
Chapter 4: The Truth

Kohari was woken up by Nero at 10:00 am, 10 hours since he had waken up from his weird dream. Even though he felt like that was 10 minutes ago. "Good morning sleepy head" Nero chimed. Kohari stretched, before yawning "good morning" "how did you sleep?" Nero asked. "Alright, I guess" Kohari sighed. "Did you have trouble sleeping again?" Nero questioned. "No, I had a weird dream" Kohari answer. "What was it about exactly?" Nero asked him as he sat beside him. Kohari just put his arms behind his head. "I had a dream about a really pretty girl, and a blue glowing stone." Kohari admitted. Nero looked at him cunfused. "What did the girl and the stone look like?" "The girl was about 5'1 or 5'2, along with black and white slip on shoes. They looked like they were Van's. She also had light blue skinny jeans, and a black hoodie on. She had long, beautiful, bright red hair, and the tips of her bangs were hot pink. Her eyes were as bright blue as the sky, her voice sounded like it came from heaven almost. She had a light skin tone and she already knows my name too." Kohari explained, putting one of his hands on his chest. "Sounds like someone is in love" Nero teased. "And maybe she knows your name because she lives in the valley" Nero suggested. Kohari got a little excited as he smiled brightly, but his expression soon fell when he remembered the girl wasn't a demon, werewolf, or vampire, nor was she any kind of phonise. "What's wrong Ko?" Nero questioned. "She can't be in are valley Nero" Kohari admitted. Nero looked at him with one eyebrow raised "Why not" "because she is a human girl" Kohari looked away, rolling over onto his right side again facing the wall. Nero looked at him in shock, but had a concerned expression. "Do you know what your father would do to you if he found out you were in love with a human!?" "I know but I can't help it Ner, maybe she doesn't exist" Kohari sighed. "That wouldn't be possible because your brain can't make up people like that" Nero explained. Kohari then grabbed his phone from his night stand and started scrolling through Instagram. He went to his settings to his saved posts, as he started scrolling through those. He ran into a picture of a young girl and her mother at the beach. The young girl and her mother had really long dark red hair, but the young girl had dark green eyes, vs her mom who had light blue eyes. Kohari tried to take a closer look at the picture. It was clear they were both human, and they had light skin tones. He realized the girl in his dream was in the background of the picture, playing with a small puppy. Kohari zoomed in on the picture. "I found her! Look!" Kohari smiled, handing the phone too Nero. "That's her right there with her long red and pink hair, and blue eyes" Kohari pointed out. She was at the beach with her older sister and mother, playing with her puppy by the shoreline. She had a light purple two-piece swimsuit on, along with matching flip flops. Nero smiled. "I don't blame you for liking her, she is kinda cute" Kohari took his phone back putting it back on his night stand. Butch walked into there room and looked at the two of them. "Kohari, I went you in the study room in 5 minutes. Your mother and I have something we need to tell you. Nero your breakfast in waiting for you in the kitchen." Butch explained. "Ok" Nero smiled, getting up and walking by him as he made his way to the kitchen. Butch followed him out the door closing it behind him, leaving Kohari alone. Kohari sighed before getting up and getting ready for what ever his mom and dad had to say to him. He went into his bathroom as be brushed his hair and teeth. He changed into his royal training uniform, put on a white and turquoise no sleeve shirt that was tight, it fit against his body well enough to not suffocate him. He slipped on some dark blue skinny jeans that were slightly big on him, so they wouldn't show anything they didn't need too. Kohari then slipped on some short white socks and put his long legged buts on, they where black and gray with really long laces. He tied them up before walking out of his room closing the door behind him. He walked down the hall to the study room, he opened the door walking in as he saw his mom and dad talking to each other. Kohari just closed the door quietly behind him before making his way to the table and sitting down. Butch saw his son as him and his wife made there way to there son sitting across the table from him. "As you know, to become a king, not only do you need the proper education, but you also need a partner. So we had been looking at girls about your age that are here in the valley for you to marry." Butch explained. "Yes, and we have already picked a girl that we think would be perfect for you, and would make you happy. We already talked to her parents, and they said they would be honored that there daughter would be marrying are son." Raina explained to him. Kohari sighed. "Ok, so what dumb simp girl did you pick for this stupid event!" Kohari snapped. Both of his parents looked at each other before looking back at him. "Sayori Chiba" Butch answered. Kohari's jaw dropped. "WHAT!!? YOU PICKED MY BEST FRIEND!! WHY!?" Kohari yelled out shocked and cunfused. "She is a girl that you are closest too, and there for she would be the perfect girl to pick out for you" Raina explained as Kohari rubbed his face. "You and her are scheduled to get married shortly after your birthday in a few months, and you both are scheduled to go out on a date Wednesday night." Kohari looked up at his father "Wednesday night!! But that's tomorrow night!!" "Well then you better get yourself ready" Butch chimed before getting up, along with his wife Raina. "I can't marry her! she is my best friend! I don't like her that way!" Kohari admitted. "Well I guess you better learn to start liking her that way" Butch sighed as him and Raina left the room leaving the door open for Kohari. Kohari sat there thinking of a way to get himself out of this, he didn't want to marry Sayori. She wasn't his type of girl and he was already in love with someone else that he doesn't even know. He sat there for hours thinking of what he can do now, what he could do later.