
Lawken D. Will

Lawken D. Will is just a normal person, one day a strange thing happened he was just drinking milk and then..... Follow Lawken to the world of One Piece and find out who he is in the One piece world... Please Enjoy my Fanfic:)

Now_You_S33_Me · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 4: Jeremy.

A few days passed...

You can see a guy sleeping soundly in a shelter he built in the passed few days, the discovery of growing roots revolutionized and he used and exploited the way he can move particles and used it as an advantage to speed up the growth of plants and used its roots as a way shape his shelter.

Sun rised in the horizon blanketing his face with sunlight and it causes the guy to wake up.

Lawken woke up with a slight headache because last night even though he had a roof, he doesn't have any bed to lay on, and it would also take a long time to make.

It would take a lot of work and a mold to hold it, the rectangle shape from the shelter he built is easy because he would just guide the plant while he does it and before he slept, he would check if it is in the right direction.

For the bed to be made, he needs to make the plants soft and a lot of guidance.

While he thinks a about the bed, he looked at the Horizon, the Sun and light radiating and hitting his eyes and skin, he stopped for a moment and think.

'What's my purpose? ,Even if I know what will happen and where I am, it still give me the confusion of why I am here?, even if it was an accident, What will I do at this situation, what I want and Need?, or What do I do?' Lawken thought for a moment.

"Meh, I will entrusts it to my future me, for now survive" Lawken said.

'Now that I have shelter, water, and food what next?' thought Lawken.

"If I have those things, now I need comfort, social needs, and safety" Lawken said.

'For Comfort, I need to have a bed, pillow, and a bed sheet, for social need I need a companion, and it's working progress or working on it, and for security, I just need an Offencieve and Defensive ability.

Like umm, Solidifying limbs, solidifying the particles, or boiling the blood, I just need to practice.' Thought Lawken.

While Lawken is in a thought, a big splash came in a distance and a huge Fish or a monster emerges.

"Hmm? What is that? , Ohh just a Sea king" Said Lawken.

Then Lawken stops and looks again and then get's surprised.

"Holy **** it's a Sea king it could eat me here, I need to hide!!" Lawken said.

He Hides behind the a tree that he grew and shuts his mouth, and looks again.

"*sigh*, the Sea King is gone I need to get stronger fast!".

So Lawken starts his Morning stretch and training, he got determined to train harder so that he wouldn't be Prey.

Once his done training he goes to the shore to look for fishes and a sharp rock, He founds them and heads back.

"What's the sharp rock for you said?, well I can make an Axe out of this rock and use my devil fruit to make a strong handle by twisting the roots and sharpening it, like the one you see in the Handle of Storm Breaker from Thor. It will have a nice grip and a lot sturdier as well. I will use this to cut down some of the trees, so that I could make Wooden frame out of it and make a Bed" said Lawken while looking at a wooden figure with face and a Leaves for it's hair and clothes.

Because of his discovery, he can now speed up the growth of a plant until he grew a tree with it, he struggled a lot with watering them, but because of the adaptability of the seed and his fruit it was less taxing and it helped him practice the fruit.

He Made the Stone Axe and he cuts down a tree and used his devil fruit to heat up the surface of the stone and shaving up the bark and smoothen out the wood.

He cut's it up and making a wooden frame and he measured and got another sharp rock to make a Chisel to make the wood fit together nicely and he used his Devil fruit to strengthen the Wooden frame by clamping the particles together and used heat to harden the wood, he lets it cool down and wait.

While waiting he make a campfire and cooks the fish that he caught and thinks.

'How can I make a sheet and a Pillow?, meh I'll just use leaves. The fish now taste bland and bitter, how can I make this good?, Hmmmm maybe an oven or a pot. Is there any clay here?' thought Lawken.

Lawken looked, but didn't see one so he stands up to finish the bed and move it to his shelter and grabbed some leaves for his sheet and he got outside train and washes and get's into the shelter and laid down.

'Hmmm, a not so productive day, but got some worked done and I survived' thought Lawken.

"Right?, Jeremy?... yeah thought so…" said Lawken to Jeremy the Wooden Figure.

And he sleeps…..

Thanks for reading this chapter!!.

To Be Continued…

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