
Lax world: Sleepless Maid Mid-Summer Night!

A typical teenage boy's story, one in which he had always known that he was an ordinary boy with no family history and a straightforward family situation. But following his father's accident, his mother managed to drag him out of the world of the commonplace and introduce him to the richest, where he reigned as one of the heirs of the Sakuyama household in Sakura county. He was led by his personal maids, who were taught to obey every command that their master gave, as he followed his mother to a particular home that was located outside of the residential area and had a huge castle-like mansion inside the town-like structure. But who could have predicted that the boy would pass away en route to the mansion, someone else would take his place, and an otaku from Earth would eventually enter a world populated by maids and harem. A typical set-up, but the situation within the mansion will be complicated and interesting, so I hope that everyone will like it and smash some powerstone to support me! ?? This image did not belong to me, so if the real artist want me to remove it, please contact me through chapter comment or review!! ??

CrazyGuyIsHere · Urban
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3 Chs

Relation and New world.

"Ha! What the fuck, a reincarnation of all the things! Huh!"

Hiro experienced a strange sensation while seated in the back of the opulent car, whose seats were so soft that he thought they were just grabbing hold of his ass like sponges.

"I would rather have a hold of a beauty, ass!"

He thought to himself as he peered into the car's driver's seat and saw a silver-haired foreign beauty driving it with a cool gaze because she was focused on something else and was unaware that Hiro was staring at her in the top mirror.

"Wow! She is definitely my type of beauty." Hiro scratched his head and shook off his head as he attempted to piece together the memories of the previous host.

He realized that the boy had lost his father and that his mother had finally considered removing him from the common household while claiming that he was an heir to the family and everything.

'Yes, it was terrible for you, but considering that I did not have a strong emotional connection to your father, I find it to be a rather interesting event.'

Hiro could tell that his father was a complete scumbag from the appearance of the 27-year-old man; he could only feel sorry for his mother for having to put up with a husband like that for so long.

Hiro could tell by the way the car was detailed and the situation that his mother was trying to distance herself from him.

She must have had her own feelings about how his father had treated her and must have wanted to cut off all ties to him, including her own child.

"Master, you have woken up! Madam has called me and instructed me to transport you back to the villa, where she is still waiting for us."

The maid driving the car turned to see that her master had woken up from sleep and spoke to him.

Hiro looked in the front mirror and appeared a little surprised to hear that his mother was even willing to meet him.

"Hmm.!" Seeing the boy's surprised expression, the maid felt weird, as this was the first time that he had shown this kind of expression after all this time.

"Is mother really willing to meet me again, but she never did before?"

It was the first time she had heard him speak, and the maid was hurt by the first thing he said because they remembered the mistress's tears from when they had first met her before all of this.

"Master! Mistress did not hate you, but it was just that there were circumstances due to which she was not able to meet you often."

Hiro just closed his eyes as he thought about how these words could have meant a lot to the previous host, who was still a child.

But to him, it only sounded like an excuse from an adult and nothing more than that.

"Right! That's must be it." He smiled and put on his previous professional smile as he looked at the maid who was observing his expression in the top mirror.

'That is a good thing, right?' Hiro muttered silently.

Having nothing to say, he just stared out the side window and continued to take in the changing scenery, thinking about how his previous host had never left his hometown and how this might be his first opportunity to travel in this way, but he had never had the chance to fully appreciate it.

'I would be lying if I were to say that I am not happy to take your body, but the least I can do after coming to this world is to protect the family that you held dear.'

Hiro came up with a plan and made a vow to the previous host to make amends for his own thinking and ideology because he did not want to continue carrying the guilt of taking another person's life.

Along with that, Hiro truly felt a rush of peace within his chest and felt the changes.

Hiro never imagined that making such small amends would have such a psychological impact on his mind.

As he felt a little more refreshed, he realized why those reincarnators from the novel tend to do something similar like this.

"Master, we will be there!"

Ayumi spoke as she observed her young master, who appeared to be at ease, and she considered how meeting the mistress might have had a significant impact on Hiro, who was still a young boy at the age of 14.

"We are here!" When Hiro turned to look outside, he saw a massive door and a massive mansion with an exterior wall that resembled a city.

However, Hiro was unsure of how long that wall extended because, based on the appearance of the window, he was still unable to see its end.

'That's a mansion, right?' Hiro was aware that he was not particularly wealthy, but even in this situation, despite being a reincarnator and having read numerous novels and manga, he had never come across a description of a mansion this size.

"Until then, we will be able to see the main manor at the center of the establishment. Master, we will now travel inside for 15 more minutes."

Hiro only felt strange after hearing her words as he pondered why they still needed to drive for 15 minutes inside the Manor area.

"Was my grandfather trying to create a big town and ended up using a manor design by mistake or something?" Hiro muttered, causing the maid to chuckle inwardly.

While the maid's initial impression of this estate was very similar to that of the young master, she had never anticipated hearing something comparable so soon.

"Welcome!!!" Finally coming out of the car, Hiro felt his back pain as he looked at the grand mansion and thought inside his mind, 'I am not going to be surprised by things like this anymore from now on.'

At the front of the mansion, Hiro was able to see a lady along with five maids and two butlers standing and waiting for him.

Hiro chuckled as he considered how his previous host had been exactly right about his mother, despite the woman's white face appearing rather frail, as her eyes still had a hint of gentleness when looking at him.

'She still love her son, but I will also treasure her in your place, Hiro!' Having a loving family in his previous life, Hiro understood the value of family after losing them to old age.

He then began to understand how weak and cowardly humans are, which is why they seek out family and warmth.

"Welcome! Hiro!" Her voice was weak, but she still pulled his head into her embrace and patted his head while gently loving her kid, who had been away from her for the last 5 months.

When Hiro was younger, his father informed him that his mother had filed for divorce and that he had been granted custody.

Hiro! Mind began to mature significantly, but due to the fear of losing his father as well, he suppressed thoughts of his mother and never attempted to contact her prior to all of this, until his father's sudden death.

Hiro was certain that he had occasionally seen his father arrive with a female companion, but despite this, he still showed Hiro the utmost respect and never attempted to consume alcohol in front of him.

Hiro was able to tell that his father was still the same, but since the divorce with his mother, he has begun to stray from his core beliefs and has developed a number of new relationships.

He kept everything inside because there were not many things he could have done as a child to get out of that situation.

"I am sorry, my boy!" However, when he heard his mother sob, Hiro's original host memories and pain began to seep from his soul as tears began to streak through his eyes.

Despite this, the young boy did his best to control them.

Although Hiro was completely unaware that this was just the beginning of his true suffering, an electronic voice echoed in his head at the same time.

[Lax Relationship System Initiating]

[Completion of soul merge!] [Activating Beginner Questline]

[Get a sex test oral from Maid Ayumi.] [Walkthrough Quest]

To Be Continued...