
Legacy of Phoenix

A sequel story to " The Ascendent". For more : Read Epilogue.

Joker_9724 · Fantasie
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152 Chs

Chapter 1: The Lost Brothers

The sun had barely risen over the horizon when the Everwood Kingdom began to stir. Birds fluttered from treetop to treetop, filling the air with their morning song. But within the castle walls, the atmosphere was somber, weighed down by a secret that only a few knew.

King Garrick Everwood stood on the balcony of his private chambers, gazing out at his kingdom. The breeze swept through his hair, carrying with it the scent of the nearby forest. He was a man of great strength and wisdom, yet today, his face bore the signs of concern. The news from his most trusted advisors had been grave: his eldest son, Malakai, had returned to the kingdom with dark intentions.

Years earlier, when Malakai was only nineteen, he had orchestrated a plot to kill his infant brother, Jay, to ensure his claim to the throne. It was a brutal act, one that stunned the kingdom to its core. But Malakai's plot had failed. The baby, thought to be dead, had been secretly swapped with another child from a nearby village. Jay was then taken to an orphanage to live out his life away from the kingdom's intrigue.

However, Malakai's ambition did not end with that one act. Over the years, he had cultivated a network of allies, building a power base fueled by greed and cruelty. Now, he was back, and the kingdom braced for the chaos he would bring.

King Garrick sighed deeply, knowing he had little time left to set things right. He turned to face the nursemaid, who had taken care of Jay in his early years. She was a kind woman, her hair streaked with silver, her eyes gentle but filled with worry.

"Nurse Edith," the king said, his voice solemn, "it's time to bring Jay back to the castle. The kingdom needs him, even if he doesn't yet understand why."

The nursemaid nodded, her expression resolute. "I'll find him, Your Majesty. But the boy has grown up far from the castle's reach. He knows nothing of his lineage, or the danger he faces."

King Garrick nodded, the weight of his responsibilities bearing down on him. "I know, but we have no choice. Malakai will not rest until he has taken everything from me, from this kingdom. Jay is our only hope to stop him."

With that, Nurse Edith left the king's chambers, her steps quick and purposeful. She knew the orphanage where Jay had been raised, a small building on the outskirts of the kingdom, surrounded by a grove of ancient trees. The journey would take her the better part of the day, but she was determined to bring back the boy who had unknowingly escaped death.

As she rode through the forest, the sound of distant drums echoed in the air. It was a warning signal—the outer villages had spotted Malakai's forces, and they were moving toward the kingdom's heart. The nursemaid urged her horse to go faster, knowing that time was running out.

Meanwhile, at the orphanage, Jay Everwood was preparing for another day of work. He was a simple boy, with no knowledge of his royal lineage. His hair was jet black, his eyes a vibrant blue, and his demeanor gentle yet determined. The other orphans looked up to him, not just because he was older, but because he was kind and always willing to help.

Jay knew nothing of the chaos that was brewing in the kingdom. To him, the world was simple—a place where he could work hard, help others, and find joy in the small things. But that was about to change. As he stacked firewood outside the orphanage, he heard the distant sound of hooves approaching fast.

Nurse Edith burst through the gate, her face flushed from the ride. She dismounted and rushed toward Jay, her eyes filled with urgency. "Jay," she said, her voice breathless, "you must come with me. There's no time to explain, but you're needed at the castle. It's about your family."

Jay's heart raced with confusion and fear. He had never known his family, never known the life beyond the orphanage. But something in Nurse Edith's eyes told him that this was serious, and he couldn't afford to hesitate.

"Okay," he replied, his voice steady despite the turmoil in his heart. "Lead the way."

As they rode back toward the castle, the sounds of chaos grew louder. Malakai's forces were closing in, and the kingdom was on the brink of war. Jay didn't know what was coming, but he knew that his life was about to change forever.