
Legacy of a Teen Ghoul

Eric is reincarnated to the world of Legacies / Teen Wolf as a Ghoul

IamAlwaysListless · TV
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14 Chs

A New World 3

Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN Legacies, Tokyo Ghoul, and Teen Wolf. They belong to their respective owners.

"" Talking

'' Thinking

[Important Author's Note] So I made a slight change to the first chapter (Epilogue). Because I literally forgot the only reason I decided to write the cliche trope of MC dying and meeting a ROB ( ≖.≖). I made him see a ROB because I wanted him to be the sole Ghoul in this world.


"Fu*k!!" Scott cursed himself as he watched the released arrow hit the white haired man squarely on his chest near his heart.

{a few minutes ago}

Eric was waiting patiently for his body to regain its functions but to no avail. 'How long has it been? This is like sleep paralysis on steroids, so much worse. In sleep paralysis, you can at least open your eyes but I can't even do that now,' Eric was thinking to himself but suddenly an unpleasant sound grabbed his attention.




Then the delicious smell that Eric was smelling before intensified. 'Did someone die?! Please, god, no. I don't wanna die, I just died and got reincarnated. I wanna live this life because I don't think I will get another chance.'

"Ralf, noooo!" Eric heard Landon shout.

'Yep, someone is definitely dead. Is that delicious smell from blood? Hope not, I hope that the enhanced ghoul will include drinking blood like vampires in this universe. If I can drink animal blood that is the best option. I really don't like to eat humans!!' Eric was thinking to himself while having a small mental breakdown.

Eric was feeling worried and didn't pay attention to anything else until his attention was drawn by the sound of a wolf howling followed by hooves touching the ground, and finally a thumping sound.

'What the heck is happening?' Eric thought to himself.

Eric tried to pay more attention to his surroundings until he heard a new voice.

'Who is the new guy? Are we going to be saved?' Eric thought.

After a few moments, he figured out the intention of the newcomer, which was to save them from their kidnapper, and apparently, the thumping sound was their kidnapper falling to the ground.

'It's about damn time to get out of this fu*king chains. But even if they free me it is not like I can move my body anyway! How long more will it take?' Eric sighed inwardly and smelt the newcomer walking towards him.

Eric felt the newcomer whose name's he found out was Scott, starting to undo his chains when he suddenly froze, and then throw something.

'Wha-' Eric was thinking when he suddenly heard the cursed sound again.



'FUUUUUU*K. Get that thing out of me! That think fu*king hurts! Please! Please!' Eric thought in anguish.

Eric wanted to scream, shout, and roll on the ground because of the pain, but he could do none of them. But then suddenly he started to get the feel of his body back, it could have been due to adrenaline or simply the time was right, but either way, he was glad. The first thing that he wanted to do was to break the chains and get that arrow out of his heart, but the chains proved to be more than capable of containing him so his struggle was for naught. He opened his eyes to look for someone when he saw somebody staring at him wide eyed.

"What are you staring at? Get me out of this damn thing, quickly!" Eric shouted at the person. The person in the stupor finally regained his bearing and quickly went to undo Eric's chains.

"Hurry up man!" Eric urged the person.

"Don't rush me, I am doing my best. This is the fastest I can go!" the person said.

"That's easy for you to say when you don't have a literal arrow in your fu*king heart!" Eric retorted back.

"Here, it is done," the person said. After hearing this Erick quickly got out of the chains and reached out to pull out the arrow from his chest.

'I've got this, I can do this. This can't be worse than what I am feeling right now, so let's count to three and then do it quickly,' Eric thought to himself while still holding the arrow.





"AAAAAHHHHH," Eric shouted loudly.

'That was definitely way worse, it was so fu*king painful,' Eric thought while still feeling the hellish pain.

"Are you ok?" the teen said.

"Do I seem ok to you?" Eric knew that this person was not at fault in here, and was his savior but he could do nothing other than lashing out to him due to pain he was feeling.

After a few moments, the pain that Eric was feeling had subsided slightly and he finally started to pay attention to his surroundings. He saw a curly haired teenager weeping over the body of a dark skinned teenager, and his savior, which now that he has paid more attention was looking just like the younger version of the actor Tyler Posey, was starting to breathe quickly.

"Why are you breathing so fast? Are you ok?" Eric asked Scott.

"N-o I Ju-st ki kil-led so-meo-ne, No, No th-at c-an't b-e hap-pening!" Scott said with difficulty while starting to lower his back while clutching his throat.

Eric quickly went towards Scott and helped him to sit on the ground with his back to the trees upright, and said "Calm down buddy, take deep breaths, slowly. Just think about the things that you enjoy doing,"

Scott's breathing patterns were starting to get better. Eric continued "That it, you are doing a great job, just take deep breaths slowly, and everything will be ok,"

After a few moments, Scott's breathing returned to normal, and told Eric "Thank you, that was really helpful,"

"No problem, you helped me earlier as well. By the way, I apologize for the way I treated you earlier, that wasn't cool at all. You were trying to help, and I was being an as*hole," Eric replied.

"No problem, if I had an arrow sticking out my chest I probably would have reacted the same. That looked really painful," Scott said.

"Oh, you have no idea," Eric answered.

"Oh, by the way, how is your wound?" Scott asked.

Now that Eric was thinking about it, he couldn't feel any discomfort in his chest, much less pain. He looked at the place where the arrow punctured his chest and said "It is completely healed," Eric said.

"Huh. How is that possible. I saw with my own eyes arrow hitting your chest and then you pulled it out, so how can that be?" Scott retorted.

"I don't know, see for yourself," Eric said and lifted his t-shirt to show his supposed wound which there was no trace left of it.

"H- How is that possible?!" Scott asked.

"I am just as clueless as you are," Eric shrugged and said.

In reality, Eric knew what was going on but didn't want to tell anyone that he knows about supernatural beings and him being a ghoul.

"Oh right, we haven't introduced myself, my name is Eric what is your name?" Eric asked.

"I am Scott. I would've hoped to meet you in a better situation than this," Scott said.

"Yeah, we have two giant elephants in the room that we should address," Eric answered.

"So what should we d-" Eric signaled Scott to quieten down, he also signaled Landon but he got no response from him.


'Sh*t, I wasn't paying attention, and now two people are approaching. What should I do? Should I flee? Or should I fight? Scott is a main character, so he should be able to survive, I also can run if the situation gets worse, and if the worst comes, I should be able to defend myself. So let's see what is going to happen,'

After a few short moments, both Eric and Scott heard the sounds of footsteps approaching.