
First day of school (3)

I run out of the cafeteria holding my tears back. Why do I always freeze when someone accuse me, insults me? I do know that he won't hit me like mother does. Then why did got scared there? While running through the hallways I bump into someone.

"Ouch." Oh no!! I'm falling. I'll hit my head on the floor. I close my eyes, ready for the fall. But then someone catches me. I slowly open my eyes to see, "Asher?" Just seeing him I burst into tears.

"Oh no, Wonju? You didn't fall. You're okay. Please stop crying. People are watching." He panics.

"Ju-*sniffle* Take me to*sniffle*Juwon*sniffle*" I say still crying. He doesn't ask anything else just takes me to the outdoor basketball court where Juwon is having lunch and chatting with his teammates.

Asher Taylor is my brothers childhood buddy. They've known each other since forever. They are practically like brothers. And he sure is just like a brother to me too. But I can't deny that he was once my crush. My very first crush, which lasted for a month. Because he's got the most gorgeous girlfriend ever. I simply can't compete with her.

Upon reaching the destination, I immediately spot Juwon in his basketball uniform chatting with some other guys. I run to him and hug him. Everyone around us gasps. Juwon flinches and it takes him time to recognize that it's me.

"Damn dude!!! You got a secret girlfriend and you didn't even introduce us to her?" One of the guys comment.

"Shut it. She's his sister." Asher puts his hand on that guys shoulder. By this time he had caught up to me.

"I want to talk alone somewhere. I don't feel good." I say, my voice shaking and I'm still holding Juwon tightly.

"You got a sister?" Another guy says.

"I'll talk to you guys later." Juwon tells them in a serious tone. "Let go Dory. Let's talk somewhere else." Juwon says as he frees himself from my grasp. He takes my hand and leads me to that fountain I saw in earlier today.

"Juwon?" I burst into tears and he pulls me into a hug knowing something bad surely happened by just seeing me and my clothes. I cry for a long time. He doesn't let go until I stop crying.

"Feeling better?" He asks still hugging me tight. I nod and he lets go. He gives me a packet of pocket tissues. I take it and wipe my face.

"Now tell me who did this? I'll talk to them. I promise I won't fight." He assures me.

"I wanna go back to homeschooling. Can you please let mom and dad know?" My voice is still shaky.

"And why should I? If you don't like this school. I'll just ask mom and dad to transfer us to another school. I'll tell them I don't like it here anymore." He says.

"You don't have to do that. I just don't feel good around so many people." I say almost crying again.

"If you won't tell me how will I help you? You do know I'll find out somehow? It's just the first day. Even if it didn't go as planned doesn't mean the upcoming days will be bad as well, right?" He says smiling at me.

"I hope so?" I say not meeting his eyes.

"My sister is too genius for those morons. If you can't beat them in a fight, beat them with your grades. I'll be blessed if you beat me as well." He laughs. I can't help but laugh with him.

It has always been like this. No matter how sad I am, Juwon just lifts up my mood. He's my therapy. Even though I don't wanna live with the Han's after I turn 18, the thought of leaving Juwon just crushes me.

Juwon stands up and extends his hands towards me. "Let's get you changed into something clean. Will you be okay wearing my PE uniform? I don't have to attend PE class today since I'll be practicing with my team for the upcoming game." He asks.

I take his and stand up "Yeah, as long as they don't stink like you are now." I smile.


"You stink, you monkey." I laugh like crazy and he joins in.

Juwon takes me to the boys locker room. He asks me to go in but I find it highly inappropriate, even after he tells me there is no one inside right now. I wait for him out side. After a while he gives me the his PE uniform.

"You sure these are clean?" I ask trying to contain my laugh.

"Dory? You want it or not?" He says with a straight face which is so funny. I just give him a smile and leave. "Thanks. See ya." I say. "Yeah sure!! Now get lost." He says as if he's seriously annoyed. I can't help but laugh out loud and run for my life.

I change into the clothes he gave me. It's a bit loose. Even though our facial features are exactly same. You won't be able to tell us apart if we cover up our beauty spots and do the same hairstyle. Not to mention we love to cross dressing each Halloween and Nobody even notices until we speak. We are the same height. The thing that differentiates us is our beauty marks on our faces. I have a beauty mark on my right cheek and Juwon has one under his left eye.

He's grown some muscles and his clothes are pretty much big for me now. And not to mention he tore one of my dresses recently while trying to wear it. So annoying.

Vivi called me like a hundred times and texted me but I don't feel like facing her now. I feel too ashamed to face her now. But I need to go to the class and I'll have to see her there.

While thinking all sort of nonsense I start walking towards my next class which is biology. And Vivi has the same class, it's a disaster. I'll just sit with Juwon and try to ignore her. I call Juwon as I walk and tell him to come to the class fast since I don't feel comfortable around Vivi. He doesn't ask much and says that he'll be there and asks me to wait in front of the classroom.

TO BE CONTINUED ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●




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