

James walked up onto the arena. On a seat to the right, Samantha waited anxiously for the match to begin. After their complication the previous night she had kept her distance but still decided to come watch James' fight.

"WELCOME BACK! AS YOU CAN SEE, ONLY 16 CONTESTANTS REMAIN IN THIS TOURNAMENT. AND NOW TO KICK OFF THE SECOND ROUND LIKE HE DID THE FIRST, IT'S JAMES!" called Macull from his balcony. The crowd cheered in pure excitement and ecstasy. Flags waves, banners were raised, and even red smoke was generated. But as quickly as it began, the cheers crumbled into mumbles as James' opponent limped onto the arena. The click of their walking stick seemed to infiltrate every possible point of James' body. Finally, the woman stood opposite James. She wore a purple shawl over her head and shoulders with a blue robe that looked five sizes too big for her. Macull broke the silence.


"Don't go too easy on me! I'd like a better challenge than last round!" called the woman. James didn't respond.

"3, 2, 1, BEGIN!" called Macull.

James shot forwards towards the woman, pulled his fist back, and punched forwards. His hand stopped millimetres away from the woman's cheek. She smiled an evil grin from behind her shawl and tapped the ground twice with her stick. James' eyes hazed over and his body moved into a standing alert position.

James found him self inside his mind. A thick purple haze had filled every crevice and hole and a purple sludge covered all the trees and plants. Even thought it was his mind, James felt as if he was being choked by the haze. Feeling his way through, James made his way towards the main tree. As he grew closer the haze lightened and his visibility increased until finally the tree was in sight. But James didn't feel pleased at all. While all the other trees were covered in the sludge, the main tree wasn't. Amongst the leaves and ivy, white flowers were blooming and scattering petals around forming a ring of purity that blocked the sludge while the blue ivy burned it.

"It really is you, isn't it. To be honest, I should have seen it coming. The memories shared from you to me were only a few days worth. As if you had been created on cue. A backup version of the original. Our training isn't complete I'm guessing?" said James. Out from the leaves a small white bird with a red chest and blue lines down it's back and wings glided down. Just before landing it transformed into the older version of James that James saw originally yet it was a much stronger looking person.

"Yes and no." said the omni-god. "But as much as I'd like to explain now, we have a match to win first. Your opponent, Garrow I believe, is a mind controller and this," they gestured to the purple sludge, "is her control of your mind. If it touches this tree you'll be under her complete control."

"So what do you want me to do?" asked James.

"Lose control." the omni-god's words were quick and precise. James was taken aback.

"No. I am never using my satanic powers ... EVER. They caused too much harm before and they're going to cause a lot more now.

"It's the only way. I can bring you back in control as soon as the match is over but you'll have to trust me. Ok?" asked the omni-god.

James raised his right hand up to waist height and looked at it. He clenched it quickly and it erupted into blue flames that lapped at his arm; desperate to take control and feed.

"As soon as the match is over." confirmed James. The omni-god nodded. James and the main tree both suddenly became engulfed in blue flames that spread quickly through his mind and burned all the purple sludge.

In the real world, James' body turned a few degrees to the left and began walking to the edge of the arena.

"I guess that other contestant was wrong about you. You aren't that dangerous after ... all ..." Garrow's words trailed off as she felt a strong grip on her shoulder. She froze as a electrical sensation ploughed it's way down her spine. She shakily turned her head to the right and looked at James with his head flopped forwards breathing heavily. He suddenly snapped up looking into her soul.

"This is going to be fun ... for me at least." said James with a sly grin on his face. He threw Garrow into the middle of the stage and exploded into blue flames.

The members crowd gasped in shock while other even ran away. Macull shifted in his seat continuously yet no position felt comfortable. James began walking towards Garrow and summoned a few blades above him. One blade rocketed into each sleave of Garrow's robe pinning her down and another two stabbed into the ground either side of her head; trapping her in place. Taking the last bade in his hands, James walked around Garrow taunting her until coming to a stop over her head.

"You like messing with people's minds, huh? Play with this." said James and he brought the blade down.

"I concede!" screamed Garrow and James's blade was stopped by a force just piercing her forehead. A small trickle of blood ran down the side of her head followed by tears.

"Garrow has conceded. James is the winner." said Macull. No one in the crowd cheered or even said a word.

James felt a sharp pain as if he had been punched in the face and snapped out of the satanic blitz. He dropped the blade beside Garrow's crying body, looked around at the crowd, and turned to leave the arena. The blades disintegrated and Garrow was assisted off the arena by some of the other contestants. Leaving Samantha and the cloaked person sitting in silence.

One smiling.

One shaking.