
He is wolfram (2)

"Stronger than you expect"replied Glenn

"We will see that "replied the man.

They both flicked their wand and a red light emerged from it.Glenn was knocked back and his wand flew in the hand of the man.

"I lost ,Father"Glenn said.

The man lifted his hood and an ancient face appeared.

His face resembled that of a monkey shorter and stouter.

"Son,you have a strong fighting prowess but what you lack is the will to fight.You have a big heart always ready to forgive the enemy.You have to fight with your inner demon then only you will be able to win over me.

The man was Sting,Glenn's father. He had devoted his life wandering thus never had chance to teach his son.He came occasionally home after his wife's demise.

He was a power full figure having long reached the Wand awakener realm.

The Wand realm was divided into Nine parts.

The Wand recognition,Man recognition,The first cast,Man wand union,The wand tamer,Wand awakener,Man saviour,The elder and the sainthood.

"Yes father"

"Let's begin the naming ceremony"

The naming ceremony of the living dimension was very wierd.

A vast of substances are kept in a basket.The substances are the ancient relic which are preserved by the clan.The child a substance and is thrown on a magical sand. The magical sand then carves the name of the child.

The child was brought by his mother.He was allowed to crawl to the relics.He picked up a saber and threw it on the sand.The sand black in colour and started to move. After a long time it carved a name.


Everyone was dumbfounded except his grandfather who was smiling feeling proud for his son.