
Lazy Nightbird

When the sky faded and the night prevailed the sleeping Yuuma roused awake. He had already been asleep half the whole day so the night was his playground for the time being. His butler had already headed to his resting quarters after Yuuma directed him before the sun completely set.

The mansion was still, with sometimes soft chatter from maids behind the closed door but soon that turned into the eerie sound of no noise at all. Yuuma looked above him at the ceiling that was pitch black with little light to reflect his eyes and give him vision. Letting out a long thoughtful sigh he got up and tiptoed to his dressing room getting on all fours to address the book hidden under a wooden box that held some children's toys used to play with. He hasn't so much as touched them though and small dust gathered on the surface. For such a clean home dust sure likes to lurk.

The book cover had slipped off slightly revealing an oxblood color. Yuuma tugged the cover off no longer caring about it for the time being and jumped back on his bed lighting a small candle. The light was barely there but just enough to see the words written on the cover.

Turning to the first page with the hardcover to the left and soft thin pages to the right. The first image the greeted him was a purple fire.

Purple fire?

Yuuma blinked repeatedly feeling something was a tad bit off. The flames looked to be moving but that could just be the allusion of the candle that danced around creating shadows in his palm, the wax sometimes dripping on his closed fist. But it wasn't just that the flames looked to be moving around it was the bright color of purple allure which Yuuma hadn't yet come across a book with such bright colors that seemed to shine and glow like neon algae.

Purple flame is caused by metal salts such as rubidium and potassium. You can make purple fire even at home by combining the blue from an alcohol flame with the red from the strontium flame. It's a color that typically can't be made without two of the other colors.

With an uncertain hum, he turned to a few pages before making it to the first page. The title is 'Oxblood,' and the words only glowed purple. This time Yuuma didn't make the excuse of the candle creating shadows because he knows for sure now this may be some sort of magic.

'Could reading this give me a curse?'

Yuuma's fingertips chilled and held his breath as he read the first words that radiated purple.


Huh? Then doesn't this mean this book is practically made for him? No one in the family has this trait and from previous memories of paintings and photo stones, his family members in that past didn't have it. He was the only one. No that wasn't the case, the creator of the Oxblood family the great mage although some speculated it wasn't true and false it seemed he inherited it even though it skipped a few hundred generations...

The first lines talked about how only people with the 'purple eyes' can see the writing written in the book. That sounds oddly too specific for him the one with purple eyes. Yuuma didn't think much of it and continued to read quietly.

An hour or so passed and he felt like he was getting nowhere. Besides some things that interested him like the purple magic it talked about, nothing else caught his eye, it all discussed theories of the origin and no actual Oxblood origin. The purple magic was only mentioned briefly and almost quickly because the writing kept getting messier like that author was running out of time. When he felt like throwing the book back under the toy box he paused on the last page.

His head that rested on his fist shot up and his eyes burned a sheen of purple phosphorescent just like the words on the page, the florescent violet widening at the last sentence.

'"To come to a conclusion, the purple-eyed ancestor that started this family was from the dragon origin, and the one who inherits the purple eyes will surely flourish.'"


Yuuma felt like the lightning that struck down on his head also created a series of bombshells disintegrating him into ashes and swept up later by a maid thrown into the air outside, no longer bound by mortal shackles and let the wind sweep him to heaven and hell wreaking havoc like a cockroach upon mortals and immortals, no one could stop him-

A small noise of 'ah' echoed in the room and Yuuma promptly closed the book like he read nothing. If he does not see he shall not think and so therefore it does not exist. He smiled like he was relieved in a buddha manner and thought, 'this is just some old book with glowing letters that the ancestors did as a gimmick to confuse the later generations haha...'

'Plus dragons in this world? They may exist but they're so ugly I don't even want to see the memory of old Yuuma again. People have never even seen a real dragon so there are only fairytales drawn very ugly.'

'Ugly lizards with hard uncomfortable scales.'

'In my superb amazing blood? No way I'm not cold-blooded I'm warm-blooded! Such a useless waste of my hour where I could have been doing something productive...like sleeping.'

[ Dragons aren't cold-blooded or lizard-like, in fact, they're fluffy and warm but very sleepy. ]

"Yeah, and what would you know?"

Wait a damn minute- Yuuma looked at the book below him and was confused if he had eaten anything to make him high or not. Cause he swore this book just talked. His one hand that held the candle suddenly blew out causing sudden smoke to fill his lungs. The book in his hand started glowing purple and compressing itself together.

Yuuma hurriedly let go scooting up to the headboard watching beams of white flash around the room like a miniature sun. The candle he had dropped by accident started to flout and when he took his eyes off the book he watched in horror as his room suddenly lost gravity and floated around.

Yuuma felt like he couldn't breathe, he was scared shitless, who wouldn't be in this situation!?

'Is this some episode of Stranger Things I'm reliving right now?' Through the blank slate of thought, the stupid notation tickled his brain trying to make whatever was happening less...stressful.

'I haven't felt adrenaline since July.'

Even though it was quiet with the occasional thump from a dresser hitting the wall Yuuma felt like the world was screaming. The glowing mass of purple suddenly stopped glowing, it had formed a ball and lightly flouted to him calmly like a serene river with no ripples, but the alarms flared continuously in Yuuma who wasn't used to magic.

Soon the ball that looked like it projected galaxies stopped in front of his face completely still. It no longer glowed as brightly and dimmed significantly yet the room still flouted like it was out of orbit.

Yuuma took a shaky breath composing himself. With a gulp and a jittery finger, he brought it up to the orb and gently as a feather tapped it causing a ripple. The ball that showed no signs of doing anything else but flout in front of him and he affirmed it had talked before gently did a tap of its own to his finger like a nudge. And without much warning, his finger that was tapped by the orb suddenly sucked it up like a black hole.

Of course, Yuuma freaked out and tried to pry it off but only seconds later it had disappeared completely into his finger. The room that was flouting was pulled down with gravity and his bed hit the floor harshly along with the dressers and anything that was in his room. The flower vases on one of the windows shattering and papers sprawling all over the floor. The toys in his closet every which way and his bed had drifted to the middle of the room.

Yuuma was still in shock when the door that was originally closed swung open and a butler Kenji who was still dressed in his pajamas looked at the horrified Yuuma, somehow in the middle of the room, with awestruck.