
Law of Singularity: a trial tragedy

The world had gone through a state of chaos. Occurrence that may bring tragedy, deaths, enlightenment, or life. 'What in the world is happening?!' When the world that you knew are now in a phase of evolution. 'What should I do?!' When all events may lead them to death. 'What can I do to protect them?!' When common knowledge from the past is of no use. 'Can I even save them?' When you realize that it is impossible alone. 'What if it'll be all in vain?!" When you are running out of hope. 'I WILL PROTECT THEM!' All because they are Family. My Light and Hope.

Mnrch_ART · Krieg
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

40 minutes earlier


A hot day in summer time. A perfect time for cold foods and cool shade places. But as for me, I'm just right here staying at home. Sitting soothingly while watching cartoon shows.

It's still pretty early in the middle morning of the day, 10:40. All chores are done and kept. With no things to do it'll be great to have your free time, but the atmosphere today doesn't help with my choices either. So basically just ignore boredom and welcome the soothingness.

I don't know why but today's work and chores are unexpectedly easier and faster compared to other days.

My sister Jewel is unbotheredly sweeping and dust cleaning over and over, here and there. Jewel can't get through with boredom, she just feels sick if she just let it gets right into her self. So she just work it out unto some stuffs until she finds something that'll entertain her. She seems to be seen as workaholic but she isn't, she's more like 'it's on me if I work or lurk' or something like that.

The voices of the characters on televisions were only heard until some barging running steps can be heard on the second floor. Then a man came running down the stairs and immediately get straight infront of me.

"What? What's the matter?" Shocked but not too shocked, you know cause of boredom. I just looked up to him with my lazy looking gaze and asked for his concern. While sitting in the sofa unmoved.

"Do you have a load? Hurry?!" Jeo loud as ever. Urging me unto something I don't know.

"What do you mean hurry? No, my load just expired. Now get away." Shoving him away. Being next to him when his that excited won't do me any good.

"Where's Kuya?" Jeo asking and then checked the kitchen if Kuya Eco is present.

"Market." Jewel answered nonchalantly while wiping the frame with a duster.

"What's he doing there?"Jeo, confused.

"Playing dumb are you?" I talked back.

Jewel and I answered at the same time.

"Food for today." Jewel answered.

"I don't know okay." Jeo bickered while facing me. "When's he going home?" Then turn to Jewel, continued to ask.

"Yeah, cause you're busy playing." I'm literally getting him to be pissed. I think it's because I'm bored, it's better to have a fun quarrel with Jeo than just lying here all day.

"Later." Jewel replied while earnestly sweeping the floor.

"I'm cleaning upstairs okay?!" Jeo angrily talked back. "Okay, thanks Jewel." Then Jeo instantly grabbed my hand and readied to drag me outside. "And come with me."

"You're welcome." Jewel, still doing her already done chores.

"What're you doing? Let go you jer-" I haven't even able to finish what I'm trying to say when Jeo just immediately rush outside pulling me along with him.

The time I am finally moved outside, hot sun rays razed all throughout my tranquil state.

It is dang hot and burning. I can't stop him by force nor can I stop him with my warnings. With this atmosphere and the exhaustedly-dehydrated state I am in I can't possible exert enough force, even a shout would eventually deplete my already run out stamina.

Jeo, when aggressively active is hard to calm down and difficult to get through him with words.

I've been telling him things like 'wait!' or 'calm down!' or 'okay, I'm going so now let go!' or even 'you jerk, stop dragging me!' it doesn't get through him at all. He may be too concentrated on what he's thinking or too focused finding Kuya Eco in this huge place.

After some time...

It has already been 30 minutes circling around the market but still haven't found Kuya Eco. We've been to places where Kuya Eco might be yet couldn't still find him.

I don't have a cap with me so I use both of my hands to cover my face. And I can't possibly cover my arm because I don't have a jacket with me either. It hurts to walk around in a short sleeve shirt and in short shorts under this dry-hot weather. And because Jeo just dragged me, I just stay in stores with enough shade and only let Jeo go around in search.

There is a one story building in the market with a portion of place in the front as parking lots for motorcycles. It is just right across the park, and I am currently taking my rest here.

A few minutes of waiting, Jeo have finally arrived.

"Haven't found yet?" asking Jeo, slightly annoyed.

"mmh.." Jeo replied with an agreed hum. "But Ate at the poultry shop said that Kuya Eco already headed home after buying chicken 15 minutes ago." Jeo continued.

ATE is a Filipino name for Older sister. A show of respect and politeness to female people who is older than you. Even if not related and acquainted.

"Just now?"

"Yeah." while sitting squatted on the floor (Asian sit)

"We might have already crossed path with Kuya, we just didn't noticed." I theorized. "C'mon, he must be at home now." Taking a step.

"Yeah, he must be. C'mon faster." Jeo jumped from his squatted position and instantly grabbing my wrist and dashed off.

I couldn't even retaliate. Jeo is running fast giving me a warn of safety. I might get tripped or get into an accident if I somehow attend my focus on complaining rather than giving attention to running. I have to focus all on my action as I'm now under his pace.

'This jerk! Wait till we get home. He owe me this time.' I can only think for a moment and ended up cursing him and all.

A few ragged of running, we've finally arrived at our destination. Jeo let go of me when he's near the door. I just continued my pace. 'just a couple of steps more.' thinking my way through.

Then finally got inside.

It was heck of a fight. A hot-dry atmosphere where there's nothing can beat than just to surrender. Luckily I'm drop exhausted cause if not, this crazed jerk will surely get a beating.

'Owe me. He really owe me.' I strongly reminded myself as I walk towards the sofa across Kuya Eco and sat.

'Finally. A breather.' I positioned myself as relaxed as possible.

"And you too?" Kuya Eco asked me. He might have thought that I'm also with Jeo.

"No. I was just dragged by this jerk." a response with hint of irritation.

"word, Rio." Kuya Eco reminded me.

Kuya Eco wanted us to be role models, someone that can be looked up to by anyone. Well, but it does only based on our own nature. He raised us to be good as we can and wanted to be, but not as someone who expected us to be. Getting on the hobby of using unnecessary word as an expression is an example of what he doesn't approve. But there were also things that he let us do as we pleases, even though it isn't someone to be done by ethic people.

'There's never been someone who is perfect as what they are expected' that's what Kuya Eco believed. He got a good point on it, an accurate one at that. That's why he's one of those I respected the most.

"Ah sorry." Guilt was a fast approach.

"Hmm." Kuya Eco nodded "Okay! I think the food will be cooked soon, right?" then turned to face the kitchen where Jewel is still currently at.

"Hmm. It's cooked." Jewel confirmed.

Kuya Eco stood up from his sit and faced me. "Help prepare lunch. And I'll change shirt, reeking in sweat is awful." while flapping his shirt as if he was drying his shirt off.

"C'mon Jeo." I called out.

I stood up and headed straight to the kitchen. Our kitchen isn't fancy and all but it is cozy. Painted walls in vanilla and wooden brown with mint-nature decor stuffs getting on its abode vibe. A 33 inches wide aluminum sink, 2 way gas stove, and 1.8 cu. ft. 1 door refrigerator were in the kitchen.

"Wait. Need to take a breather." Joe responded as he landed laying on the sofa.

"Deserve." I cursed.

I go straight to the kitchen and saw Jewel having difficulty cleaning kitchenwares. She's lifting those heavy pans as she can. She knew that we are here yet she's still eager to do it by herself.

Jewel really wanted to become independent. She's the youngest and fragile amongst us and she knows it. Maybe because of that, that she feels bothered, that maybe she sometimes thinks that she's a burden.

Jewel is strong. She might be the strongest girl I know, she just have to do it in her own pace and not force herself in.

I approached her and grab the pan that she's carrying. "You know that we're here right? Let us do the heavy stuffs."

Jewel looked at me and loosen her grip on the pan. "Thanks." says nonchalantly and walk.

"You shouldn't get tired. You can't clean if you are." at the same time I looked at her.

It was just a moment but I'm sure I saw her smile.