
Legacy: G.O.T.

"Dying on the battlefield is not always the end. For a veteran military operative, it is just the beginning of an existence in a world he could never have imagined. Reincarnated as a boy in a Dornish tribe, 300 years before the conquest in the 'Game of Thrones' universe, this man must learn to live and thrive in an environment beyond his comprehension. Armed with memories and abilities from his past life, he has the opportunity to influence the history of a world ruled by crowns and swords. But before he can dream of dragons and castles, he must first learn to survive in the inhospitable wilderness of Dorne. 'Legacy: G.O.T.' is the story of a man born of two worlds, seeking to leave his mark on the sandy landscape of Dorne. In a new but familiar world, he must deal with the challenges of survival and the constant struggle for power. Our protagonist will realize that even in the most adverse conditions, one can forge a lasting legacy." ....................... He clarified that I am not the owner of Game of Throne or anything like that. I also tell you that this is my first novel so don't wait too long, I do it to pass the time more than anything. I also tell them that English is not my first language, I translate it with google translate any inconsistencies, you know why.

Blackstarbor · Bücher und Literatur
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10 Chs

Chapter 2: A new dawn

Time was difficult for Solren to track . At this early stage in his life, each day resembled the one before. But as he got used to his new reality, he began to notice subtle changes in his environment. He assumed that, since his birth, about two months had passed.

Solren did not fully understand the language she heard around her, but it was similar to what she had heard in her previous life. The consonants and vowels were articulated differently, but the cadence and structure were surprisingly familiar. Although she couldn't speak, she struggled to understand words and sounds, as they represented her only way of interacting with this world.

His new life was full of unknown stimuli. He was in constant contact with his mother's skin, a soft, warm touch that was reassuring and safe. Through his arms, she felt the steady beating of her heart, a sound that had become a quiet beacon in her new and unknown world. Although she couldn't see clearly, she could feel the presence of others around her, and she felt their gentle touches and soft voices.


The nights were particularly intriguing for Solren . There were no electric lights, of course, so when the sun went down, darkness descended. Only the soft light of the moon and stars graced the sky, accompanied by the occasional torch lit by the tribesmen. The young baby could not see the stars clearly, but he could feel the coolness of the night and the change of activity around him.

The temperature also changed throughout the day. During the day, the heat was intense, even for a newborn who spent most of his time in the shade. However, during the night, temperatures dropped markedly, and Solren was wrapped in furs to keep warm.

In this new world, the role played by his senses also changed. Hearing had become especially important to him. He listened to the sounds of the tribe: the giggly gossip of the women, the serious debates of the men, the playful cries of the children, and the lively chants at the end of the day. He listened to the sounds of nature: the constant hiss of windblown sand, the rustle of sporadic plant leaves, the distant howl of a nocturnal beast.


The smells were as diverse as the sounds. There was the scent of clean, dry desert air, the pungent scent of the spices the women used in their meals, the smell of smoke from the campfires, and of course, the unmistakable stench of animals and people living together in a small space.

To Solren , the language of her parents seemed to be some kind of fusion between what she remembered as English and Latin from her past life. They were a mixture of familiar and strange sounds, combined in a way that sounded almost poetic. Even as a baby, he began to pick up on certain sounds, associating them with actions and emotions. His keen sense of observation, combined with his past experience, allowed him to understand, at least in a rudimentary way, the language around him.

It was a whole new and different world, but Solren was beginning to accept it and adjust to it. She couldn't explain how she got here, and she certainly couldn't go back. Therefore, he decided to go ahead. She wouldn't let her bewilderment stop her from taking advantage of this second chance at life.

Despite everything, Solren did not forget her former life. That experience formed a big part of who he was. It gave him a perspective and a skill set that most babies didn't possess. He decided that he would use these gifts for his benefit, and perhaps for the benefit of the tribe as well.


Going from a military man to a baby was certainly a big transition for Solren . However, with each new day, he began to embrace his new life more. In his old life, he was at the mercy of rules and regulations, constantly risking his life on dangerous missions. But now, despite the difficulties of living in a desert and medieval environment, he felt a freedom and a peace that he had never experienced before.

Time in this world seemed to move differently. The days passed slowly, marked by the movements of the sun and moon instead of clocks and calendars. Solren began measuring time by changes in his environment and in himself. He grew rapidly, and was soon able to move on his own. He also realized that he was beginning to understand the language of his parents and other members of the tribe.

As she grew accustomed to her new life, Solren began to develop a plan. He knew he was different, and he decided to use that difference to benefit his tribe. He had knowledge and skills that most people in this world did not possess. But instead of fearing these differences, he accepted them and decided to use them to improve his environment and the life of his tribe.

By the end of these first two months, Solren had fully accepted her new life. Although she couldn't explain how or why she had ended up here, she knew she had a second chance at life. And he was determined to make the most of it.

Second chapter, I have chapters 1 to 7 ready. So these days I will be uploading 1 per day.

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