
Lazy's Journey.

It's the adventure of a protagonist that just wants to live freely and just sleep all day with no problems but in this world,that is something hard to do. Also I stole my cover from An artist called @atinydreamer from Pinterest so I can take it down if that person doesn't like it.

SomeSome_Dude · Aktion
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34 Chs

28.Invasion 2

The boy's instantly arrived in one of Luminary's big cities that was below the floating island which is south Luminary and they were met with a sight that made them really angry.

In front of them was thousands of Ares's army's who were attacking everyone and they were forced to fight them before even taking in the situation.

Alex seeing one of the warrior he recognised to be the chief commander of south Luminary,he talked to him while the boy's fought the hordes of invaders.

"Commander Bastian,are you okay?" 

The commander was still in shock at the sudden help who easily hundreds of army's and when he looked at the man who called him.

'ive seen him with the King before'

"Ah yes,but this unknown attackers doesn't seem to have an end,I'd lost count of how many we've killed but they don't seem to decrease they would suddenly appear out of nowhere" said commander Bastian.

"Where's the other 3 commander's of south Luminary are they okay?" 

"Yes sir, Commander Jung went south while Commander Eric went west and the new commander is said to arrive here soon" answered Bastian while he killed off some of the attackers with his double axe.

As soon as Bastian said that Alex sense another person arriving besides them

"It seems the new commander has just arrived" said Alex as he looked at the long Red haired man he recognised to be one of the Fighters from qualifiers.

"Aren't you Akihiko's father?" Said Han xin as he easily killed several of the attackers in a few seconds displaying an incredible speed.

"Yep" said Alex as the hordes of invaders swarmed him but they all suddenly exploded while his eyes glowed blue from his mana.

Seeing Akihiko's father somehow killing hundreds of the attackers without even moving shocked Han xin and the commander including some of the warrior's.

Meanwhile The boy's split up all around south Luminary.

We see Akihiko arriving in a forest south of when they arrived while he killed off countless hordes.

He reached a city which was also getting attacked and as he fought his way through the horde he saw a black haired man with short hair killing off the attackers with mana infused hand that he used to cut them and he saw the symbol of a Luminary with a sword letting him know that he's a commander.

Akihiko quickly appeared and easily dispatched hundreds of the invaders in an instant shocking the commander.

"Commander,is the south fine" 

"Yes,we acted fast so there aren't many casualties"answered the commander still shocked at the display of power.

"Mmm,commander ?"

"It's commander Jung of south Luminary" 

"Thanks for protecting the people Commander Jung" said Akihiko as he fought the invaders.

"It's fine,I'm a commander and it's my job"

The two began fighting the army again and they managed to kill several people but something made him concerned.

'ive killed thousand of this people but they don't seem to end'

Akihiko closed his eyes while still fighting and he began looking at Luminary as he could sense the invaders dying rapidly but never seem to be decreasing.

"I thought right, Commander I'll be leaving we'll need the help of someone to beat this endless horde and I know that person so please don't stop until this is over" said Akihiko.

"Alright" said Jung as Akihiko disappeared.

Akihiko instantly appeared at the location they arrived at before to see his dad.

"Dad,this people are literally endless!" Said Akihiko.

"I know,it seems the only way for us to stop this is to confront Ares." Answered Alex as he snapped his fingers which made the invaders freeze which further shocked The warriors and commanders.

Soon Cedric,Willow and Zephys appeared to say the same thing as Akihiko.

"Uncle I've probably killed millions of them already but they seem to not end at all" said Willow.

"Me too"

"Me as well" hearing this shocked Han xin and Bastian

'how strong have this guys become to kill millions when not even 5 minutes has passed since they appeared'

"You boy's did amazing and yes it seems that this invaders are infinite,I could probably kill all of them if they had a soul although i could freeze everyone of them while we fight but" said Alex.

"What,did you just say they don't have souls?" Said Zephys.

"Yes,these people are just lifeless corpse"

"Damn,and what about freezing them,can you really freeze all of this people in the entire world?" Asked Han xin not believing what Alex said.

"Han xin!!!, it's good to see you man,come lets have a manly hug" said Willow to his friend.

"Took you long enough to recognise me and this isn't the time dude" said Han xin as he looked at willow sensing his huge growth.

'he has become so much stronger' thought Han xin as he looked at Alex.

'could i become as strong if i trained under him and is he really strong enough time freeze all this people in the world?'

"Of course I can but I may be the strongest, I'm not some omnipotent being so it will take alot out of me which means I'll probably be handicapped but"

"What's the But Dad?"

"But!! it's not like I have to fight,you kids can do the job" said Alex as he snapped his fingers and instantly billions of Ares's army all around the world froze which shocked people from this world.

[All around the world]

In Xestria we see people were about to get killed but they suddenly froze, confusing them.

In a different place.

"They just...froze?" Said Roarke confused.

"What's happening?" Zephys was confused as well.

"I see you've made your move friend" said Murak as he disappeared.

In the Kingdom of Luminary.

"Why did these Guys stop" said Sakura as he poked them.

"Idk" answered one of the warrior's

"Son" said the floating King.

"PEOPLE OF LUMINARY!" Said King Belrion as he began to reassure the people,his voice could be heard by everyone in Luminary.

In a different Kingdom,

"Who could do this" said the blonde haired woman.

"Idk Charlotte, it's happening to every attackers in our Kingdom and when i expand my sense i couldn't even sense the connection in our Kingdom, meaning it's either the person who commands them or someone from a different Kingdom" said the old man.

"What are you talking about Old man Ignis,who could be strong enough to freeze everyone of them" Asked Charlotte.

"I think I know who that person is" said Ignis.

In the Kingdom of Nyxshire.

"What's happening,why did they stop"said Enzo as he flashed around the whole of Nyxshire in the span of a few seconds as he saw that every attackers just froze.

"Who could do this....."

"It seems i won't need to waste more time trying to kill this endless horde and go straight to that bastard" said Enzo as disappeared.

When he disappeared we Malus who appeared out of nowhere as he looked at Ares's army.

 "Who the hell did this" said Malus as looked at the frozen army concerned.

'not even I can do it,is it a God' thought Malus to himself.

"Not a God" said a man from out nowhere which surprised him and as he looked at the Tanned blonde haired man with red and blue eyes that appeared from nowhere.

"What are you talking about" 

"It's a human,not a God" said The man as he touched one of the frozen army and it instantly turned to dust and a new one appeared but it quickly froze.

"And if you're not stupid,you could probably guess that he's not a person someone like you should mess with,so let us deal with him" said the man.

"we allowed you and Elusive to do whatever you want,just make sure what you're doing doesn't mess with our real objective" said the man as he disappeared.

"A half breed dares to look down on me just because his father is the right hand man of our lord,just wait until I get my perfect vessel" 

[Back to the protagonist]

"Uncle are you sure we can beat Ares?" Asked Zephys.

'im scared but at the same time excited' thought Zephys.

"Of course" 

"But how do we even contact him" asked Cedric.

"Oh that? Well it's...right...about...now" as soon as he said that the world began shaking as the sky turned Red and as they looked up,they could see a figure forming.

The figure slowly descended down and landed a few feet in front of them.

"Ladies and gentlemen,Ares" said Alex as he pointed towards Ares which stared at him.

Ares looks like a human with black hair and black beard and eyes and he wore a Greek warrior attire without his helmet.

"Who are you" asked Ares towards Alex.

"Oh me, I'm what Zeus is to you to this kid right here except actually good" said Alex as he smiled and pointed towards Akihiko.

Ares glared at Alex and then at Akihiko.

"Look,it would be good if we didn't have to fight so let's talk first"

"Now as for who killed your son's,idk but i know that it's probably not us humans" said Alex.

"And i should just believe you?"

"Well,I hope you would" said Alex.

"You know what,idk how to prove to you that we didn't kill your son's so fuck him up boy's" shouted Alex but the they just stared at him.

"Oh come on" as soon as Alex said that Ares shoved a spear towards Alex


My plans for the story kinda backfired on me since I kinda don't know what to do for some parts of the story i planned out but oh well whatever happens with the story is up to God and Anime.

Also i should study grammar because it kinda sucks
