
A Great Hero is Born

Orion wakes up on the new year to the sound of bird's chirping.

"Breakfast is ready!" his mom called.

Orion replies "Coming!"

Orion gets dressed and goes to eat.

As he sits down, his little sister, Oriana screams "Oh my god! Orion has a dragon marking on his neck!!".

His mom turns to look at Orion, "Oh my, you aren't joking." his mother said.

Orion laughs it off thinking they were joking.

"No seriously, you have the hero mark." said his mother.

"Stop joking, I don't have the hero mark, see?… Oh my god."

Orion looked at his reflection in a cup of water to prove he didn't have it, but sure enough, he did.

"I can't believe this, you must have drew something on my neck as a prank." Orion said while rubbing water on his neck to try to wash the mark off, but the hero mark started to glow instead of washing off.

"You have to believe me, you have the hero mark." said Oriana.

"Fine, I believe you, I just can't believe this." Orion said as his mom rushed off.

"Where are you going?" asked Oriana.

"Wait a bit!" his mother says as her voice starts fading away. As their mother came back, they see she has some gear in her arms.

"Is this for me?" Orion asked.

"Who else do you think this is for?" his mother said as she placed the armor on the table.

"Where did you even get this armor?" Oriana asks.

"This is your father's old gear." his mother said.

"Oh.." Orion's father had died while on a mission five years ago when Orion was 10 years old, Orion had cried for weeks after his father's death.

"Orion, we're gonna send you off to your journey tomorrow morning, okay?" his mother said.

Orion snapped out of his trace "Huh? Yeah, okay." he said.

The rest of the day, Orion's village celebrated.

After the celebration, Orion stared at his father's gear. As Orion looks at the sky he says "I wish you were still alive."

He went to sleep afterward.

The next morning, he woke up to his little sister's punch in the stomach "AGH!" he groaned.

"Wake up sleepyhead it's time to go!" his sister yelled.

"Alright! Alright! Let me get ready first." Orion put on his gear and went to eat breakfast.

After he ate breakfast, his village sent him off.

"Good luck out there!" his mother said.

"Thanks!" Orion said.