
Lawken D. Will

Lawken D. Will is just a normal person, one day a strange thing happened he was just drinking milk and then..... Follow Lawken to the world of One Piece and find out who he is in the One piece world... Please Enjoy my Fanfic:)

Now_You_S33_Me · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Fighting Spirit!.

With Lawken in the ship thinking of what to make, Nami is thinking of a plan on how to steal the ship, with Lawken and the Bounty Hunter duo is sleeping in the ship she will need to steal it while they are distracted.

Then the Morning came and the workers at the Baratie is quickly and preparing for the costumers, some of them got out of Baratie to catch a lot of fish, with their new found method, and some is catching big fish to give the costumers more option.

With the Teaching of Lawken, they saved up a ton of money, and giving them a ton of ingredients and not causing any delay because of the lack of ingredients.

Lawken got outside to see what's happening and roamed around trying to think of what to add on his Arsenals of Equipment that he made to ensure survival, with Nami leaving stealing the ship he moved his Equipment to somewhere hidden so he could access them when the Pirates come.

He Made a glove for luffy, a steel mesh for Zoro, and for Sanji, he won't need any upgrades, he will help him fight Gin.

For the the restaurant he will have to warn Chef Zeff, about the future damages of the restaurant and he will request some materials to strengthen the building and to protest it from fire and Projectiles.

He walks around to find Zeff and asked about his plan and permission.

Then he saw Chef Zeff giving orders in the kitchen, with the amount of fish they are getting they won't hold back in using all of their fish stocks, with Lawken as their teacher, they will endure his safety and his secrets on their hearts.

That's because Lawken gave them opportunity to work more with their Cooking skills, and with the amount of Ingredients they are getting, they surely will be the best Restaurant in East blue. To farm their ingredients they will need a plot of land, but this was their plan from the start to make a farm, with Lawken that was sped up because of how efficient his teaching are. They can't help but laugh at the thought of him being their Janitor, if something bad Happens to Lawken and his crewmates, they will fight their one and only teacher and janitor.

Zeff saw Lawken, and he get's up from his seat and he gets outside of the Kitchen to meet him.

"Oh!, Lawken why are you here?, did you change your mind?" asked Zeff.

"Ahh no, actually I was about to ask for a request" said Lawken.

"Hmm?, what is it?, is it about the plot of land? we already found a good place to have a Farm, you don't have to worry about that" said Chef Zeff.

"Really it's done already!?, well it's not about that. I want a request for Materials and I need permission from you to build something in Baratie is it okay?, it's also a practice for my Devil Fruit because there is a lot of danger out there and I need to get familiar with my Devil-Fruit more and I need a lot of experiments, and it's not really Dangerous" said Lawken.

"Hmmm, if it's not really Dangerous I'll let it pass, and also I'll pay for the materials because of how you helped us lot with your ways, also where will you experiment?, and what materials will you need?" asked Zeff.

'He agreed!, if I need materials it will mostly be Tungsten, it will withstand all of what Don Krieg will throw at Baratie, and also I'll need an Upgrade to my weapon, and it will be marvelous!, it will make me look like a psycho, well my secondary weapon is too, but that's for the Future me to deal with' Thought Lawken.

Lawken thought for a while, and asked.

"Hey, do the merchants sell tungsten?, or any shop that sells them?"

"Hmm" Zeff thought for a while and answered.

"Not that I know of, Tungsten is not really rare but, the question is how will we buy it in this blue?, we haven't encountered one in years!, well there is a guy who has Devil Fruit like that, but he only sells it at the Grand line, it was made for armor by the Marines" said Zeff.

'Really!?, Marines uses that?, of course the WG(World Government) will monopolize that, what item is made of Tungsten?' Thought Lawken.

Lawken tried to think on what item has tungsten so that he could extract some on that Item and some extra metal to use for some equipment.

He looked around and saw a bulb and it clicked to him.

(A/N: he thought of an Idea because of the light bulb, Sheeesh)

'Everday life Items has metals and some of them has tungsten and Bulbs has them, but you need to powderise and heat it up, but it's worth a try' thought Lawken

"Chef Zeff, I have an Idea and it may sound crazy, but first I need a knife, a rod, and a light bulb if you have one" said Lawken.

"uhh, Sure thing" answered Chef Zeff.

Zeff ordered someone to gather all the things and Lawken thought of a plan on how to convert those bulbs into armor.

'The material that has tungsten in a bulb or more specifically is fluorescent light bulb it has a tungsten in it's heating rod or the bendy bit inside and it has to turn into powder and heated up. I could mix some metals, but I don't know what to mix it with.

Well that's for later the materials are here' Lawken thought.

Zeff's aid placed the materials and Lawken studied the materials and got hold of the light bulb.

He dropped the bulb and the glass shattered everywhere and he picked up the metal piece inside and using his Devil Fruit he inspected the metal and try to find tungsten.

(His Devil Fruit is famillar with particles, molecules, atoms, matter etc..., this feature is needed to give the user the advantage to manipulate the micro small matter with the power of the Devil Fruit. But first he must be familiar with the metal or handheld for him to get the information needed, not all information about the material are available yet.)

'Hmm, Tungsten different from other metals that I have encountered, this thing is really the material most armor are made of, but it's dense and surely will be hard to manipulate, or even heating it up will be a challenge too' Lawken thought.

He closed his palm on it and activated his Devil Fruit.

Smoke and heat radiates in his palm while Zeff watches.

"Not enough" Lawken said.

As he said, the heat Increased suddenly and surprised Zeff, but not backing away.

'If He was a cook we would don't need to buy fuel to fry and boil and we will get to experiment more with tougher Ingredients and we will discover more recipes' Zeff said with a Sigh.

'It sure is heating up, but I forgot to grind it, maybe later let's test it out first' Lawken Thought.

The metal melted and Lawken manipulated it to turn it into a little ball of metal and Cooled it down.

He opened his palms and inspected it.

"Hmmm, it sure is little, if I have to melt all of this to create only a baseball size tungsten then I only wasted time, but I haven't added carbon from what I know will surely toughen this up, you know what I'll just Mine this thing" said Lawken.

"Well if you are looking for more of those, we have an island near here where you can find some metals, if you find any of course, and extract it at the same time, but you have a Devil Fruit I guess that doesn't add up to you" said Zeff.

Lawken thought about it more and decided.

'I'll be little late at the fight, but they handled it pretty well even if I am not here, I don't know about sensing metals, I am more on Particles and sensing small stuff, but I have a Tungsten here to help me find it's brothers, If I help the boat reach me there It will probably take an hour or more and make the things at the same time, but I'll prepare beforehand some weapon to give them, just incase I'll be a little late' Thought Lawken.

With a sigh Lawken said.

"Let's do it" said Lawken.

Then Chef Zeff nodded and ordered his crew to prepare a boat and got in the Kitchen to work.

While they are preparing his boat, he grabbed the equipment he made later on that night and goes to the crew to distribute it.

The crew saw him walking to them with some weapons and asked.

"What are those for" asked Usopp.

Lawken placed it down and said.

"This are for all of you" said Lawken.

They were surprised and also confused on why they where given some weapons, and waited for Lawken for an explanation.

Lawken distributed the weapons and said.

"The Metal knuckles/Gloves are for Luffy, the Metal mesh is for Zoro, the Metal visor/goggles and Bullets for Usopp, and a Multilayered knife for Nami" said Lawken.

They inspected each weapon and equipment and looked at Lawken for their awaited explanation.

Lawken looked at them too and said.

"Ohh, yeah, the Knuckles are for extra damage you know Metal and rubber are good when combined, imagine luffy hitting you with that in the face"

Their face grimaced at the thought and listens again.

"The metal mesh is just for safety you and style, you will get extra clothing and will protect you from some sword slash no worry it isn't heavy and you could move with this" Lawken said and they Nodded.

"The visor/goggles is to protect you eyes from debris and I manipulated it into a process that will magnify your vision into 2× when you add another layer of glass, this will help you better and smoke, moisture will not clog your vision" Lawken said.

Usopp Laughs from excitement and tried the feature Lawken was saying.

He dropped the second glass it made a click sound and amplifying his vision twice, he will need this to see intricate parts and as a telescope to even though it only helps him a little bit to see from a far.

"The metal bullets are special because I made it super smooth that it could resist air and giving it aerodynamics and with different shape of bullets and different materials this will give you more experimentation, I haven't encountered any sea stone yet to prevent Devil Fruit users, but that is for later on" Lawken said.

Usopp was glad with the things Lawken gave and can't wait to try it, but he waits for Nami to get her weapon.

"This knife is special because I picked multiple metals and stacked and layered them many times as I can, I can't remember how many layers, but I think it will pass 100 layers, I Sharpened this thing like it's meant to cut anything, and I was surprised I made this" Lawken said.

Nami Touched the knife and came at an awe, The was like a weave with it's multiple layer of metals and she tried it's sharpness by asking Zoro.

Zoro grabbed the knife and he was shocked, it was sharp and he didn't know how can a human get this type of sharpness without giving any proper lesson from a blacksmith and without strong materials.

He grabbed the hilt and chopped a chain lurking around and it got cut.

"This knife is sharp as hell, if this was a sword a would use this as a weapon" Zoro said, because Zoro haven't encountered any strong weapon like the one given to him he was impressed.

Lawken was proud of that, but the process was super annoying and hard, so he doesn't even want to make another one.

They said their thanks to Lawken, Lawken said his welcome and gor into the boat and took off.

Luffy tried the gloves, but was stopped by Nami saying he will destroy the restaurant again.

While Lawken is going at his full speed the Strawhat Pirates got into a meeting.

"Why did Lawken gave us weapons?, if anything there was not anything dangerous at the moment" Asked Usopp.

"I think he was giving it to us because he thinks he is not doing anything anything and it's making him worried so he made this to ensure that he helped and is something helpful to us" Nami said.

"He didn't have to do that!, he is my Crewmate/Nakama, and he already gave us help when he helped us pay for the damages" Said Luffy.

They nodded, however didn't dug to much and just let it be.

"We won't get anything if we keep worrying so we will just support him as a crew" Zoro said.

"Wait, Where is he going actually?" Asked Luffy, while chewing at a meat.

"I overheard them talking and I think he will get something or a material in an Island nearby" said Zoro.

"What for?" as Usopp asked that they heard a commotion outside abd they hurry to get there.

But one crew member went in a different direction.

"Give our Crew food!, and we will leave at once!, we don't have any bad intentions only hungry pirates" Don Krieg said.

Then Chef Zeff retaliated. by refusing and Sanji interrupted Chef Zeff, and asked for Don Kriegs crew to be fed and Zeff Sighs and says.

"Stay There we will cook you something" Zeff said.

On the other side Nami...

'Sorry guys, but I have to betray you for me and my village' Nami's thoughts while looking back while continuing to escape.

To Be Continued...