
Lee of the Wild (Girls of the Wild X The Breaker)

Its time for the green beast of Konoha to show the world his talents and score some chicks.Disclaimer: I do not own anything Crossover Elements: Girls of the Wild The Breaker

EternalBliss4U · Anime und Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 3

Lee took a stance with his left arm in front while his right arm was beside his waist as he indicated for Moon Young to attack.

There was absolute confidence in his expression and body language that Moon Young felt pressure from it.

As a female she was at a disadvantage from a genetic point of view, only skill kept her above most men but she could only fight in the lower weight category because men from above categories would cause immense injuries on her body.

The danger of injuries had kept her from going the next level as she had reached the limits of the female category.

Really there was no challenger left and she was nearly at the top, few more years were all that was required.

But that was not what she wanted. She wanted to prove her father wrong.

He wanted a son and she wanted to prove to him that even a daughter could do it. Many people had advised her to take on MMA instead of limiting herself with Boxing but she held tightly to her belief and pushed forward with persistence.

But fear had crawled its way inside once she had fought a skilled male fighter.

She had won but it had been a hard fight.

It had shown her the limits of the body and to fix that she had focused on speed since power could never be her fort.

Speed was all she had and Lee took that away from her with such ease that Moon felt like it was a dream.

She started off with jabs that he easily dodged and blocked, moving instead of staying in place. Moon followed with a powerful straight that Lee pushed against with his hand and pulled back before coming back and hit her abdomen.

She hadn't expected it and he moved too fast for her to properly react.

Her right was going down for his head but Lee pulled back while hitting with his right palm.

The palm strike felt heavy but nothing she couldn't ignore.

"It would be better to use the whole body instead of limiting yourself. I don't really understand why people like to limit themselves to just one part of the body." Lee muttered as he stood in his starting position

That attack wouldn't have taken place if Moon used her knee, he was baiting her and would have used another move but she stayed true to her style.

"I am a Boxer"

Lee understood most of her deal with those words as it was a lot similar to his case.

'She wants to prove herself to the world.' Lee thought and smiled filled with youthful enthusiasm

"I understand and I hope you won't mind if I extend a helping hand."

Moon Young was taken aback by his vibrant response, 'What is up with that? I thought he would show me my place and tell me to learn something outside of punching.'

"Thanks but that's not getting you out of this beating." Moon replied with a smile as she pushed forward and ducked while going for the chin

Lee hadn't let down his guard and noticed her moving towards him, reacting with an elbow to her punch and knee to her forehead, Lee put her out of balance.

She tried to get him with a surprise attack noticing his flexibility and speed but it seems this was destined to be a loss.

Lee ignored the pain on his elbow from the blow and captured her legs.

To make for his lack of super strength Lee had covered all his bases and replaced his initial moves that required super strength.

The only super part about him was his perception as Lee could enter a super state of his old self when he wanted.

This made him pretty much invincible in a fight.

His base form from the ninja world could reach mach 50 and here he could see things like that, making everything affectively stop in his vision.

But it didn't come without a cost as he could only use if for few minutes and it caused him a massive headache. It also caused bleeding from the nose if he pushed too much.

For this battle he hadn't used since that was for special circumstances like coming across a person with a gun or an accident with a car.

It was also good for group battles since he could easily see everything and take in the surroundings properly.

He had participated in underground fights and sometimes people could get dangerous so these situations were real and he had survived them with his old senses.

"I lost" Moon Young muttered as she felt his powerful grip on her leg, it felt like he might snap her foot

"It's my fault. Sorry for distracting you, please calm down and fight with a cool mind. Winning isn't necessary." Lee let go and extended his hand for her to get up

"Yeah, it's your fault. How are you going to make up for it?"

"Hehe, how about dinner at my place?"

"Ah, how lewd. I didn't expect you to target my body so soon."

"You should smile like that always even though I found your serious look enchanting. This happy expression suits you the best."

"Does your mouth always leak honey or what?"

"I have no idea what are you talking about because I am just stating some facts." Lee replied with a toothy smile as he brushed aside the stray hair

"Where did you learn how to fight?"

"Hey, we are having a moment here." Moon complained as Queen walked into the ring and it looked like she was raring for a fight

For Lee, she was one opponent he was looking forward to fighting other than Lee Na and Charles Wilde.

The owner of this school was one of the best martial artist in the world and retired from fighting as an undefeated legend.

He hadn't lost any fight in public.

"I learnt from my master." Lee replied with a happy smile as he only remembered Might Gai with joy and not sadness since that would go against his master's teachings

Remember the people of old with fond memories instead of tears just smile.

"Who is your master?"

"Might Gai, but you won't find about him so don't look into it. He died many years ago and I just followed his teachings."

The girls could see that Lee really respected the man from his tone. This was a sensitive topic and not a throwaway line.

"I see. I hope we can have a spar as I am curious about your skills since my friend here was unable to push you enough."

"Are you dissing me? Was that a failed attempt at roasting me?"

"I would love to but after school. Break time is about to finish and I need to get back to class." Lee replied and Queen noticed the time

"Hey, are you ignoring me already? This relationship is definitely doomed."

"Sorry, I thought you were just joking. I will see you after school." Lee looked at Moon Young and gave a nod to both of them before leaving the club room

"What do you think?"

"I don't know about his skills but his physique is perfect. You won't have the speed advantage with him or flexibility."

"Do you mean I will lose?"

"Yes " Moon felt a chill and saw her sending a glare


A.N Hope you enjoyed

Its a story with plot.

Its a harem: Moon, Dal Dal, Queen, Lee Na, Kim Possible, Shego, Lee Go (Weapon Girl)

This story will go into Kim Possible style plus Sunken Rock so gangs and etc.