
Gone but never forgotten

My world was turned upside starting when I was young. My mother a drug addict that had every man possible in her bed which resulted in my twin siblings.

Sasha was the oldest by 8 minutes and was slightly taller with a freckled face, small nose, long blonde hair, and beautiful sea green eyes. Tasha looked different making the fraternal twins. She was shorter by an inch with small brown eyes, pointed nose, long curly brown hair. I'm not sure why they looked so difference well not till I was older. Their birthdays are kind of funny. I was 9 when they were born. See Sasha was born at 11:58 p.m. April 5th and Tasha was born 8 minutes later on April 6th.

Mom never celebrated their birthday. This year wasn't any different. It was there 5th birthday.

I had found an old lawnmower and had old Mr. Gurkins next door help me fix it up so I could earn cash to feed us and clothe us besides what I got from the church.

I left at 6 this morning in search of some lawns to mow in order to get enough for a cake and a gift for each of them. They always stayed in their rooms when I left, with it locked because mom had random men come over with drugs amd then they'd sleep all day long. I didn't trust anyone near my sisters, before they were born one of her conquest snuck into my room and done some terrible things. Since then, I protect my sisters at what ever cost.

I had chosen a purple cake with green swirls on it and saying happy birthday twinsies. We already had some candles from previous years even though there wasn't much left on them, it was enough for this year. I got them each a barbie doll that looked like them. It cost me a little over $30 for everything.

I was three blocks away when I felt something wrong in my gut as a police car drove past me, with sirens blaring. Heading towards the trailor park we lived in.

I couldn't be though, they were safe, I know they were. They always stayed in our room like I tell them too. Theres no way! Right!

Its 2:30 and I'm sure they are ok. They have to be.

Walking another block, I see three more cop cars go by. I start running, with my heart pounding in my chest and blood rushing to my ears. I keep repeating in my head over and over again. Please be ok! Please be ok! As I round the corner, I see my trailor and I drop everything. The cops are at my trailor.

There's police tape surrounding the house.

No! No! No!

I take off running crossing the tape line.

"Sasha! Tasha!" I scream over and over again, hoping one of them would appear. "Sasha! Tasha!"

Arms slung around my waist pulling me back. I keep fighting to get free but I can't.

"Its ok! You can't go in there. Something bad happened and you don't want to see it" he motions behind him. "I'm detective Hollister. Do you live here?"

I just nod! He turns around to talk to a lady in a cop uniform. Thats when I take my chance. I jump down from the hood he placed me on and run. I could hear them telling to stop but I wasn't stopping for anyone. I needed to find Sasha and Tasha.

I ran through door past a male cop facing away from the front door, towards our room. as I walk down the hall, I can see the door. It was splintered as if someone had kicked it in. I walk farther into the room. All i see is blood every where.

I follow the trail of it to the closet and pear through the opening.

I screamed bloody fucking murder!

"No! No! No! God No!" I fall to the ground and those same strong arms wrapped around me pulling me close into his chest.

"Shhhhhhhh." The voice says. "It's gonna be ok!"

But it won't ever be ok. There's no way it can be ok! My sisters, my world, they were gone. I would never see their laughing faces again, I would never hear them playing and giggling or buy them anything. This moment will forever be ingraved in my brain. Everytime I close my eyes, I would see what they looked like, in their last moments, huddled together.