
Lu - The Trickster - Part 3

A few clocks later we got at the zone where the battle between knights and civilians of Oridea against a big army of cannibals. As we got there, we saw knights on the ground, killed or mortally wounded. We immediately saw cannibals trying to go into this village and trying to put the knights down, but they were always pushed back by strong knights in armor.

Fiona and with Lu quickly jumped from the horse.

"Lu! You are going on the battlefields!"

"On it!" says Lu transforming his stick into a spear.

"Judah!" says Fiona looking at me as I get down the horse. "Heal any person fallen on the ground! Quick!"

"Yes!" I say to Fiona and I quickly begin my healing procedure.

Lu and Fiona are running to the knights to aid in their fighting. While I am going at the first knight who can barely breathe. I got at him, looked at his wounds and I saw an arrow on his leg and a cut at his chest area. Thankfully, it wasn't a vital area, and no poisonous arrows to stop the healing magic, so I applied the healing magic on his wounds like I usually do when a fight is happening.

"Thanks, kid!" replies the knight getting up after the healing was done. "I appreciate your help!"

"You're welcome!" I say to the knight giving him the sword next to him, and looking at him running to the battlefield with the sword prepared.

I go to the next body of the knight, who is laying on the ground. I analyzed the body, and I saw a cut on his neck. I checked his pulse and could still the heart still beating. Immediately I used the healing spell on his cut which has regenerated slowly, but efficiently because later, he got up to his feet, thanked me, took the sword and shield and got back to the battlefields.

My eyes saw another body on the ground, crawling. I got at him, heal him fast enough to be able to stand up, and run away from the battlefields, screaming and crying. What a squeak and bastard! I literally waste a part of my mana on healing him, only to see him running from the battlefields. And he didn't even thank me for this.

"Help!" I hear someone screaming from my behind, coming with five arrows on his back. "Help! I need healing!"

The person falls on his knees, and before he was about to fall with his face on the ground. I caught, took the arrows one by one in a fast speed, and proceed to heal him with left hand, the holes he got on his back, They were quickly disappearing for them, letting the back of the knight be the same as earlier. He slowly gets up to his feet, looked at me confused.

"You kid have healed me?"

"Yes." I respond to the person.

"Thank you! You saved my life."

"I was doing my job. Please, go and rest somewhere."

"Understand!" says the topless knight leaving the battlefield with his spear.

I looked behind at that knight for a few moments, and then I hear a crying, not far from me. I looked at the direction where the crying was coming, there was a girl, crying over the body of a boy, probably older than her. I run to that body, where the girl stopped crying and stared at me. I looked at the boy body and I saw something truly terrifying. His face doesn't exist, only the skeleton and blood were there, but the rest of the body were still there. I checked the pulse, but nothing, not a single beat in almost one minute. I looked sad at the corpse, because there is nothing my magic could've done to heal him and bring him back to life.

"I cannot heal him." I respond to the little girl who continues to sob. "You have to leave him! It is not safe here!" I say to her grabbing her shoulder and trying to move her from that body, but she was grabbing it hard enough. She doesn't want to let the body go.

Thankfully, a soldier saw us, and come to help me take the little girl and the boy corpse away from us. The knight was Josh, the one I meet him a few months ago on the battlefield. We put the little girl and the body of the boy into a house, where other villagers are hiding from the dangers of this battlefield.

As we did that, we run back to the battlefields, helping the knights at their battle and saving civilians who have gotten at the mess and require our help. It is a tough time for me, but it is also tough for other knights as well.

When I got close to a river, there I saw dozens of cannibal's bodies, all dead by swords or poisonous arrows. I also saw a few corpses of knights, either killed by weapon, decapitated or eaten by the cannibal's corpses net to them. I saw a knight who was raising his hands for help. I run at him, and quickly heal his wounds. He got two arrows shots on his chest plus a cut on his left leg.

After this healing, my body proceeded to feel weak. I have almost fallen on the river, but I managed to keep my balance and carry on this tremendous task I have to pull off. I looked around me and saw a knight coming at me, he looked at me, and then he asks me.

"Are you alright, man? Looks like you are exhausted."

"Yeah. I am fine." I say to the knight who then let me go, and he looks around.

"Look, kid! This fight is no joke. You gotta leave it."

"I can't! I have to help everyone I can."

"Kid! Listen, the adults are having under-", then, an arrow hits the back of that knight. He screams and falls next to me.

I quickly jumped to work. I took the arrow down quickly and used my healing spell on his area he got shoot. After the healing was done, I get up and continue to look for injured people. The knight I healed gets up, and he leaves me alone, going to the battlefield to beat the warrior who dared to shoot on his back.

After a few moments of walking on this war zone, I came across a squire like me, walking slowly and with blood on almost everywhere. I ran at him, and used my healing powers on his body. He saw me approaching me, and when he noticed that I heal him, he looked at me, and he asks me.

"Why are you saving me?"

"That is my job." I respond to the squire when my healing was done. "You gotta hide or fight now.", then I started to lose my balance, but the squire caught me, and he told me.

"You need rest." says the squire who is probably as the same age as me. "Quick. Let's move somewhere safe."

And he carries me to one of the cabins close to the village. But as he continued to carry me to safety, I was slowly starting to lose my consciousness. Guess I overdid the healing spells yet again on the much more serious wounds rather than light or small wounds. Hope Fiona won't be mad about this.