
Legacy of a Teen Ghoul

Eric is reincarnated to the world of Legacies / Teen Wolf as a Ghoul

IamAlwaysListless · TV
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14 Chs

A New World 1

Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN Legacies, Tokyo Ghoul, and Teen Wolf. They belong to their respective owners.

"" Talking

'' Thinking


[Third POV]

In a relatively quiet part of the Mystic falls more than a dozen people, be it old and young, are gathered and they are paying attention to two teenagers who do not look older than 18 years old. One of the teenagers has curly hair and the other one is of African American descent and is taller than the other one.

"Triple or nothing," a middle aged man with a fedora hat said to two teenagers.

"Sir, we've already taken your money twice," the curly-haired one said with a frown.

"How 'bout a hundred?" the middle aged man said with a smile while showing a hundred dollar bill between his index and middle fingers.

"But I want him to do it in ten seconds," he pointed towards the taller teenager while looking at both with a grin.

"Start the clock," the curly teenager said while the taller one was frowning.

The taller African American one swiftly jumped up high and took hold of the emergency staircase and climbed the building with an inhumanely fast speed. After reaching the top of the building he quickly jumped down the building under the astonished gaze of the crowd of people.

"Guess we won this time too," the curly one said to the middle aged man smugly. His friend came to him and said "Ok, that is enough, let's get out of here," and they both left a speechless crowd behind, but neither of them saw that someone was looking at them with malicious intent.


'Uhh, my head hurts, where am I? Ahhh, I remember now, I just got reincarnated into legacies' Eric thought to himself, feeling a little disoriented. He could feel that he was standing and something like a chain was wrapped around his body and something behind that to keep him in his place.

'Damn, why can't I open my eyes? I just got reincarnated and now I am kidnapped. Great, really FUCKING GREAT. COULDN'T YOU HAVE DROPPED ME SOMEWHERE SAFE DAMMIT,' Eric thought angrily. He can't control his body at all. It is like having sleep paralysis but worse because he can't even open his eyes.

Eric waited like this for a few minutes. These few minutes were the worst few minutes of his life. It felt like hours, even getting hit by the truck kun was less agonizing than this. It doesn't hurt him but the feeling of not having any kind of control over your own body is just the worst feeling.

'FUCK, FUCK, FUCK. WHY DOESN'T IT FUCKING END?' As Eric thought of this he slowly started to get in control over his body.

'Finally, I can feel my own fucking body, I would have gone insane if it lasted even one more minute,' Eric released a sigh of relief.




'What is that smell so delicious? It is unlike anything that I have smelled before. There are three different yet delicious smells out there, one of them a bit less delicious than the other two. I can also smell the grass, so I am probably in a jungle, park, or private property. I can't be in a park because it is somewhere public so I should be in one of the latter,'

"UGHHH" then Eric heard the rustle of chains near him and two people groaning. They both seemed male because of their deep voices.

Eric still couldn't fully control his body and open his eyes so the only thing that he could do was just to be patient.

"Raf," 'Yep, definitely man' Eric thought as he heard one of them call the other.

[Third POV]

"Lan," Eric heard as the other person named Raf called the first one.

"You ok?" Raf asked Lan.

"I don't think either of us is, what the heck, happened?" Lan said.

"Yeah, I dunno man, one minute we were talking and the next minute, bam, everything went black and we woke up here, tied to a tree," Raf said.

"Who is the other guy?" Lan asked Raf while pointing his head towards a white haired man who looked unconscious. His head was dropped so neither of them could see his face.

"I dunno, he is also chained like us," Raf said.

"Do you think he is alive?" Lan asked.

"I can see his stomach move so he is still alive," Raf said.


Both Lan and Raf heard a twig snapping and footsteps so they both redirected their gaze towards the source of the sound from the white haired man.

They both saw the man with a fedora, who they were talking to in the city walking towards them with a crossbow in his hands. They started to struggle out of their chains but to no avail.

"Stop struggling, both of you. I was a boy scout when I was young, so I know how to tie things down," They heard the middle aged man say and they struggled even more.

"You know, it is very stupid to act like that in public, to use your powers in front of that many people, but thankfully you made my job way easier," the hooded figure said while pulling the hood off of his face.

"What are you going to do to us?" Lan asked the man warily.

"Your best friend here is something that I despise greatly, and I wanna rid the world off of him, but I am not sure what I am going to do with you two," the man said while pointing at the white haired man.

"WHAT?! WHY? WE HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?" Lan asked while Raf was looking at the man with fear.

"You see, someone was murdered recently, and the cause of death was supposedly an animal attack, only half of her body was found, the police are looking for her other half as we speak, doesn't it sound familiar? It sounds to me like a werewolf attack, aka your friend" The man said.

"We didn't do anything, and even if it is a werewolf attack, Raf isn't the only werewolf out there. You just want to kill him because someone was killed by a supposed werewolf and you want to kill Raf without any kind of evidence because of it?" Landon questioned.

"Now that you put it that way, it sounds kinda wrong," the man said while looking thoughtful.

"So, please untie us," Raf said.

"Sorry, I can't do it," the man said.

"WHA- but why??" Landon asked.

"It really doesn't matter whether or not he is responsible for this murder, because he has killed someone, that's how you become a werewolf," the man explained.

"BUT, IT WAS AN ACCIDENT?" Raf said despairingly.

"So, you are cool with accidental murder? Cool," the man said.



[Author's Note]

It has come to my attention that some people don't count two love interests as Harem. Harem means polygamy, and polygamy means having more than one lover at the same time. I just wanted to say that my fic will be monogamy, which means one lover. Just wanted to clear things up a bit more.