
Left For Error; Ever A Never After.

What we all want might be what someone else needs. A glamorous affection does not instigate true affection. Can love come after lust and can lust lead to love? I think they are quite different things and do different work too, no part for a whole and no whole for a part. Read and enjoy.

Kosiso_Ekeh · Teenager
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30 Chs

The sad news

           Why must it be the case that whenever someone sets out to merry and enjoy, certain unpleasant things begin to happen. When certain things begin to happen, I most definitely begin to wonder. The Paragons were out for a reunion at Bema garden having fun. They all wished the fun could last longer and normalize. They would eventually go home being fulfilled and with the same measure of happiness and comfort they had enjoyed during the reunion. 

The designated morning there were meant to leave the garden, they had all gotten ready for a ride. Unlike the time they went for their yearly trip in the woods. During the reunion, they had limited time and limited activities as well.

Then in the woods, they had a lot of materials to move with in order to settle down comfortably. Also, their means of transportation was limited as well. To compare with their reunion at Bema garden, they had upgraded to a certain level of balance in life. And the resort already had accommodations and few things they would need, theirs was just to arrive with their bags for the few day's stay. In comparison, in the woods, there was a river in which they swam and bathed but at the resort, the swimming pool served them well but they didn't bathe inside because the house already had bathing equipment.

    A very bad news enveloped them especially Ekaris and Michelle whom the news hit a different way. As they were still sluggishly getting ready for the abrupt evacuation that morning because everything they paid for had expired, Ekaris got a call which made everyone to hasten up and rush out with the same alacrity.

      " hello Ekaris, are you still coming back today?" the father asked on the phone.

    " Yes dad, we are even ready to start pushing", he said to him.

     " hope there's not wrong, this one you called this early?" Ekaris asked not even allowing him to say anything.

     " your mum is terribly hot and sick, we need to rush him to the hospital", Ekaris father suggested.

Ekaris kept his breathe up and restless as he continued with the phone call.

        "ok, we shall be there in a little while…", he promised.

     " what's the issue guy?" Bruno was the first to ask after Ekaris ended the call.

     "My mum is very sick, and she really needs my help right now", he said almost turning to Michelle to see her reaction.

     "what, mum? Pleas guys, we need to rush her to the hospital as soon as possible considering her condition", she added with a very fiercely pathetic reaction.

They all knew that the mother of Ekaris and Michelle was having a terrible life long disease which was cancer of the breast. She was already having only one breast left. So, considering the effect and the urgency of the matter, they rushed whatever they had left and drove off to Ekaris place. Just like the government officials on an executive function, they drove in close pattern, convoying themselves with moderate speed straight to Michelle's house with any upfront diversion. They got the house as quickly as possible, and found the mother outside the house on the husband's arms. They were probably outside waiting for Ekaris to return so he would figure out their means to convey the mum to the hospital as the father couldn't leave his wife and do anything else when she was in that condition.

      " how's she doing now?" Ekaris asked and was accompanied with Michelle's voice as both of them rushed to where the husband and wife seated. Others came close enough to see what was happening and to know if there was a way they would help out.

      " she's not getting any better, she needs a doctor right now before it gets worst", the dad advised.

      " there cars here, let's just be quick about the situation", Clinton said in a gesture to donate his car. That was actually what they were supposed to do as friends they were.

      " He's right, the more we waste time, the worst things become", Enola added.

Everyone was eager to help out but the assistance of the guys were needed much to carry the woman from that point to the car. They did as it was expected if them and took Ekaris' mother into Clinton's car as he was the first to volunteer.

Just as they came in closely compacted, they also did likewise as they rushed the mother to the nearest hospital, the whole sight looked like it was an ambulance that took off from the point of incident.

The nurses rushed out with their wheeled stretcher as the helped to lay the woman on it for easy conveyance to the exact ward she would be looked after. They all followed suit, one who saw them might even think that it was an issue relating to road accident because the way they were many and also how they followed up the patient seemed as if she was about to take her last breathe and they didn't want her to. That was just how serious the mother's sickness at that moment was.

They all stopped their movement with the stretcher accompanied by the nurses as they took her inside the ward. They waited outside for the particular doctor that will examine her to come. As he came, they rushed him but he didn't say anything till he entered inside the ward. Ekaris father advised his friends to just go home and rest as they would be updated with whatever result that the doctor came out with and with that pleading, they are discharged to their different homes.