
Left for dead

"BLACK HAIR!!! This can't be right, pleas check it again I'm sure doctor Hanzel's sight sight has been off!" said a voice of a man.

Hearing this the elderly hylian frowned as invisible wind blew his shaggy hair inside a majestic mansion.

"Excuseee me SIRE~ but do you dare doubt the sight of a great doctor that has treated over thousands of patients in his life? I feel really disrespected!" said the doctor as he was going to walk out.

Hearing this the man that was in disbelief suddenly was awakened and ran up to the doctor apologising.

"Forgive me dodctor Hanzel! I never dared to question this doctor I was just so shocked that I forgot my manners. Please forgive me!" said the hylian as his back bent straight like a link, he did the japanese bow.

This hylian man was Eustass Curtaz Svigel, he was a noble, a Marquis, a very rich one who's name rang throughout the kingdom as the richest one in the kingdom of hyrule, more money then the royal family, with over hundreds of thousands of rupees in his save. Right now he and his wife are expecting a child, she was starting to give birth so Eustass summoned the best doctor in the kingdom Doctor Hanzel who was at first reluctant to help but after being offered thousands of ruppes he happily agreed.

"Fine. I'll forgive you this time - Sire~. And I can even analyse your son's anomaly if you want me to." smiled the old fox.

"Yes please. I would like very much so." Eustass eagerly replied.

Doctor Hanzel went up and started analysing the baby's body, he picked it up and found itweight 7 pounds which was a good and average weight for a baby. He used a thermometer to measure the baby's temperature, the doctor continued to do further tests. His conclusion was...

"The boy is healthy and alright. He's your average baby however there must have been either a genetic variation or someone in your family must have had black hair. Well then my work here is done. Bye Bye."smiled the doctor as he waved and then ran away so that no one would catch him.

"But no ancestor of mine had..." Eustass spoke thinly as he saw the foxy old man run away before he could as further question.

"Honey." said a sweet yet tired voice, it was his wife Silvia. She was a low class hylian in the society she had no parents or family and was raised on the streets but she met a boy her age and he gave her all the best, they became friends and over the years they became lovers.

His parents didn't mind him marrying her and supported him but his brother was against this saying ' nobles should not marry lower class' and saying that he should inherit the family now since his brother Eustass brings dishonour. That didn't work obviously.

"What do we do now?" asked Eustass as he looked down, he was slightly worried about the family's reputation, he didn't mind marrying a lower class but his family's reputation further falling down because his son had black hair? He didn't know what to do so he asked Silvia.

"What do you mean what do we do? We raise our son and live like a happy family. Don't worry about reputation would you rather have your have your son die and become a cruel heartless father known through out Hyrule or have bad reputation but have a happy family? I say we live happily."

"You're right...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to -" said Eustass but couldn't finish as he was punched in the face by Silvia knocking Eustass out as he fell on the bed face on her quilt covered thighs. And She held her baby boy she decided to call him Cain.

"Cain is a nice name."

The whole family was on the bed and it looked like a cute family bonding moment as the mother was sleeping, with her boy Cain sleeping in her arms and Eustass sleeping on her thighs. The servants decided to leave them be and not disturb them.

[4 years Later]


A fat brown haired Hylian laughed as he wore green noble clothes made from glittering silk and fur of the 'purest' of animals. His laugh was so horrible that even the chair he sat upon trembled or maybe it was because he was really fat.

"I feel so sorry for you boys, especially for you Cain as you have to deal with having lost both your parents and now taking care of your newborn brother Link, your arms must be full. But remember be strong, being strong is the quality that everyone needs. You'll be going to your Grandparents to live their, I'll be taking you there." He said but it was obvious that he was planning something for Cain as his voice wasn't sad it was rather happy and when he mentioned about himself taking them he was chuckling.

This man was Cain and Link's Uncle, Coinzel Von Svigel the New Marquis and head of the Svigel Noble Family. He was the youngest brother whilst Eustass was the eldest and more handsomer than him. He and Eustass would always fight with each other and only their father would stop their fighting. Few years ago when his brother married Silvia they had a falling out and Coinzel was nevr the same and became more darker. To the point where he sent assassins to secretly murder his brother and sister-in-law whilst under the disguise that they were burglars that wanted to rob the marquis of his money but killed him.

Cain this entire time was expressionless, he didn't show any anger, sadness nor any other emotion. Deep down inside he was angry and sad but he didn't let that consume him as right now he had to look After his baby brother, Link. That's right his brother was the destined hero Link who'll save Hyrule by himself. He didn't want to do anything tat would anger his uncle Coinzel as he would know that he harboured hatred towards him and kill him to rid of the growing weed.

He hopped on inside the carriage that his uncle himself would sitting inside. The interior of the carriage was split into two, it had one sofa on the left and one sofa to the right, Cain who's holding Link sat on the left sofa whilst Coinzel sat on the right sofa.

Coinzel tried starting conversations but Cain ignored him and looked through the window to see then landscape of Hyrule, they were slowly moving away from the central Hyrule and he even saw the Hyrule Field which made him reminiscent of the past when he used to play games such as ocarina of time.

Few hours later and it was dark bearly any light could be seen and Cain guessed they were outside of Hyrule in a forest far far away. Cain guessed before even coming inside the carriage, Coinzel will abandon them somewhere far away alone. Left for Dead.

And sure as hell the carriage stopped and through the window Cain could see a small torn down hut with a punctured door, there wasn't even light in that hut but empty dark abyss.

Coinzel smiled before clapping his hands and the carriage driver got out from his seat, opened the door and picked Cain who was still holding Link, by the nape and like a lion carried the to the hut. The carriage driver wasn't normal as he was dressed in iron shiny armour he looked more like knight.

"See ya boys, have a nice time! Get rid of them Jarlson! I wanna get away from these damned woods!" shouted Coinzel as he kept clapping his hands.


Jarlson slammed Cain down to the ground inside the dark hut and ran to the carriage to do Coinzels bidding.

These boys were left for dead. If Cain didn't have his knowledge and experience they would die in just a few hours. But he's not normal he'll make sure they'll survive these woods and Link will be rasied properly at least decently though he hasn't got any parents now.