
Hunting a Blind Man, Part 2

"Where are we going?" I ask Gregonson after we stopped in a station where carriages are located and transport travellers or people who are travelling far away and also who are having money on him to use such carriages.

"The location where that man was last seen was at three cities far away from here," responds Gregonson while both are walking to a man who is occupying with the administration of carriages using in travels. "One carriage to Odlakhoma, please."

"Odlakhoma?" asks the man looking suspiciously at us, and then he raised his hands to us, opened his palm. "That would me four gold coins per passager."

I and Gregonson are handing to man four gold coins, which is a total of eight gold coins. The man took the money, he inserts it in his pocket from the vest, and then he showed us where the carriages we are going to enter, it is the one with the number seventeen. He also told us to enter the carriage, not touch anything and wait for the driver to appear, which will take them to the location.

While we are withing for the driver to come, I opened the spellbook and check some spells which are might going to help us in this hunting. While I am checking a spell that transforms any animal into stones, I saw Gregonson doing that weird pose was doing last time, the pose he is calling meditation. He was meditating until the driver arrived and he asked them where to go exactly.

"In the forests close to Odlakhoma."

"I understand." responds the driver which jumped on the driver seat, use his whip to make his horses go and transport the carriages.

While we were leaving the station, I saw a lot of people on the streets, walking with lots of goods on their hands, backs, and even one lady who was carrying a giant bowl on her head with wheat. This image you can see in almost every busy city, but today it is different because it is too busy like on a normal day. You see, tomorrow it will be the birth of the sun, and on that day, most of the workers and people will celebrate it by singing the song of the sun when the morning is coming, eating in his honour and dancing the popular dance, but tomorrow, I and the sisters are packing our things and going to their parents.

"Gregonson?" I asked him after a while before we left the city.

"Yes, Judah?" asks Gregonson opening his eyes.

"What is the deal with the suit?"

"... You mean my chuba?"

"It is called chuba? I thought it was a dress."

"Ha! Ha! Don't worry. everyone can do these types of mistakes." says Gregonson not being triggered by my reaction.

"I understand. But also, how can you walk like that in Winter? I mean, it must be cold by doing that?"

"It doesnt matter." says Gregonson. "From where I come from, the winter it much harsher than here. I could even walk in my underwater if I wanted but I don't because that would be disrespectful to the gods I am worshipping and also, that would make my knight... Wanting to take my life." he said this thing in such a sad tone, it makes me wanted to kill that man and free Gregonson from him.

I took a look outside the window, and I saw in the sky a dragon rider using his dragon. Gregonson also saw that man riding the giant creature who is spitting fire. This is not the first time I have seen that kind of thing in the sky, in war, I saw a lot of them, but outside of war, it seems different. Gregonson also told me the nobles are using this type of thing as we, peasants, are using to arrive in locations from a far distance. Some kind of a carriage but without horses and in the sky. It must be fun and scary going somewhere like that.

After a few moments, I have decided to close my spellbook, putting in the backpack and wait together with Gregonson when we will arrive at our destination which will be in a few minutes. So I have decided to ask Gregonson if he can wake me up when we will arrive at that place, but after a few seconds, he instantly sleeps because I could hear him snoring. At this moment, I have concluded... Stay awake and wake up Gregonson when we will arrive.


Meanwhile, in the city where Fiona and Diana are living...

"Fiona!" yelled his big sister from the kitchen.

"Yes?" says Fiona coming out from the backyard with her left hand in Vewolf form.

"Can you go to the Carriages and rent one?" asks Diana trying to cut the skin out of an animal who looks like an Ailuropoda melanoleuca (Panda bear) but with yellow and blue furs. "I need to deliver this type of fur and skin to the village Odlakhoma."

"Sure..." says Fiona who was about to leave, but then she stops and asks her sister. "Have you seen, Judah this morning?"

"No." responds her sister while she is using her knife to cut the fur from Panda bear belly. "I haven't seen him since last night. Is he at his room?"

"No. I checked a few minutes ago and it isn't there."

"It must be around this city. Maybe with one of his friends or at the Orphanage. And anyway, don't worry, the guy is strong enough to take care of himself."

"... Yeah. But, I hope this will not happen like last time." says Fiona which has made her sister stop with her work.

"That time was different, Fiona. Back then you weren't prepared and the one was an asshole who wanted to violate you. Now, Judah, it is much more different than that one asshole. Now, go and rent that carriage, please."

"Alright." says Fiona who has decided not to waste her sister precious time with these silly questions.

Fiona puts on her winter clothes, leaves the house, but before she was about to leave, she realizes her vewolf arm was turned on, so he transforms her arm into the normal one because she doesn't want to attract anyone attention. After all, not many people know about her vewolf powers. The only people who know about this are the king, his teammates, Judah, her family and also his knight who has trained her. She saw the pathway being cleaned and the shovel being put in a snow pile, and Fiona smiled because this Judah guy, really helps her at almost anything.

"It was a good choice to take that kid, here." she said while he opened the gate.

She closes the gate and heads on foot to the shop where Grgonson and Judah were earlier to rent a carriage that will transport Diana with her good in Odlakhoma. But she doesnt know that Judah was there, and also, she does not know someone is following her.


A few moments later, Judah and Gregonson left the next village, which the driver has stopped there buy some water because he was probably dehydrated. When he comes back, he also took a bag with meat and food for horses, hay. A medium amount for both horses to eat it. He put the hay there and he sits on the driver seats, while his horses are finished with their meal, which would be in five minutes.

When the horses have finished, our journey to the city where the blind man could be located continues without any stops.