
Legacy of a Teen Ghoul

Eric is reincarnated to the world of Legacies / Teen Wolf as a Ghoul

IamAlwaysListless · TV
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14 Chs

Tests 1

Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN Legacies, Tokyo Ghoul, and Teen Wolf. They belong to their respective owners.

"" Talking

'' Thinking

** Sound effects



[Author's Note: Sorry, I wasn't able to upload last week. To make it up for it, I will upload one more chapter in a couple of days.]

"Each of these weights weighs about 60 pounds (27 Kg), we are going to stack two of them on the barbell to see how much you can carry. We will increase them by two each time you can carry them without an issue," Mr. Saltzman said.

"Ok, I understand," Eric said.

"Good, so I will go and add them," Mr. Saltzman said as he added a 60 pounds weight to each side of the barbell.

"Here you go, try it," Mr. Saltzman said after adding the weights.

Eric went ahead and lifted the weights. "I can barely feel lifting anything," Eric said.

"Ok, then let's add some more," Mr. Saltzman said as he added more weights.

After adding two more weights the total amount of weights were now 240 pounds (109 Kg).

"What about now?" Mr. Saltzman said when he saw Eric lifting the weights over his head.

Eric shook his head, and to demonstrate it, he even lifted it one handed without any difficulties.

"Ok, then it seems that we are way off, so let's double the weights," Mr. Saltzman said as he added two more weights to each side.

Eric then proceeded to lift the weights again, but this time he only used one hand. He again lifted it quite easily without breaking a sweat.

Mr. Saltzman then doubled the weights again, and said: "This is now, 960 pounds (435 Kg), can you lift it?"

Eric then used one of his hands to lift the weights.


This time Eric was only able to lift the weights a few inches off the ground before letting go. But then used both of his hands and lifted it over his head easily.

"Okay, then we will add another 240 pounds each time you can lift them up. And by the way, can you help me a bit. I am getting old and this has gotten me tired," Mr. Saltzman said.

"Fine by me, but is she going to just stare at us like that?" Eric pointed towards Hope and said.

"Why? What is the problem?" Mr. Saltzman asked.

"It is just a little bit creepy. Ever since we got here she has just stood there like a statue, without saying even a single word," Eric said.

"It's not like I wanted to be here in the first place," Hope said.

"Then why are you here?" Eric asked which Hope didn't answer his question.

"I know that you want to go and spend time with your little boyfriend, and trust me I also don't like to be stared at by two people while lifting weights, but if you are a little bit more cooperative then we would get this done faster, then everyone can go their merry way," Eric said. After saying this Hope helped Mr. Saltzman and added the weights to the barbell.

"By the way, can the bar handle this much pressure?" Eric asked Mr. Saltzman.

"Yes, the barbell's bar is made of a special alloy, and is able to withstand about 1600 pounds of weight," Mr. Saltzman answered.

"Oh, good," After saying this Eric lifted the barbell over his head which now weighed 1200 pounds (544 Kg).

They added another batch of weights, which Eric lifted it again.

"This is the last set of weights that this bar can handle, let's see how it goes," Mr. Saltzman said sighing as he added another set of weights which made the total weight 1600 lbs (725 Kg).

Again, Eric was able to lift the weights, but this time with some difficulties.

"You are very strong, stronger than the vampires at this school, but not as strong as some of the supernatural beings out there, but still strong enough," Mr. Saltzman said.

Eric shrugged but didn't answer.

"Now let's continued with the test, but this time outside," Mr. Saltzman said, as both Hope, and Eric followed him outside to a football field.

"This is where we play the game of wickery," Mr. Saltzman was saying when Eric interrupted.

"The game of wickery, what the hell is that?" Eric asked.

"It's a cross between quidditch and American football," Hope suddenly answered.

"Couldn't you find a better name? That is a mouthful," Eric said but this time Hope didn't answer.

"As I was saying before I was interrupted. In this pitch, we play the game of wickery. It has a length of 110 yards (100 meters). The vampires in this school can traverse the pitch in about two seconds, give or take, let's see how long you take," Mr. Saltzman explained.

"Go, and stand at the end of the pitch, and I am going to take the time for you to reach this side," Mr. Saltzman said.

Eric walked slowly to the end of the pitch, and after a few moments, he reached it.

"Ok, now I am going to count from one to three, when I yell three, run as fast as you can," Mr. Saltzman said.



"Three, go!" Mr. Saltzman yelled.

After hearing three, Eric ran as fast as he could and quickly reached the other side of the pitch.

"So, you took a little more than 3 seconds to reach this side of the pitch, not the fastest, but good nonetheless," Mr. Saltzman said.

"It is fine by me before I couldn't do it in 15 seconds, much less three, so I see that as an absolute win," Eric answered.

"Great," Mr. Saltzman said with a smile.

"Before we continue with our tests, let me ask you a question," Mr. Saltzman said.

"Okay, go ahead," Eric answered.

"Other than sharper senses, being faster, and more powerful, are there any differences that you feel?" Mr. Saltzman inquired.

"Other than them, there is something different about me," Eric answered.

"I think there is something in my lower mid back," He continued.

"A cramp?" Alaric asked.

"What?! Of course not, what kind of question is that?" Eric reprimanded.

"It is like, there is something there, that would come out if I want it to. It is kind of hard to describe what I am feeling exactly"

Both Mr. Saltzman and Hope looked at Eric suspiciously when Hope said "Okay, then show it to us,"

"No Hope, it could be dangerous," Mr. Saltzman said.

"Don't worry, I can handle it," Hope answered.

Mr. Saltzman sighed, and said: "Fine,"

"Okay," Eric said.


[Important Author's Note] Before commenting on why the MC is weak, let me explain my thought process. If you have seen or read Tokyo Ghoul, you would know that Kaneki wasn't very powerful from the beginning, but he was able to get powerful eventually. That is the same situation for our MC. He isn't very powerful, but he will be.

There is another thing that I also want to address, and that is about the pace of this fic, and the lack of action scenes.

Before addressing that I want to thank all of my readers for sticking and having patience. But if I remember correctly, I had said that this novel will be slow paced and isn't action packed. And if you have watched Legacies, you would know that there isn't much action in it, to begin with. But it won't be all slice of life, I haven't added action scenes because it is only the beginning of the story.