
Basics of cultivation

As the soft morning light filtered through the windows of the small cottage, Li Wei found himself immersed in a state of deep concentration. Seated on a cushioned mat, he delved into the profound mysteries of cultivation, guided by the patient teachings of his master, Ling Xiu.

In his studies, Li Wei discovered the divisions of the cultivation stages. He learned that the path of cultivation was not a linear journey but a series of realms and levels, each offering its own unique challenges and breakthroughs. The cultivation stages were divided into foundational realms, core realms, and transcendent realms, each representing a significant step towards profound power and enlightenment.

Within the foundational realms, such as the Qi Condensation realm, cultivators refined and harnessed their Qi, gradually advancing through the nine heavenly layers. The first layer, known as the Azure Veil, marked the initial step into cultivation, where cultivators learned to sense and channel their Qi. With each subsequent layer, from the Verdant Leaf to the Golden Sun, their Qi grew stronger, purer, and more harmonized with the natural energies of the world. Ultimately, reaching the peak of the ninth layer, the Ethereal Frost, signified the pinnacle of the Qi Condensation realm, where cultivators became one with the essence of their Qi.

As Li Wei absorbed these insights, his thoughts drifted towards his master, Ling Xiu. *She saw something within me, something hidden and waiting to be unleashed,* he mused. *I can sense her faith in my potential, her belief in my ability to overcome any trial on this path of cultivation.*

In the quiet moments of reflection, Ling Xiu marveled at Li Wei's growth over the past four weeks. *He is like a seed, sprouting from the darkness into the light,* she thought. *With each passing day, his Qi becomes more refined, his control more precise. I see in him the embodiment of determination and resilience, qualities that will carry him through the challenges that lie ahead.*