

I always dream to become someone who has so many means to live in the world.

My life so sucks that has too much tragedy until that day.

On a rainy day, I walk alone.

I don't know where to go. I don't know what to do.

In my mind, everything is blank.

I hate everything around me.

So much so that I want to forget everything.

Even the rains are covering for me to hide the drops from my eyes.

I can't focus on anything.

I can't care about the surroundings.

My clothes are so wet and I can only feel the cold and loneliness.

In a second, I see some flash and then I knock out.

Before my mind knocks out, I see my past self.

I am so weak. My life is meaningless.

When I am 10 years old, my father left without sayings anything.

Then my mother becomes drunk and falls ill.

I become an orphan in 15 years.

I work everything to survive in a ruthless world.

Fortunately, my parents left the small apartment so I don't have to sleep in the street even so I have to work to get money to attend school.

Hum, I don't want to think anymore. I want to sleep soundly but something inside of me doesn't want to give up.

And then when my eyes open, I see the white room and a girl wearing white cloth.

Hum, I think I am dead. Is this the afterlife? I ask a little girl.

"No, my little child. you are not dead yet. I, goddess of fate

can give you another chance to live your life to be interested" said the little girl.

"Umm, are you really the goddess? How old are you? You look younger than me. Shouldn't you call me Onnichan? I didn't mean to rude. But even if you tell the truth, what do you want from me, a mortal who lost everything." I replied.

"I want nothing from you. I really wish you have a good life. You suffer too much because of something. I can't tell you everything. When the time comes, you will know. So go back we can meet sometime later. I will unlock some power of you. Good luck, child" said the girl.

Then I woke up in the alley.

Even I woke up, I can't think what happened. I only feel wet and cold.

So I run back to my home to reduce the cold.