
The Conclave Council

The members of the Conclave Council arrived one after another at the conference hall. 

Malek, who arrived, first sat at the left side of the head seat of the round table. He watched in silence as the rest of the members sat down in their respective seats.

"Head Master," they greeted him.

Malek only nodded his head in response while he kept his attention at the conference hall's entrance.

He was actually waiting for Sigma. An hour ago, he sent a message to Sigma asking him about Kyran. When Sigma did not reply, he sent another message and told him he would go to the conference hall early and wanted him to come early alone. That way, they could talk before the others arrived.

Unfortunately, the rest of the members started to arrive, and Sigma was still nowhere in sight.

Thirty minutes to eight, Sigma finally arrived with Noir.

Malek slightly frowned. Did he not receive his message earlier?