
Legend of heziro the lazy hero

Hot_Trash · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Dragon Remora: Every legend has it's beginning and it's end but what makes each story different from the other is the strength, determination, and heart of the hero in the story, but for some reason I'm stuck with a lazy hero as my master you might ask why the reason is that he is very powerful one of the six legendary heroes a role that is rare, important, and it comes with lots of powers and yet this hero decided to become a lazy slacker.

Herziro Toski: Hey could you stop down talking me I mean literally I'm right here and I can hear every thing you said about, also could you keep it down *yawns* I'm trying to sleep.

Dragon Remora: Master could you consider taking on some new hobbies like going to the dungeon, search for a weapon, or something like that.

Heziro Toski: Fine to the dungeon we go then but only if you will stop nagging me and by the way put some clothes on you'll make me look like a perv.

Dragon Remora: Deal and what the point in clothes I'm going to transform out of this human form and turn into a dragon so we can get there faster.

Heziro Toski: Fine let's go