

When the chief left and Jay made sure that no one was around the storehouse, he spoke up.

"My lady, may I know what your name is?" Jay wanted to take it slow and just ask the simple questions first.

The 'dragon' lady replied "Lydia. My name is Lydia."

But just as Jay was going to ask his second question, Lydia continued speaking.

"I suppose you already know what I am since you and your friends saw me just before I came to this village."

Jay nodded his head. He then asked, "May I ask if you are related to the Dragon King, Ori or if you are related to the other dragons in the continent?"

Lydia was surprised from Jay's question since she did not know how this human in front of her knows about the dragon king and the existence of other dragons.

The reason why she was surprised was because in Dungeons and Towers of Fate, dragons were very rare types of beasts. The reason why they were very rare was because dragons are too lazy when it comes to reproduction. What's even worse is that dragon eggs take 5-10 years before hatching.

After a few moments of silence, she thought that the human in front of her was mysterious so she decided not to leak all the information she knew. So she said to Jay, "I am not related to any of the dragons. But, may I ask how you know of us and my kind? And why are you not shocked at all if you know that I am a dragon?"

Jay realized that he might have asked a big question too early so he had a weird look on his face. He then decided to tell some important stuff in hopes that Lydia will open up more and not make this conversation any more awkward.

"I read some books, and I also met the Dragon King once. Oh, you should probably know this too, I am a Halfblood." After saying that, Jay went to his chicken form using 'Complete Transformation'.

Just as Jay was going to return to his human form again, he saw Lydia's eyes glowing with a bluish light. He felt goosebumps due to this so he tried to stop her and said "Stop, you should know that using your dragon powers in that form will be detrimental to you."

Lydia stopped when she heard Jay and thought "He even knows about dragon powers and stuff? Just who is this guy?"

Jay went back to his human form and stood up. He knew that Lydia will not probably tell him anything important if he stayed so he just decided to leave. But before that, he suddenly spoke up again.

"That injury of yours, who were you fighting or running from? It's strange since this place is pretty far from the dragon nests I know of."

But Jay did not get a response and Lydia just looked at him weirdly. So he just left.


Outside the storehouse, Ulruk Village...

"Lydia...Lydia... Who is she again?" Jay asked himself since he knew that he encountered this dragon lady before when he was still not reincarnated in the game. After a few minutes of thinking, he finally had a pretty good idea of who she is.

Lydia was one of the 88 Wise Dragons that roamed the continent. The Wise Dragons were just a term everyone used for dragons who knew how to speak the human tongue and transform into anything else besides their real form. But dragons did not have a major part in the game's storyline until the Demonic Invasion which will happen 1 month after the First Great War.

"Hahaha! This is nice! If only I can make her join Golden Phoenix..." Jay schemed in his mind since meeting one of the Wise Dragons this early was really strange and he might regret it in the future if he will miss this great opportunity in front of him.

He then took out the guild emblem he had and spoke to everyone in the guild.

"Everyone, I found the dragon. I also have a new task for everyone."

After saying that, he told them about Lydia, but he did not tell them the other stuff like Lydia being one of the wise dragons.

As for the task he asked them to do, it was to befriend her in any way they can and try roping her in to join the guild.

Everyone replied in unison, "Yes, Guild Master!" when they heard everything Jay had to say. Just as Jay was wondering what else he should do at the moment after all that, chimes of bells started ringing all around the village. Jay then heard a shout.


Jay, Roasted Boar, and the rest in the guild already knew what the bells are for.
