
Chapter 21

"It's said that demons of every kind even you and I, are all hewn from a singular Devil. Reais. Our entire realm is he, our existence is he, we cannibalise one another in vain efforts for strength, cunning…for Reais to return. At least, that's what the Demon Lords say." 

{T-2/L-10— Trirax}

Hovering outside her prison Seraph's master Trirax dictates down to Lavinia. His silk like robes billow against the wind, parting away its high collar enough for a glimpse at the Essence rich Soul Crystal embedded below his wiry neck.

Her prisoners have left her up here for days on end. Lavinia has seen the thumping Stelc complete its route deep into the forest and back enough times to be bored of it. Her arm has returned in half, regenerating short of her elbow. Lavinia figures a proper meal would encourage its regrowth but starvation is all the company she's had since singing for Seraph. And now, their master presents himself, gliding through the air with the aid of a power akin to Lucy's yet not as she notes the demonic flare of Essence about him.

He wags a bony finger and shuts all three of his eyes as he tuts, "It's all well and good to pursue becoming Reais but such a massive conquest would potentially mean the cannibalisation of our entire species. Don't you think that's quite selfish?"

The largest and topmost of his eyes peels open, fixing an expectant look on Lavinia. She doesn't say a word and watches the demon from within with a blank stare, almost looking past him.

His black lips curl into a frown and he fishes out the small token pouch from his baggy sleeves. Twirling a radiant token between his fingers he sneers as Lavinia's attention is bought, her eyes following each flip intently. In a flash the token vanishes into his fist and Lavinia growls, eyes darting to meet his for the first time. This Trirax is far refined than Seraph and the others she's met— his head for one still hold its prism shape but gone are the sharp edges. His lips are pitch black, thin and out of place sharing his flat face with three eyes, another exception over the other Trirax.

"I am telling you this because the demons of Corym and I prefer to uphold civilised manners. After what you've done with my goblins and to Neibor even, I should have you melted and harvest your meagre Crystal for my benefit, like the Demon Lords would."

Lavinia blinks and in a measured tone says, "But you won't."

The Trirax recoils, inhaling deeply he responds in an equally measured tone, "No, I won't. You are only a curious Pink, aren't you? Not to mention a Vampiric, no, I will not dispose of you. Confused as you are you knew enough to come to Corym, so instead I will enlighten you."

Of course, if they'd meant to kill her then Seraph would be here instead of their master. Despite not fearing for her life, Lavinia holds a level of caution for the flying Trirax— it's ability to soar and hover through air is the first of such she's seen. If it were to come to a fight, even at her full strength Lavinia bears little faith in her chances of survival.

"I am not confused." She says, clambering onto her feet to grasp the bars. Standing as close as she can to the Trirax she corrects, "I am hungry."

A magnanimous smile smears his lips across his face, "Of course, you must be. What is your name?"

Lavinia narrows her eyes at the unexpected question, Seraph had asked it too and she had refrained from divulging. For whatever reason, the thought of someone else using the name irks her yet at the same time she understands that a name is to used, said and called.

"I am Lavinia."

"Hm, Lavinia, an interesting choice, did you make it?" Lavinia shakes her head and the Trirax shrugs, "Oh well, many demons attain names before the Crimson Tier from humans or…other forces. I've even heard of some born with their names, either way, I am Ulx, Lord Crimson and Prime of the Trirax."

He sets an arm out and beckons Lavinia, "Come, I will feed you."

Holding his stare Lavinia hesitates as he nods, urging her to take his hand. Her stomach growls, reminding her of its deepening displeasure and with a low grunt she punches out two of the most rusted bars keeping her confined. A gust of wind whistles by as the bars summersault to the city below, clanging against the ground only several seconds after.

Seeing her gulp at the steep drop, Ulx lets out a heinous laugh, "Don't worry, unless you bite me I promise not to drop you."

Careful, Lavinia sets her arm out for his and in a heartbeat, he snatches her from the cage and they plummet. Lavinia suppresses a terrified scream and braces herself for a bone-shattering collision with the ground only for Ulx to halt their descent and zip above the clusters of mudbrick buildings and metal constructs.

The steady wind whooshes around them, ruffling her mane and sending a sweet, soothing breeze through the thick head of hair. Feeling brave, she sneaks a peek for a first-hand viewing of the Corym, the demon city— its buildings squeeze together in clusters around each of the two, no, three bastion towers within the city. Ulx glides Lavinia over and around the settlements that spiral around his own towering spire. Trirax below call out with jubilant greetings as he flies past with Lavinia clinging on dearly.

The settlements around his tower are full of demons of varying strengths and sizes. As Ulx slows down, Lavinia's privy to the busy alleys and corner ways below, none of the demons devolve into infighting or rage fuelled cannibalism and instead the sounds of labour and animated conversations fill the air, creating an atmosphere of unusual harmony.

Beyond the Trirax themselves, a motley assortment of creatures populates the city. Goblins scuttle alongside other peculiar, feathered beings and as Ulx brings Lavinia to the ground she quickly finds herself surrounded as little Pink Crystal Trirax rush along with a growing crowd, all looking up at her and Ulx.

"It's good to see you too!" She hears Ulx say, waving with a bright, three-eyed wide smile on his face. He hovers past Lavinia's shoulder, beckoning her to follow.

Glad to be grounded, Lavinia follows and does her best to ignore a tiny Trirax trailing close behind with eager an eye trained on herself and Ulx. He glides through the air above their heads, stopping at a delicious smelling metal box. Inside a demon works away at a fire, toasting and searing meats of questionable sources. Too hungry to care, Lavinia walks up to the box, taking advantage of the Trirax distracted by Ulx's presence.

Salivating, Lavinia clings onto the box's short opening as the demon within cuts a slab of meat into long, thick slices with its claw. Covered in pitch black fur, the demon boasts a round body and Crystal much powerful than Lavinia's. 

{T-2/L-4— Neekow}

"Can I eat that?" Lavinia almost pleads.

The Neekow turns its attention on her, narrowing its slit green eyes and shaking its long whiskers it rumbles, "Two Auramotes."

Perplexed, Lavinia turns to Ulx for help and with a waiting grin he picks out the token from before, "Here you go, Derna, a Vitacore for this one's troubles."

Derna snatches the token greedily, grinning at Lavinia he sets three slices on fire, watching them sear for a moment before staking them with a thin metal and handing it over to her, "Enjoy."

Ulx hovers beside Lavinia, watching as she chows through two of the sticks at a time, "Now that you are fed are you ready to listen?"