
Lax world: Sleepless Maid Mid-Summer Night!

A typical teenage boy's story, one in which he had always known that he was an ordinary boy with no family history and a straightforward family situation. But following his father's accident, his mother managed to drag him out of the world of the commonplace and introduce him to the richest, where he reigned as one of the heirs of the Sakuyama household in Sakura county. He was led by his personal maids, who were taught to obey every command that their master gave, as he followed his mother to a particular home that was located outside of the residential area and had a huge castle-like mansion inside the town-like structure. But who could have predicted that the boy would pass away en route to the mansion, someone else would take his place, and an otaku from Earth would eventually enter a world populated by maids and harem. A typical set-up, but the situation within the mansion will be complicated and interesting, so I hope that everyone will like it and smash some powerstone to support me! ?? This image did not belong to me, so if the real artist want me to remove it, please contact me through chapter comment or review!! ??

CrazyGuyIsHere · Urban
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3 Chs

Illia and gramps!

Even though he was extremely exhausted, Hiro was still able to find Ayumi in the bath and still eat dinner at the appropriate place, even though he felt somewhat bad for being rough with her during their first intercourse.

However, as she asked the two maids who work alongside Hiro to clean the mansion and attend to the master when he is dining in the dining room, she had a calm expression on her face.

Due to his inability to find some alone time with Ayumi, Hiro was unable to broach the subject until he had followed all the way to the room, at which point he was able to postpone it until the following day.

"Master, your personal sleeping maid will be there in your room, so I hope you will have a pleasant time sleeping tonight."

Ayumi spoke, but Hiro was so exhausted that he did not hear her clearly and instead just nodded as he entered the room and made his way to his bed.

'Hmm!' Sleep suddenly left Hiro's eyes as he glanced down at his bed and saw a lovely-looking girl sitting there waiting for him.

She had blue hair and tiny pointed ears similar to so-called elves, which are a rare breed even in this world.

There was hardly any difference in terms of charm between the elven girl and Ayumi, or perhaps she was even more attractive than Ayumi because of the elven female charm initiate condition.

This was because the elven girl had a short figure, but her cleavage was so deep and had such a round, supple oval shape.

"Hmm, welcome, master. My name is Illia, and I am your personal night maid. I will take care of your needs during the night."

Hiro's younger brother tried to act as Illia's deep cleavage, which was supported by her hand, exposed her tiny nipple, which was barely covered by clothing.

However, his body was so exhausted that he could only shake his head and ask Illia.

"I am really tired, Illia; currently, I just wish to sleep, and that's all."

Hearing Hiro, Illia's smile widened as she nodded, and a mature aura surrounded her as she stood, pulled Hiro's head into her embrace, dragged him over the bed, stripped him of his clothes, and laid his head in her embrace, letting him sleep in that position.

Hiro had never experienced anything like this before, but he was also extremely exhausted.

When she pulled him into her embrace, Hiro's eyes grew more intense as he reflected on the fact that there was no need to rush things because they would not disappear after a night or something.



The following morning, as Hiro opened his eyes, he saw the blue-haired beauty sleeping by his side, holding his face in her arms, and inhaling her body odor.

A small smile appeared on her face as she opened her eyes to look at him and saw Hiro's lips squeezing against hers. She then simply closed her eyes to accept his kiss.

"Hmm!" The gorgeous girl let out a muffled moan as he tried to grab her breast with his hand while also sealing her lips. She then complied with his advances, allowing him to place his hand inside her underwear and touch her lips.

'This is great; even in the morning, I can just do such stuff with beauty!' The girl opened her eyes and looked at Hiro as she questioned why he was not making further advances. Hiro thought, but he did not dwell on it much and stopped the kiss.

"Thank you for letting me sleep like that! I had a pleasant night yesterday." Illia opened her eyes as Hiro thanked her, but she did not respond other than to smile and nod as he kissed her again, this time more gently and with just the taste of honey in the morning.

"It is okay, young master; I had to do what needed to be done, but you could have done the same thing with me in the morning."

Hiro really wanted to push her down and have sex with her after hearing her comment, but he suppressed his urge and smiled instead because he had been considering how this place was more of a test for him from the previous day.

So, if it really was like a honey trap, he would need to restrain his urges as much as possible and would only be able to anticipate having it again this evening.

"Young master, good morning!" Illia nodded and walked down as the maid behind her needed to make the master bed neat when Ayumi opened the door as if she had been expecting it.

Following that, they ate breakfast at a luxurious establishment that included a few dishes, a glass of juice, and hearty diet foods.

Following that, Hiro took a shower by himself this time because he had nothing much planned to do when Ayumi and Illia from the previous night came to greet him as he got out of the bath and wanted to go back to his room.

"Master, Madam is waiting for you. She wanted to talk about your new high school, to which you will be transferred along with Reylia."

As she spoke, Ayumi turned to face Hiro, who grinned and nodded at her as he began to seriously consider what he ought to do now that he had lived another life.

So it is not a bad idea to have a nice and lovely high school experience. After all, a high school student's life can be quite simple; all one needs to do to fully enjoy it is to continue studying occasionally and pay attention to maintaining good physical health.

As opposed to later in life, when one might be forced to work as a slave for a company and face criticism for not getting married, doing this, and doing that, as well as harsh treatment overall.

'I won't let my life turn out like that one, in this life for sure!' When Hiro suddenly thought back on everything, he realized there were some things he wanted to do in this lifetime and others he wanted to avoid at all costs.

As Illia came close to Hiro and hugged his arm, Hiro looked at his side and found the girl smiling cutely at him, making his tense mind a little at ease, and he enjoyed the sensation of her breast on his arm.

"Mom!" Illia and Ayumi closed the door and moved to stand by its side as they left their marks on the door, and Hiro entered the room at that moment.

Hiro was able to reunite with his mother, who came to get him, and sit next to her while they chatted about various topics pertaining to his time spent living with his father.

After that, she was willing to bring out a laptop from the maid on her side and open it to video call someone, as he told Hiro.

"Your grandfather wanted to talk with you, so have a chat with him first; we will wait for you at the reception area."

She gave Hiro a pat on the head before leaving the room, leaving Illia, Ayumi, and Hiro alone. Hiro was watching the laptop with a hint of interest in his eyes as she left.

Ayumi was called as she spoke with Hiro's mother because she had been curious about whether Hiro was upset about her leaving him with his father. However, after speaking with Ayumi, the mother noticed a difference in how she felt about her son and realized that he was a very sensible boy.

At the same time...

When Hiro finally connected with his call, he saw an older man in his thirties staring at him with a thick beard and a dapper appearance.

'He is grandfather!' Hiro observed his grandfather's youthful appearance and thought that the technology and development of this world were significantly superior to those on Earth.

He also believed that, given the presence of Illia, an elf, this world undoubtedly contained some sort of supernatural element.

"Wow, such a beautiful scenery! Where are you, old man?"

"Huh! At our first meeting, you want to ask where I am, kid. Though it is Yahami Mountain Resort, we can come here sometime."

"Though, won't you greet your grandfather after such a long time?" Hiro recalls that his family used to have a close relationship with his grandfather, but because he was so young, he only had hazy memories of them from previous hosts.

"Sorry, but it has been so long that I only have partial memories of yours." The old man nodded after hearing Hiro's words.

"Hmm! This old man is also a responsible kid, so I will apologize to you, and you can also ask me anything from me in return for the apology." The elderly man genuinely wanted to make up for the suffering that Hiro had endured as a child, knowing that it was their families' fault.

"Yahami Mountain Resort, Huh! There was a special chocolate box that was sold at the Hinasaka Shop, and they are really expensive, so I want that as an apology."

The elderly man felt resentful as he observed Hiro, the young boy, who could have demanded anything in the world in return but, instead, asked only for a chocolate box. Hiro did not make things difficult for the elderly man.

"You know that you are missing a major opportunity here; even then, you want to give it up in a simple gift like a chocolate box."

"You bet! Plus, to me, it matters a lot, you know!" Elder hung up the phone, smiled, and spoke loudly while looking around at the guests. Hiro's voice echoed throughout the room. "Does anyone here know about Hinasaka Shop?"

"Yes, I am the owner of the shop that elder Gin has talked about." The guest, who appeared somewhat intimidated by other guests' gazes, walked out toward Gin.

One of the guests then approached Gin, who laughed and asked him to pack a few of the best chocolate boxes for his grandson, telling him that his little grandson is a fan of his chocolate series.