
Just a M.E.S.S

Redakteur: EndlessFantasy Translation

...(The Gray Valley)...

Bei Guang, Arwa and Hua were sitting right at the opposite of Xiao Wan, formally. Their expressions were grim, even Hua, the usual joker of the team, had become steadier than before. The moment the lady summoned them they felt truly bewildered, as it was in the middle of the night - 4.40am to be exact.

It was Xiao Wan who shattered the silence of the witching hour, "We have just received an update from our intelligence. At 7.14pm last night, the destabilized singularity at the site of Koure Mech Squad had been detected with instances of anomaly. At 9.30pm, the squad had sent men to investigate where none of them survived. 2 hours later, the area of these purple gases had taken the entire base, during which they faced an immediate invasion. And all surrounding forces had received frequent distress signals from the squad."

And there was no more.