
Last Year of High School

After her bestie changes school, and the new boy comes in her class, Alexis life fills with a lot of drama. And her crazy family won't make it easier for her. Will she become friends with Jonathan, the new boy, or remain enemies for life? A comedy to brighten up your day.

storiesbyjohana · Teenager
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17 Chs

First day (1)


Everyone seemed to be whispering behind my back, and I totally knew the reason. My bestie Daphne and I were like an Angel-Devil combination. She was sweet and nice and always wore bright modern clothes, while I was sporty and a little rude, tomboy styled, always in black comfortable hoodies and with my beloved cap on.

You could never see us apart, and we even skipped school on the same days. And we always showed up on the yearbook as the "Cutest friends". I guess opposites actually attract.

This was the first time I was alone at school, and it seemed that people already started "their talking". I missed Daphne so much already...

I had 25 more minutes before class started, so I went in my favorite place in the schoolyard, a place only we both knew, and videocalled her.

"Hey my BTD! How are youuu?"

"People here already started the "oh she's so lonely now that she doesn't have her bestie" and "she's hopeless" conversations haha... like we don't videocall each other 5 times per day, and chat for the rest."

"Those stupid a**holes don't get real friendship."

"I know righttt? Anyway enough of me, how's your new life? Have you found a replacement for me yet?"

"You know that no one can replace you, right?"


"School here is as boring as there, but in here, there are some hot hotties!"

"Hot hotties?" *wink-wink*

"You have no idea! They all look as Insta-stars!"

"Jelaous! Gotta go, class's starting! CYA!"


I took my plain black backpack and went off to class. I sat on my usual spot, nearby the window, but this time alone, because my other half used to sit there.(Daphne and not someone else ofc ;) The whispering still continued. Apparently, I was the only girl sitting alone. I wanted to hear some of the TEA, so I started being quiet.

"Looks like the Yin-Yang broke up."

"Who cares? Have you heard about the new student?"

"Nope? Is it a boy or girl?"

"I have no idea, I thought you might've known."

"Nah, nothing."

The Maths teacher entered the class.

"Before we start the lesson for today, I'd like to introduce your new classmate."

I really was hoping that it was a girl, someone that I could talk to, with no fear, just like Daphne and I did.

"Please be a girl, please be a girl, please be a girl"- whispered I with my fingers crossed.

And when I look at the door, I see a .... BOY.

"Everyone welcome Jonathan"- the teacher continued.

All the girls were staring at him in a way that monkeys stare bananas. I have no idea what they even liked at this guy. He had a dreamy look and didn't even bother to remove his earpods, even while the teacher was speaking.

"You can take the seat next to Alexis, right there," - and she pointed at me.

"Oh no"- I thought. "Oh no no no no no"

I tried to hide myself, but he understood where his seat was, and he just sat next to me. GREAT. Just great. I had to stay in the SAME DESK for the WHOLE YEAR with the NEW BOY.