
Laws of Karma

"Past mistakes will always come back to haunt you in unimaginable ways. Karma is real, and when it comes, it comes for all. Grace, Maya, Alicia, and Lauren are four women whose lives take a disastrous turn—not because of their own actions, but due to the deeds of their partners. As their partners' past misdeeds resurface, the women are caught in a web of unforeseen consequences that threaten to unravel everything they hold dear. Each must navigate through betrayal, secrets, and the relentless pursuit of karma, discovering their own strength and resilience along the way. This gripping tale of interconnected fates reveals that no one is truly free from the repercussions of past actions."

Star_Fire_9530 · Urban
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11 Chs

Chapter 9: Monroe Foundation

Grace Monroe stood in front of the full-length mirror in her walk-in closet, adjusting the collar of her blouse. She took a deep breath, willing herself to focus on the day ahead.

The nightmares had left her feeling raw and vulnerable, but she couldn't afford to let her personal struggles interfere with her work. As a prominent philanthropist and social activist, she had responsibilities that demanded her full attention.

She brushed her long, brunette hair until it shone, then tied it back in a sleek ponytail. Her green eyes, though still shadowed with fatigue, held a determined glint. Grace picked up her leather handbag, squared her shoulders, and left the house, her confident smile hiding the chaos within.

Arriving at her foundation's headquarters, Grace was greeted by her assistant, Emily.

"Good morning, Mrs Parker," Emily greeted, "We have a full schedule today. First up is the meeting with the board about the new women's shelter project."

"Thank you, Emily," Grace replied, giving her a warm smile. "Let's make today productive."

As Grace walked into the boardroom, she was met with a chorus of greetings from the board members. She took her seat at the head of the table and began the meeting.

For the next hour, they discussed budgets, timelines, and logistics for the new shelter. The conversation was lively, and Grace felt a spark of hope as she envisioned the impact this project would have on countless women.

However, just as the meeting was wrapping up, the atmosphere changed. Mark, one of the board members, cleared his throat. "Grace, there's another matter we need to address," he said, his tone unusually serious.

Grace looked at him, her brow furrowing slightly. "Go ahead, Mark."

He glanced around the table, then back at Grace. "It's about the zoning permits for the new shelter. There's been an unexpected challenge. The city council has decided to review our application, and there are rumors that they might reject it due to pressure from local businesses."

Grace's heart sank. "What do you mean?"

Mark sighed, pushing a folder across the table towards her. "We've received opposition from several influential business owners who are concerned about the shelter's impact on property values and their businesses. They're lobbying the council to deny our permit."

Grace felt the blood drain from her face as she opened the folder. The contents were damning: letters of opposition, reports, and petitions from local business owners. Her mind raced, trying to comprehend the implications.

"How could this happen?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly. "We've always had community support for our projects."

"We don't know, but we need to act quickly," Mark replied. "The council's vote is in two weeks. We need to rally support and counter these objections."

"Two Weeks!?"

"Yeah... Those business owners were pretty convincing."

"I see." Grace said with a nod, her resolve hardening. "We will address this immediately. I won't allow our mission to be derailed by a few business interests. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Mark."

As the meeting adjourned, Grace felt a knot of anxiety tighten in her stomach. She returned to her office, where Emily was waiting with a concerned expression.

"Is everything alright?" Emily asked softly.

"No, Emily," Grace replied, sinking into her chair. "We have a serious issue on our hands. I need you to help me gather all the information we can about these objections. We need to mobilize our supporters and make our case to the council."

Emily nodded, her eyes wide with determination. "I'll get right on it."

As Emily left the office, Grace leaned back in her chair, closing her eyes for a moment. The stress of the past few days weighed heavily on her, but she couldn't afford to break down now. She had to protect the foundation and the women they aimed to help.

Hours later, Grace and Emily had compiled a substantial amount of data. They had a plan to counter the objections, but they needed a strong ally on the council. As Grace pondered their next move, her phone buzzed with a call from an unknown number.

"Hello, this is Grace," she answered.

"Hello, Grace. My name is Courtney. I've heard about your little problem with the zoning permits, and I believe I can help."

Grace frowned. "Courtney? I don't think we've met."

"No, we haven't," Courtney replied smoothly. "But I've been following your work closely, and I admire what you're trying to do. I have connections on the city council that could be very useful to you."

Grace hesitated. "Why are you offering to help us?"

"Because I believe in your cause, Grace. And I believe that together, we can overcome this challenge. Meet me at the White Lotus Café at noon today, and we can discuss how to turn this situation around."

Grace considered for a moment before replying. "Alright, Courtney. I'll be there."

As the call ended, Grace was quite confused. Could this woman really be helpful?

Grace arrived at the White Lotus Café, her curiosity piqued. She spotted a striking woman with deep blue eyes and long raven hair sitting at a corner table. The woman stood up and extended her hand as Grace approached.

"Grace, it's a pleasure to finally meet you," Courtney said with a warm smile.

"Likewise," Grace replied, shaking her hand. "Thank you for offering to help. We're in a difficult situation."

Courtney nodded, her expression serious. "I know, and that's why I'm here. I have contacts on the city council who can sway the vote in your favor. But we need to act quickly and strategically."

They sat down, and Courtney outlined her plan. She suggested leveraging the media to highlight the positive impact of the shelter, organizing a community rally to show public support, and using her connections to directly influence key council members.

Grace listened intently, impressed by Courtney's insight and confidence. "This could work," she said, a spark of hope igniting in her chest. "But why are you so invested in this, Courtney?"

Courtney's gaze softened. "Let's just say I've been where many of the women you're trying to help have been. I know what it's like to feel helpless and alone. Your work gives them a chance at a better life, and I want to support that."

Grace felt a surge of gratitude. "Well, thank you. Your help means more than you know."

Courtney smiled, her eyes glinting with a mix of satisfaction and mystery. "I'm just happy to be helping."


Grace returned home after a very stressful day, her mind swirling with thoughts of the upcoming council meeting.

She walked into the living room, dropping her leather handbag on the couch as she kicked off her shoes. The familiar scent of home brought a small measure of comfort.

"Hey, love," Andrew greeted her with a warm smile. "Rough day?"

"You could say that," Grace replied, sighing deeply. She walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. "It was terribly."

Andrew kissed the top of her head. "Tell me all about it."

Grace sighed, pulling back slightly to look at him. "The city council is reviewing our zoning permits for the new shelter, and there's a lot of opposition from local businesses. It's a mess.

But I met a woman named Courtney who thinks she can help us. She has connections on the council and some really good ideas."

"Wow, that's a lot to handle," Andrew said, concern etched on his face. "Do you need me to do anything? I'm sure there's some people I could talk to."

"No, I think we'll be alright," Grace replied, feeling a bit lighter having shared her feelings. "Enough about my day, though. How was yours?"

Andrew's expression turned serious, and Grace noticed the change immediately. "I spent the entire day with my mom," he said quietly.

Grace's heart skipped a beat. "Is everything okay?" she asked, her voice filled with worry.

Andrew took a deep breath, clearly struggling with what he was about to say. "Actually, there's something important I need to tell you."

The cheerfulness of their conversation faded as Grace focused on Andrew, her anxiety rising "What is it, Andrew?" she asked softly.

Andrew hesitated, summoning the courage to speak. "Grace, I—"

Just as he was about to continue, Jasmine raced into the room, her face lit up with excitement. "Mommy, Drewey, guess what! I got a gold star in school today!"

The serious moment was abruptly interrupted, and Grace couldn't help but smile at her daughter's enthusiasm. "That's wonderful, sweetheart!" she exclaimed, pulling Jasmine into a hug. "I'm so proud of you."

Jasmine beamed, "Can we celebrate with ice cream?"

Andrew chuckled, ruffling Jasmine's hair. "I think we can manage that."

Grace glanced at Andrew, noticing the tension in his eyes had not entirely disappeared. She made a mental note to revisit their conversation later, once Jasmine was in bed.