
Chapter Two_Good Sir, I Mean You No Harm

The moon was shining brightly that night, thankfully, as Nem slowly, gently left the streets and drove his ox into the paths that led to the Evergreen Tull Forest.

Normally, five or more servants went with him to fetch firewood for the Manor, but this night, he was going alone.

The night was cold, prompting him to wrap his cloak tightly around himself.

His ox dutifully followed his lead, the wooden cart making thumping noises as they trod further into the forest.

They got to a spot Nem deemed good enough, and he hung his lantern carefully on a tree branch, then tied his ox to another one.

He removed his cloak, rolled up his sleeves, got himself ready with his tools, and began to hack down some lithe trees.

He avoided the sturdy ones, as they would be too much trouble for him.

But the lithe ones were easy to cut down, and chop into smaller pieces.


Nem worked vigorously for a while, his axe and matchet swinging interchangeably, and after some hours, he decided he had gotten enough firewood.

He gathered the pieces of wood together, tied them in neat bundles, and heaved them into the cart.

He dropped five large bundles, then sat down wearily at the foot of a nearby big tree to rest, when he heard some earthshaking sounds, like a group of something huge frantically charging through the forest.

He heard the far neighing of a terrified horse, then high resounding hoofbeats of what sounded like other horses speedily galloping away, like their tails were lit on fire.

Nem stood up in fright, clutching his matchet and axe tightly in his fists, ready to attack anything that came towards him.

With bated breaths he waited, but nothing appeared.

Instead, he heard the belaboured grunts of a man in deep pain.

The person groaned repeatedly, and mumbled curse words like a litany.

Nem listened for a while, then he decided to cautiously investigate the source of the commotion.

He unhooked his lantern from the tree branch, and steadily, inch by inch, approached the area where the painful moans were coming from.

Nem came upon a man dressed all in black, who was sitting with his back resting on a tree, his hands severely clutching his shoulder and stomach.

Instantly he knew the man was deeply wounded, as the stench of blood on him was thick.

Sensing someone approach, the man raised his face, and Nem saw that he was wearing a faceless mask.

Nem hesitated a bit, but still decided to go closer.

He dropped his weapons, and carefully drew near the wounded man, only the lantern now held in his hand, and was almost amused by the man's feeble attempts to stand up.

"S-stop right t-there!" The man commanded in a halting, harsh voice, pain evident in the way he spoke.

Nem ignored his words and came to squat resolutely in front of him, making him draw in a pained breath, and open his mouth to say something.

But he didn't get to utter a word as he broke out in a coughing fit, nearly choking with the blood gurgling in his throat.

Nem let him cough and spit, then began to address him;

"Good Sir, I mean you no harm.

"I can see that you are gravely wounded.

"May I check your body, to know the extent of your wounds, and how I might help you?" He carefully asked the panting man.


Third Prince Dan eyed the youth speaking to him warily, from the eyeholes in his blank mask, then nodded once to show his acceptance.

He himself knew the extent of his injuries, and that he might even die in the forest.

Of course he was set up, but who?

Silently, he vowed to destroy the persons or people that wanted to end him.

Palace schemes...

He didn't find it strange that none of the men or servants with him had lent a hand, when a group of forest beasts from nowhere had charged at him, almost stampeding him to death, and his horse in a panic had thrown him hard on the ground, making him land painfully on his shoulder.

The said shoulder bones were almost crushed, and the gashes on his body were deep and severe, not to talk of the petrifying ones on his stomach.

Despite his sorry condition, and him barely clinging on to life, none of his men, not one, had followed him, or tracked him down to offer assistance, as he was kicked away from them by the trampling beasts, and disappeared from their sight.

And now, this strange youth in front of him was asking him for permission to check his body?

Laughing in self-mockery, Third Prince Dan let Nem carefully remove his clothes, and peer closely at his body.

He kept silent as the young man made his calculations, prodding here and there with his lithe but calloused fingers.

Nem was in his element, so he became more at ease, not minding the fact that he was before a total stranger, alone, and in a thick, dark forest.

He concluded his examinations, then spoke to the wounded man again;

"Good Sir, your wounds are grave but not untreatable.

"You will please wait here, let me go and pluck some herbs for your cure.

"I will not take long." He assured.

For answer, Third Prince Dan nodded again, barely suppressing a groan.

Nem gave him a small smile, then rose up with his lantern and tools.


He wandered into the forest, and carefully sought out the herbs and plants that he needed.

Fortunately, he found most of them, and gathered them in his clothes, then returned to his patient.

He apologized to the wounded man about the mode he would use in treating him, then proceeded to chew some of the herbs, mixing them with his saliva.

After chewing the herbs thoroughly, he spat out the gooey, thick paste, and applied it generously on the open wounds on the man's body.

Third Prince Dan moaned and grunted out in deep pain as Nem treated him.

Beads of perspiration broke out on his forehead, and his whole body was drenched with painful sweat, as he fought the urge to slap away Nem's hands on his body, due to the stinginess of the herbs.


After applying the herbs on the wounded man's body, Nem carefully reset his shoulder bones, chewed and applied more herbal paste on them.

He removed his own clothes, leaving only his undergarments on, then gently wore them on the wounded man.

He did this because the man was getting cold, and his clothes were soaked in blood.

It wouldn't do him well to put them on.

After dressing up the wounded man, Nem sat quietly in front of him, and carefully watched his reactions to his treatment.

The man's blank mask wouldn't let him see anything on his face, but his body language gave him away.

After some hours, the cool breeze in the forest lulled the man to a deep sleep, and Nem gently repositioned him on the tree he was resting on, so that he could sleep better.

The man's breaths evened out when he did this, then Nem placed his hand squarely on the man's chest, and began to pass warm, gentle currents of healing energy into his body.

The man relaxed further, even in his deep sleep, and Nem could feel all his broken bones reset themselves, and his wounds healing fast from the inside out.

Satisfied with the man's recovery process, Nem after some time withdrew his hand, then quietly went through his clothes and items.

The man's black clothes were of very good quality, the best, to be very honest.

He had a gold-handled sharp sword, a strong bow and a quiver full of iron-tipped arrows.

Nem also found a pouch full of gold coins, and a small jade tablet.

The jade tablet was inscribed with royal and military insignia, making Nem have a few clues about the identity of the man he treated.

Probably he was part of the royal forces, and was ambushed by assassins.

Staring at the jade tablet, Nem remembered his late mother's warnings that associating with the royal family could be troublesome.

But, he reasoned that despite having come in contact with the mysterious man, he would never see him again after tonight.

So he had nothing to be afraid of.

Consoling himself with these thoughts, Nem carefully put back the man's items, then hugged himself with his arms to keep out the night cold, praying for the day to break quickly.