. I will do as you ask. Why don't we send Mark with you? Ortho and I would suffice in guarding the camp and build the cart."

"No need. If I encounter danger, I will quickly escape. I am confident that I can outrun most of the wildlife here especially if I use my mana. With Mark, I am less confident." He just waved away Kurt's concern. "I will go now. I'll be back by lunch. Don't let Mark and Ortho eat all of the food. Leave some for me and Alora." He then proceeded to walk towards the trees until his figure vanished from sight.

During all of this time, I just silently watched things transpire. From the looks of it, this party really care for each other. From their playful banter which showed they are comfortable with each other as they teased and sometimes mock one another. Up to their intense sparring where I can feel their competitiveness, especially from the monk. Even their concern with the well being of one another, evident from their conversation. It is clear. They are not just a party. They are friends.

Not the kind of friends like the ones who abandoned me in my childhood. They were more like my gym mates back when I was training before I got sent here. Without a friend to call my own. Alone once more.

Trying to put out the depressing thought out of my head. I watched Kurt start to prepare lunch for the party. Alone now since Philip went to look for the elf Alora, he poured water on the pot and cleaned it. After which he started to peel the potatoes and cut the vegetables. The dwarf and the mage are still nowhere to be found.

My stomach rumbled as I haven't ate since last night. It was loud enough to catch the attention of Kurt who just smiled. "I see your finally awake. From the sound of your stomach, you must be hungry." He then went back to cutting the vegetables. "Wait a bit longer. I will prepare lunch. Although it will take a while since the others are either away or busy. I apologize for the inconvenience."

"No... No worries. I could wait. I am not that hungry." I blurted out not wanting to be overbearing to the monk. He smiled at me before turning back to what he was doing. I feel kinda guilty that I am only watching while he toils in preparing lunch so I offered to help. "If you want I could help." He looked at me with curious eyes. Maybe he thinks that I will just escape once he open the door. "Do not worry. I will not escape. You can even tie me to the side of the cart to be sure I won't escape."

Examining me with his eyes, he asked "I am compelled to ask why. I can sense that you resent being put in a cage and we are the ones responsible you are in one now. Although it was because we have no alternative at that time not because we want you to be inside one." While maintaining his gaze as if looking for something. "Why offer aid for the ones who captured you?"

"It is because I can sense no ill will from you. I am not that foolish to see that you put me in a rune cage to block the energy my body is expelling. I know its effect and I am rather thankful that it is gone now. Not only it is killing all the plants and animal around me, it was giving me one hell of a headache. I even have a cool tattoo to show for it." They explained what they did to seal my rampant energy. To tell the truth, even I was troubled with that energy for as long as I am expelling energy that kills everything around me then I won't be able to approach other people in fear that they die too. Wild animals who aim to end my life is one thing, people who does not have anything to do with me is another.

After a few moment of consideration. He smiled and nodded at me. "I too don't sense malicious intent in you. I have a feeling that you are good. I will unlock the cage and let you out and while I can't set you free since we have a mission to accomplish, I could at least allow you to move around as long as you remain inside the camp."

He went inside the dwarf's tent and when he appeared he was holding a key. Unlocking the cage he added. "Let me remind you. Just inside the camp. If you behave I might even be able to convince the others to let you walk in our journey rather than be stuck inside the cage. Ortho would be pleased if the cart he pulls is lighter."

Stepping outside the cage for the first time, I stretched my back and proceeded to help Kurt in preparing lunch. Kurt hands me vegetable to peel and cut while he breaks a large log into pieces and used it to light a fire. Once we finished our preparation, he put all of the vegetables inside the pot, he went inside the tent of the knight and brought out a box. He opened it revealing it is containing spices and started to mix some into the pot. We then proceeded to put the pot over the fire and wait for it to cook.

It would take at least half an hour before it finished cooking and we got nothing to do but wait. Looking at the monk, I remember that he was the one that stopped me from my rampage and knocked me out in single combat. I don't remember what happened but knowing he beat me, there is a part of me who want to see how I measure up against this expert fighter especially since we are both unarmed fighters. Although I have a vague idea on how strong he is after watching his sparring against Philip, there are things that can only be learned by experiencing it yourself. Just like as my father say, even if I lose at least I will learn something.

As if sensing my intention, Kurt stood up after putting the potatoes in the pot and closed the lid. "I see it in your eyes. So you want to spar?" He asked. I nodded in agreement. "Perfect. I am also curious of your fighting style. We fought while you are not yourself and it gave me a difficult time to beat you. Now that you are in a normal state of mind, I wonder. How strong will our fight turn out?"

He gestured for me to follow him to a clearing where he and Philip fought earlier. He halted and stood a few meters from me he stated "You showed me some interesting move. I wish to see more. Know this, I don't go easy in a fight no matter who it is I am facing."

I stopped a few meters away from him and before I took my stance I declared. "I wouldn't have it any other way." Sweat pours down my back as I feel my heart beat faster in anticipation of a fight.

"Good answer." He replied. Taking a stance of his own he shouted. "Get ready!"

His words rings like a gong to my ears as we both dashed towards each other and the fight begins.