
Legend Of The Vampire Luna

Over around a half millennium ago... A very powerful vampire-witch prince and a royal lycan princess were destined to be mated. Everyone was shocked at first...but when the time passed by, the prince and princess managed to love each other with all they had. Centuries later they had a beautiful little daughter together named as 'Taishiri Nefferca'. As same as the name she got, she was so unique and incomparable. She had been their whole universe until one day after her two-years-old birthday. That day everything changed and the little princess lost her mother and her father had to give her away in order to save her... • • • On her 18th birthday Neffie Hale had to reveal a secret she kept hidden for past two years and she wasn't sure what her life would turn into after that. All her life she had been recognized as a freak and an outcast, even though she was a royal lycan. It doesn't matter to others that she had a totally normal twin or she is the daughter of the Royal Beta Luna of all wolves; people didn't budge. Therefore she had to keep some important facts about her life to herself and when she was forced to reveal it... Well...It didn't go as she planned... It totally flipped sides and her secret kept hidden... But she had to pay a price for that... The only problem is...it almost cost her, her life and even after that... When an another secret of her past popped onto the surface... She didn't know what to think or where to go... Then...with a newly found mate, a overprotective father and a divine sister... She no longer felt as an outcast but she didn't knew how to balance her newly found life either... With all secrets around her, she had to accomplish her duties and responsibilities as a princess and a Luna...But... When her past comes hunting after her... Will she be able to fit into her new life or will she be lost in herself..? • • •

Luranshiya Prince · Fantasie
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18 Chs

02) Welcome Ceremony

"For the gods' sake, Neffie... I thought I was going to die!! Mom and dad were terrified, thinking that there was something wrong with my transformation!!! How did you feel about it?!"

Neffie, who had slept through the whole night and till the next afternoon due to the fatigue of the previous day, finally woke up feeling refreshed, only to become a victim of her twins sister's bombaring!!!

Oh, poor her... She twitched her lips at her twin's uncomfortable question paper finding it very annoying and hard to bear.

"Do we really need to talk about it now, Effie?! That was a very painful experience and I do not like to be remind it again and again and torture myself!!" Neffie replied in a very calm tone despite fact that she is very annoyed at her sister's interrogation, making a disappointed Effie to hung her head down.

But she maintained that behavior only for a maximum of a few seconds!

The next moment she was ready to throw another question at Neffie!!

"What is the color of your wolf?! Mine is pure white... like a snowball... Everyone said it was lucky to have a wolf of that color. They said that I will be a special person because white wolves are rare... Do you know what the best thing about it is?!" Effie questioned eagerly, as Neffie shook her head, hinting an 'I don't know'.

"Do you remember the bedtime stories our grandma used to tell us back when were litte? About a woman named as Cyllene? The first Luna?" She tried again.

This time Neffie nodded indicating a 'Yes', gaining an approving applause from Effie and then she continued her speech.

"Legend said that her wolf is as snow white as mine. After her, there had been only one or two snow-white wolves... See how good it is...! So tell me... what color your wolf is?! Is it white too?!! Please tell me..." Neffie felt her uneasiness increase at the same rate as the words flowed from Effie's mouth like an express train.

But she was unable to escape from the questions of an over excited and curios sister who was about to explode with those feelings.

After a long and uncomfortable silence she finally opened her mouth to answer, but to her utter fortune her grandmother__Azara saved her from the information-hungry-wolf.

"Finally... There you are!!! I've searched everywhere for you two..." Grandma muttered heaving a sigh.

"Why is that, Grandma?" Effie asked in her shrill but cute voice jumping into Azara's embrace.

"You know... There will be many guests coming to your birthday party tomorrow night... and now that you both are grown up, we'll be announcing that you're joining the pack tomorrow. So now... you need to go to town... Go there and collect things for the party... Your mom is downstairs with Caroline and they are waiting for you..." Azara announced making the already overjoyed Effie to start jumping up and down with happiness while Neffie frowned with displeasure.

She did not like shopping and definitely did not like the gatherings of many people. She personally despised them...a lot.

And out of all, she was ready to do anything and everything she could to avoid this special celebration.

But however the next moment, she found herself flying downstairs behind Effie.

Orick was not a big city. So there was not much to see or so many big shops to go to. But Effie insisted on going shopping for tomorrow party. Therefore Neffie and Caroline stopped at a small restaurant to let her continue shopping with their mother, because Neffie didn't want to go with her.

"It seems to me that you are in big trouble because of this trip..." Caroline stated, while sipping her coffee, which they ordered from the restaurant.

Neffie smiled softly at her comment but her facial features showed how much trouble she had in her little mind.

"I told you about this before we left home... I can't think of what to do next... I'm not like them... I've never been and never will be... I'm already so different and then this... I wish I could run away from all of this..." Neffie sighed in frustration.

Her grandma_Caroline was very aware of Neffie's situation. Therefore, she did not immediately respond. Instead she took Neffie's hand and rubbed it softly looking at her beloved granddaughter's face for a moment.

"Neffie... You... coming imto our lives is the best thing that has ever happened in my life besides giving birth to your father... Since your childhood, we all saw how you were different from everyone else... But that difference made you special and I liked it more than anyone else. Me and your grandpa both loved your difference than anyone else. We didn't care what others think about you. We loved all of you and we want you to be different and unique... I know you'll probably think that we are being selfish for wanting you to be different when those differences bothered you this much. But that was why you ran away from here when you were little and came to us..." As she explained, Neffie looked at her grandmother like a lost person with a confused look.

"...However, I just wanted to tell you... that you don't need to run away and hide from everyone and everything just because of your differences... No matter what you'll always have me and your grandpa Andrew by your side... And also are your mom and dad... We will not let you be bothered or bullied by anyone... We love you..." Recognizing Neffie's gaze, Caroline explained in a soothing voice, staring into her eyes.

"Thanks grandma..." Neffie, who was still mumbled slowly as her eyes run wild searching around.

As a small countryside city, the people who lived there knew each other very well. So they were bound to be recognized by people who were passing by, sooner or later and that's something Neffie didn't want to experience.

Even though Neffie and her grandparents didn't live there, Caroline and Andrew Hale were no strangers to the citizens of Orick as Dr.Carmel Hale, the hospital's specialist's parents.

They also knew Neffie Hale as the youngest granddaughter of the Alpha Female of their Silver Luna wolf pack and the Royal Luna of whole wolf society, Azara Zizan and their Alpha Vendel.

Also they'll recognize her anywhere as the town's freak.

So by then Neffie started to feel uncomfortable as she realize that they are gaining some audience in the restaurant, as well as outside of it.

She hated it when people tried to approach her with those curious but somewhat challenging looks in their faces. She never loved to be in the limelight just because they don't bother to accept her as she is.

"If you want... We can run away...!!!" Caroline suggested in a playful manner as she notice the uncomfortable gaze her granddaughter held in her eyes.

As soon those words made contact with her ears, Neffie looked at her grandmother with wide eyes with shock for a moment...but the next moment... she started to giggle like a little kid who got to taste her favorite candy.

"I love you so much, nonna..." After a while she whispered in a soft tone melting Caroline's whole body with love and joy.

"Now, come... Let's go home..." Caroline said raising from her seat and Neffie followed her.

To go home, they had to wait for Effie and their mother, Minu to finish their shopping and come back, so the grandmother and granddaughter decided to take a short walk around town.

The cold winds of October swept over their bodies, but the is was not a problem for them as they focused on the beauty of the surroundings and the hustle and bustle of the city.

Besides there was no reason for them.to worry about getting cold, because of the comfortable and thick warm clothes that Caroline wore, and the fact that Neffie had the cold-resistant genes as a wolf.

So the two of them happily enjoyed the beauty of Orick as it prepared for winter.

Their walked along the main street of the city quietly that there was nothing to talk about, so they happily engulfed in their own worlds of thoughts.

As a result for not paying attention to the surroundings, Neffie suddenly bumped into someone's hard body without a notice.

"Sorry." Neffie muttered unconsciously as she was steadied by a pair of strong arms wrapping around her waist.

For a moment, she just stay still as she was still in daze, but as soon as she realized what had happened, she blushed with embarrassment and tried to free herself from the grip of the arms around her.

But the grip around her was strong and iron-like and even with her lycan strength it didn't even budge at all !!

"Are you okay? You should look where you go..." When a deep but musical voice stated, she turned her face towards the source of the voice.

As soon as she did that her mouth hanged open in surprise making his face to light up with a wide smirk.

He was at least six feet tall, with a well-groomed body and a face that was painfully handsome. He had a pair of enchanting bright eyes that had deep honey-color hue, and a thick black hair, which was disobediently messed like he just woke up from the bed.

And most importantly and without a doubt he had the perfect figure which could fill any woman with need and make them drool over him while making men look at him with envy or admiration.

But it wasn't his Adoni-like figure that caught Neffie's attention. It was his honey-color eyes that caught her attention and threw her off guard.

She was very surprised to realize that the unusual honey color of his eyes are very similar to the golden-red flame-like hue that came into her eyes sometimes, especially after she emptied the cranberry juice jug her grandmother make for her.

"I'm fine. Thank you... and sorry..." Neffie replied, finally getting rid of his grip somehow.

And then it was his turn to be surprised.

"Are you Italian?!" He asked in surprise, as Neffie shook her head, noticing for the first time that he also had an Italian or Romanian accent in his pronunciation as hers but not that noticeable.

"Then Romanian?!" He tried again.

"No. But I was born in Italy... and I learned both languages when I was little." Neffie replied slowly.

But it was only partly true.

Until she moved to Carmel, she was never allowed to learn either of those languages by the family elders. However, she had been speaking Italy and Romanian since she was a just a baby.

But she did not see the need to reveal it all to this stranger.

"Is that so... I asked that because of the way you speak... By the way... I'm Alex. And you are...?" Introducing himself, he politely asked when he noticed that this little lady did not appreciate his questioning.

"Neffie..." She deadpanned.

"It's a pretty name... Are you new here?

Or did you came to join tomorrow's event?" Alex asked in a flirtatious tone while Neffie tried to track her grandmother's whereabouts.

"I guess you are the new one here... Right?" She questioned wondering where could be Caroline now.

"Not exactly... My friend lives here... It's more like he own an empty house here. He just come in and out all the time and sometimes I come along with him. This time we both came here a week ago... but I never saw you around before. That's why asked if you are new here..." He explained gaining an understanding nod from Neffie.

"I am also a person who comes and goes from time to time. This time I came to this celebration. After that I'll go home again..." She said wondering if it's okay to introduce Carmel as her home.

"The wolves here are really peaceful, aren't they? They allow anyone who likes this environment to come here..." When Alex said that Neffie looked at his face with a surprised expression.

"What?! Ah, yes... I know about the werewolves here. Because as soon as we first got here, their Alpha and Luna came to meet us..." He explained nonchalant as soon as he understood the question Neffie had on her face.

"But I wonder why they let a non-wolf like you... attend the party. I have never heard of such a thing. Are you someone in their fam-"

"How exactly did you say that I'm not a wolf?" Neffie questioned cutting Alex's sentence in half.

"You didn't smell like one... Your scent is more like... a cold vanilla flavored essence... cold and... mouthwatering..." He answered sniffing the air.

As soon as she heard it Neffie started laughing... very hardly.

"Then how do you describe a wolf's scent?" She asked breathlessly trying so hard to suppress her laughing.

"It was more like the smell of a wet, stray dog..." Her smile only increased when he said this with a confused expression.

But when he notices that her laughing gains more attention towards them than necessary, he gripped her arm grunting in displeasure and embarrassment.

He wanted to run away, but he just weaver between wanting to run away and worrying about the girl's reaction to it. But finally his embarrassment overpowered the worry he had about girl's reaction, so he just ran away dragging the still laughing girl with him.

He didn't stop until he reached to his car, which was parked few blocks away from the public car park.

"What are we doing here?" When Neffie, who at the time was able to control her laughing to some extent, curiously questioned trying to catch her breath and Alex just stood there glaring at her with all his might.

But it was not an easy task for him to hold his anger for that long as he glanced at her glowing and smiling big eyes and her reddened cheeks. And not to mention those beautiful pink lips which still had a slight smile adorning them.

"We came here because you started laughing like a lunatic..! Really... Why did you started laughing like that?! What's the joke here..?!" He softly questioned tucking a stray hair behind her ear making her cheeks blush and her eyes to cast down.

"Since my childhood, I was very different from everyone of my family and the children from my age... Everyone here knows that I'm different from them in everything, from my appearance to my personality. I'm not even like my twin!! So they saw me as a freak... as someone who doesn't fit in here... This time I came here just to celebrate our birthday. To celebrate our Introduction Ceremony to the pack. And with this all shit I had to deal with, a stranger I just met here, say that I didn't smell like a fucking wolf. So that is a big- no, huge joke to me. And yeah... It is a complete joke that I thought I'd just smell like one when every other thing about me is different... Yes, Alex!! Now all this shit seems like a joke to me!!!"

Alex's face twisted with regret and sadness as Neffie speak intensely.

"I'm sorry. I didn't knew- I-"

"Oh, nevermind... We just met a few minutes ago and I should be the one who's apologizing... I didn't mean to snap at you and I definitely didn't want to bother you with my problems..." Neffie muttered interrupting Alex with a beautiful soft smile on her lips.

"It's okay... I'd really love to help you... If this place doesn't suit you... I'll take you somewhere else... Anywhere you like... We can just escape from here..." Alex suggested as Neffie smile at him, until it was replaced with a frown.

"Speaking of escaping... I need to find my grandma!! She might be freaked out by now. I need to go now, Alex!!!" Neffie said hurriedly sprinting away from Alex.

"Wait! We'll meet again, right? Before you go home?" Alex questioned hopefully.

"I'm not sure... But I'm happy to meet you... You are different than others... and I like it..!!"

He was smiling with himself, as Neffie shouted her reply as she ran away from him.

• • •

The Silver Luna pack house- the home of their Luna's and Alpha's, had been overflowing with young and old pack members since that morning, and they were preparing the back courtyard for the night's party.

They were all very excited about the night, but the girl _who was sitting at the window still of a cozy bedroom on the second floor of the other mansion near the pack house_ didn't feel much interest about the upcoming event.

Due to the location of the two mansions, she was able to see one side of the backyard- the busiest part of it, very well, so she stayed there all day watching.

She had already finished a large cranberry juice jar, that could be drunk with a few people; alone, but her restless mind seemed to have heightened her appetite for cranberry juice as she never stopped drinking.

She also growled and snapped at her mother and sister who had came to take her the the pack house. It is not uncommon for a wolf to behave in such a way when they feel angry, frustration, or anxiety, but Neffie's behavior was unfamiliar and new to them.

And not to mention her elongated canines and fiery red eyes, which were burning like wildfire. It had threatened and scared them enough to not disturb her further, so they let her be until the night falls.

However, at the end of the day, her grandmother came to her to try her luck.

"Neffie... I know how you think about this ceremony... I know you worry about what they think... But I told you about this yesterday... No matter what, you won't loose us. If they don't accept you... If they tries to disrespect you.., Me and Andrew will take you away by the next second!! I promise you that, my little lycan... We will always stick close to you... So now let's go and get this done already. We'll see what happens next... Hope that's fine with you...?" Caroline asked in a melodic tone, extending her hands towards Neffie.

But instead of going towards those arms, she growled softly and looked at her grandmother emotionlessly.

"We- love you, Neffie... I- love you... So please... Please, come to me... Just try to control yourself..." Ignoring Neffie's scary looks, Caroline pleaded inching closer to her.

The next moment she immediately jumped forward and wrapped her arms around Neffie, the girl's growling deepened but Caroline didn't back down.

"It's okay, my love... We are here for you... Come home to us..." She pleaded again.

"I'm sorry, nonna..." Finally, Neffie murmured, heaving a sigh.

She slowly gained composer, as she give into her grandmother's embrace and inhale homey cinnamon and ginger scent of her grandmother in.

Just as she loved her grandmother's embrace and homey scent, Caroline knew how to comfort her beloved granddaughter very well.

• •

"Royal Luna... Alpha...!!" When Azara and Vendel were greeted by a tall and well built, 25-or-30-year-old-looking man, they nod simultaneously acknowledging his greetings.

"Lev... Tell me... What's the matter?" When Azara asked in a dominant voice, the man named Lev, began speaking with a submissive look in his eyes.

"Ruslan went to the entrance to welcome Alpha Eldreth. They'll be here in few minutes... and also I got a message informing me that Alpha Fabe had left the guest house with his Beta Logan and Delta Seth. But... Luna... the patrollers sniffed a different scent around the town..."

"What?! What kind of scent?" Azara questioned checking the surroundings for any possible danger as soon as the words left Lev's mouth and Vendel wrapped his arms protectively around her waist and growled possessively.

"No one has any idea about that, Luna... It came and vanished quickly. No had a chance to properly recognize the scent. We thought that it might belong to an another wolf from another pack, as there are many invited wolves here today..." Lev explained unsurely.

With a short moment of thinking Vendel weave his hand signaling Lev to go away.

"Tell the guards to stay alert. We don't need to see any unnecessary attack during a good time like this. Understood?!" Azara ordered in a high authorized voice making Lev to bow down again.

"Yes, My Luna..." He replied respectfully and hurried away.

Then they fell into a deep thoughtful silence until someone came and snap them out of it.

"Azara! Vendel!! Oh, it's been a long time..." The silence between them was shattered when a tall and well build man with olive skin, thick black eyes and short black hair approached them and shouted happily.

"Eldreth!" Azara beamed shaking the man's muscular hand.

"We also tagged along with them..." Said another similarly tall and well built man-Alpha Fabe, who emerged from Eldreth's behind, widening Asara's smile.

The direct descendants of Great Alpha Lycaon's and Luna Cyllene's, as well as other wolves who belonged to sub-groups considered that royalty and kingship belongs to Azara's family, but the all belonged to a one big family.

Therefore, during a celebration like this they all came together as a family and had fun.

Oh, how they all loved family celebrations!!

So, the wide grin that lighten Azara's whole face was completely inevitable as she saw the reunion of her lovely big family.

Alpha Eldreth came to the celebration with his mate and Alpha Female, Arcelia and his two children, while still mate-less Alpha Fabe came along with his Beta and Delta.

He assigned his father, the former alpha of the pack and his Gamma to do the alpha chores until he return. It was unusual for both alpha and beta to leave a pack, but he didn't care much because he wanted his beta by his side and they bring his Beta Logan's son, Delta Seth along with them in hopes of finding his mate there.

"Well then... Let's begin the party..!!" Azara announced after the family greetings, looking at the bunch of impatient wolves who were waiting for the party to begin.

• • •

A / N

Alpha Female - The female version of the Alpha; the Alpha's mate and equal to him. (But in reality Alpha Female's authority isn't equal to the Alpha.)

Luna/Royal Luna/Queen Luna - Is like a queen/an empress and higher than any Alpha. It is a position only granted to the royal she-wolves; the adoptive sisters and servants to the moon goddess herself.

In some stories the Luna is known to be the Alpha's mate only; but when you research further you'll see that wolves' ranks have only greek letters and Luna is the Roman equivalent for the moon goddess. Therefore, in here 'Luna' came as a superior rank and she's the ruler of all wolves.

Alpha - Ruler of a wolf pack/ 1st in command

Beta - 2nd in command

Gamma - 3rd in command

Delta - 4th in command and train to become the next Beta

• • •

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With so much love,
