
Legend of Rycon: Dragon Ball System

You don't have meridians so cant cultivate? It's ok! There is the Dragon Ball System: Do Training, Missions, Kill Monsters, Swallow Other People's Spiritual Power, make Pills or Forge Weapons and participate in Competition, Tournament's & Battles. You can gain System Points! My Power Levels is too low? No worries! I have Zenkai's, Transformations! Power will bursts and power level rises! What if you're Geniuses, came from Big Family young Master & Mistress, an Empire Emperor or Empress, and have Godly Level Talents? In the face of this Dragon Ball System, they are far far behind! With the power of the Dragon Ball System which give me the power of a Saiyans, Nemakian, Acrocians or Frost Demons etc... No one can stop me from dominating the Cultivation Worlds & Realms. "Huh, did I rise up my power again?" Ryan woke up and found himself level up again... This is my story and my Legend fear me and my name across the multiverse Rycon the Godly Saiyan. . . . Authors Note: the cover is not mine and if the owners see this and want to me to take it out, just message me.. about my other story if you reader it, it's kinda... embarrassing so this DB Fanfic is kinda my Real First proper Novel and if you see any mistakes like structures of the sentence correct me so I can improve it.. this story is gaining fast views and I'm in shock not totally famous yet bit it's the first for me to gain this lot of view thank you all.

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9 Chs

Ch4 Training and Gaining Attention

The Next Day ...

When the Sun light hit Ryan, Ryan wake up.

then he lazily come out and go to the bathroom then he brushed his teeth and bathed and suit up as he directly go to the kitchen and take a breakfast.

After 20 minutes he finished his breakfast.

' Now done after eating breakfast, it's time for me to start my training ' Ryan thought.

Then he goes to Gravity Chamber and take long deep breaths then Ryan entered the Gravity Chamber set up 2x times Planet Vegeta gravity, Ryan started training after 1 hour of training at 2x times Planet Vegeta gravity he take a rest.

then he rise the gravity from 2x to 5x times Planet Vegeta gravity, after training for 20 minutes Ryan rise the gravity again from 5x to 8x times Planet Vegeta gravity.

Ryan has trained intensely for 10 hours at a gravity from 2x to 20x times Planet Vegeta gravity at that time Ryan has use 17 Senzu beans which help him to get couple of Zenkai's Boost.

Rycon having training regime of extremely intense that may kill a normal human a thousand times over for more than 8-9 years straight.

In the mean time bought 2.500 Senzu beans for 250.000 SP for his training. And He was able to use 500x Planet Vegeta gravity for his training.

"I feel so powerful right now after intense gravity training, and It's been 8 years 7 months 18 days since I've come to this Cultivation World " Ryan thought.

While Ryan was wondering at he tested his power by squishing his hand into fist again and again.

" System! I like to change my name " Ryan command to System.

'Okay! Which name does Host want to replace it from your current name?" System respond to Ryan.

"Well!, I like to change my name as Rycon since I have taken Rycon's body " Ryan answer to System.

'Changing the name of the Host from Ryan to Rycon...'

"....The process of changing name of Host is complete " System speak to Rycon.

" Since!, my name has changed. It's time, System! "

Show my Status "Rycon asked to System.

Opening Host Status.....

Host Status :--

Host Name :- Rycon (Ryan)

Cultivation Level :- 0

Race - Saiyan

Age: 13+ years (Can be lived up to 150 years)

Height: 4 feets and 6 inches

Weight:-- 40 Kg

Talent & Growth:-- Limitless (Absolute No Limit)

Bloodline:- Saiyan

Power Level:- 7.500.000.000 (Base Form)

Power Source:- Ki (Life Force).

Abilities & Techniques and Skills:- Adaptation, Flight, Ki sense & Profound Energy sense, Ki blast, Zenkai, 2 year training at Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Healing Factor, Immunity to Poisons, Illusions & Mind Manipulations (Permanent).

Transformations:- Oozaru, Ikari form, Kaio-ken 1-20×, Elio-ken, Ki Manipulations.

Meridian Grade:- ???

Soul Grade:- ???

Body Grade:- ???

Bone Frame Grade:- ???

Affinities:- ???

Storage: 10 DNA Slots, 3 Lucky Draw, Senzu Beans x 392, Golden Senzu beans x100.

System Point:- 5.000.000 SP

Experience Point :- 0 EP

"Wow! My power levels (Base) is so high," Rycon was amazed also because it is higher than the Super Super GbSaiyan 2 of both Goku and Vegeta (Buu Saga).

"Yes!, Host power levels is , higher than both Goku and Vegeta , it completely outclassed them in every other way" System respond to Host.

'System! I want to learn ki attacks such as Kamehameha or Final Flash " Rycon speak to System.

"It needs 100.000 SP to buy Kamehameha and Final Flash" System respond to Rycon.

"Does it mean, Both Techniques are 50.000 SP separately?" Rycon questions it.

'Nope! Both Techniques are 100.000 SP separately"System answer to Rycon.

"So expensive! My Precious SP " Rycon speak with cartoon crying face.

"System! Buy it both the Kamehameha and Final Flash" Rycon command to System.

' Buying Kamehameha and Final Flash... '

' -100.000 SP '

' -100.000 SP '

"Host has learned the two techniques, Kamehameha and Final Flash" System speak to Rycon.

"Well it looks like it's time to test my new techniques"Rycon speak to himself.

Then Rycon come out of his house and transformed his house in capsule mode and then he flied to search for a high place to launch his attacks.

After searching for 10 minutes he found a place 15 km away from his house .

Rycon take deep breaths couple of times then he take a position and looking in the sky as Rycon yelled loudly and charged an energy in his palm.

KA... The atmosphere around him became heavy. Between the two palms of Rycon's hand a small size blue energy is being condense.

ME... Dark clouds started gathering which created lightings that striked the ground multiple times. The size of energy is now at the size of a Football ball.

HA... The area around him started to shake and the ground near him started to break, small rocks starting to rise, trees are trembling and at the same time when he powered up his Kamehameha. The size of the energy Ball is getting even bigger.

ME... With such tremendous pressure the nearby animals, birds and beast are panicking and running every where, some even are running towards Rycon.

HAAAAAA... Then he released the Kamehameha at full power, when he released it, he completely devastated

the surrounding area of 10 km in radius around him.

Rycon release the Kamehameha in the open sky, then a big *boom* can be heard as it hit the incoming lighting and pass through it at an astonishing high speed.

Somewhere else... 2.500 Km away from Rycon...

All over Profound Sky Continent, various sects, clans and the sacred grounds were aware of the energy phenomenon in the air. The phenomenon was impossible to be ignored and interrupted even cultivators in secluded or in state of meditation.

Somewhere on the Profound Sky Continent.

The old sage cultivating in the nearby mountain suddenly stood up and looked towards the direction of the source then he saw the light (Kamehameha). "Could it be the birth of a Supreme Genius?"

The old sage immediately sends a message towards his sect and orders to mobilize their elders to recruit this genius. If this genius is able to produce this kind of phenomenon. This genius will one day ascend into the realm of god's.

Somewhere in the Snowy Mountain Region.

Various female cultivators as well as their sect master suddenly points their head towards the signature of the energy.

"What kind of energy is that?" "What kind of monster able to produce this kind of phenomenon?" "Is it a monstrous genius?"

Their sect master actually thought and tried to find the genius to recruit him or her to her sect.

She immediately mobilizes her Sect guardians towards the source and find this genius. She will spare no effort in recruiting this genius even if the genius was a male. The energy also alerts one of their dazzling disciple in their sacred hall.

The phenomenon alerts everyone on Profound Sky Continent. Aside from cultivators, nearby Beasts are alerted as well and started to run and fly towards Rycon's position.

The birth of a new Supreme Genius. The ancient clans, sects and the sacred ground spared no effort in mobilizing their fastest ride and cultivators towards Rycon position. They noticed that cultivators from various sects are ahead of them. This time they must have the strength to fight them if situation is too dire.

All of them sent their group of people's such as Grand Elders, Elders, Elite Disciples and Inner & Outer Disciples from it's sides.

Back on Rycon side...

After he completely launch his Kamehameha it pulled a troll on his body and he exhausted most of his stamina and runout of energy.

Then he sense a huge amount of incoming people towards him at high speed.

Then Rycon takes a Senzu bean which recovered his stamina and power also heal his injury. then he suppressed his energy as he flies towards the Big City at high speed without leaving any clue about him.

Guys sorry for the late upload.. I have been on a trip on the recent days.. here's the chapter and enjoy

DeathSkullcreators' thoughts