An unknown powerful Dragon Lord with knowledge of the modern world and future comes into the turbulent time of the Dance of Dragons. With lineage greater than Targaryen could ever hope to achieve. What change would it bring to the fate of others?? Because I am new to this it takes hours to write one chapter so just give me some motivation with power stones and reviews. And last English isn't my first language, and I am learning as I write. Chao! Enjoy
Daeranyx POV
I have provided the Targaryens with a ritual to bond more deeply with their dragons than they currently do, but this ritual was not identical to Laena's; there were some changes. The end result was that some achieved control almost comparable to Laena's, though not quite at her level. The ones who reached this were Rhaenys and Daemon, which I had anticipated. Why? Because their profound love for their mounts made it unlikely, they would not receive additional benefits. Since the ritual depends more on the dragon's consent than anything else, Viserys gained the least benefit from performing ritual.
Before performing the ritual, I demanded Skagos in exchange. Viserys consented enthusiastically, believing I would govern Skagos under Targaryen dominion. However, I clarified that I don't want Skagos as part of the Seven Kingdoms or the North, as I had no desire to rule under or alongside the Targaryens. Upon revealing my intention for Skagos' independence from the Seven Kingdoms to Viserys, he requested a day to consider my proposal. The following day, he agreed in principle but expressed the need to consult with Lord Stark before ceding Skagos, since Jaehaerys had already given a new gift from the North to the Nigh's Watch. He acknowledged that repeating the action of his predecessor could potentially create a rift between House Targaryen and House Stark.
I suggested that he could return a new gift to the North, setting a condition that whichever house rule the land would have to provide whatever resources the Night's Watch requires. This way, no one would be offended because, even with thousands manning the Wall, they still wouldn't fully utilize the land, which could be a godsend to the rest of the North. Regarding Skagos' separation from the North, I believe the few Northern Lords accompanying Lord Stark will express their displeasure, but ultimately, they are indifferent towards the Islands since the Skagosi Lords rarely interact with them. However, this time may be different, and I will only know once Lord Stark arrives. Nevertheless, I am resolved to claim Skagos, regardless of which house I must persuade or manipulate.
"I still cannot comprehend why you would ask for those deserted islands for yourself," Corlys asked with a sigh, looking towards me for an answer, as I had not provided any explanation for my decision to claim Skagos. Not that I owe him an explanation, but I have spent a considerable amount of time with Corlys these past two weeks. I am familiar with some aspects of this world, but not with its politics and many customs that are renowned worldwide. And who better to teach me than a man who has traveled almost the entire known world himself? So, after all I have done for House Velaryon, Corlys did not even inquire what I desired and agreed before I could make my request; I wish to learn from him. Thus, whenever he had free time from his duties, I would visit him, and we would discuss his voyages and the various customs he had encountered around the known world. "I personally think you will only find trouble there. You could have asked for the Stepstones or any fertile and resourceful land, and King Viserys would not have denied you, considering his house's need for the ritual you have already provided them. This time, I truly believe you have made the wrong decision, Lord Drakonar." Corlys stated, exasperation evident in his voice.
Rhaenys looked as if she agreed with what Corlys had said, and curiosity sparkled in her eyes, wondering if I would respond to Corlys this time about why I desired that island. Usually, Laenor shows no interest in our discussions, but miraculously, he too was looking at me, eager to see my reaction. Laena was the only one present who seemed disinterested in the entire affair. This was because even though I hadn't taught her magic; there were a few instances when she witnessed what magic could accomplish. It was nothing significant, merely a spell known to any Hogwarts student, but with my potent magic, that spell wrought such havoc that Laena was both astounded and terrified.
Subsequently, she badgered me all day to teach her even a smidgen of magic, but she failed to persuade me. Resorting to seduction, she attempted to coax me into teaching her, but even that failed. When I inquired who had suggested such a tactic, she confessed it was the septa. Although she hadn't told her septa that she wished to learn magic from me, she had expressed a desire for something from her betrothed, and the septa had advised seduction. Indeed, the Seven teachings are full of wisdom. Following that day, she did not speak to me not on our Dragon-riding, but the next day she returned to her usual self. Her personality has become more outgoing since the ritual, and she has mentioned an increase in her physical strength as well. However, there has been no improvement in her magical sensing abilities, even after she tried my suggestion to meditate to enhance them.
I chose to enlighten Corlys on why I prefer Skagos over any other land from the Targaryens, hoping it would be enough to cease his incessant queries whenever the topic of my deal with the Targaryens arose. "There are numerous reasons for selecting those deserted islands. Primarily, dragons favor habitats near volcanoes, and such locations are scarce in our world. Regarding the troubles you've mentioned, it seems you've forgotten what I offered you during our deal. If you believe I could present that to you without concern, and still think I couldn't solve the troubles of Skagos, then you should reconsider the extent of my powers, which I'm confident of. Lord Corlys, I've repeatedly informed you and the Targaryens that you are unaware of magic's true potential. Your wife's family is privileged to ride magical creatures, elevating them above mere Men and closer to Gods. I can harness that force without any repercussions. My reluctance to display my powers doesn't mean they are insignificant. However, you won't have to wait much longer, as the impending war I will be sure to demonstrate my capabilities," I declared, gazing directly into his eyes. Laena clasped her hands with mine, her expression laden with concern.
Well, that should suffice. It appears I need to consider carefully before engaging in casual conversation rather than formal with Lords in the seven kingdoms. Here, when you converse informally with them, people tend to overstep boundaries. I'm not an introvert, but I prefer to keep certain matters private and only share with those I trust completely, which is why I haven't disclosed my what catches my interest in Skagos. However, during our meeting, he persistently inquired about why I desire the islands in that far North, which I found irritating because, as mentioned, I value my privacy. Perhaps I am an introvert. Nevertheless, I must alter this trait, as it is not conducive to this world where engaging with others and leading them is the path to becoming a significant figure.
"I merely thought you were erring, Lord Drakonar. As allies, it's my duty to prevent decisions that might lead to regret. Trust that my intentions for your house and yourself are sincere. Yet, I shouldn't question your foresight or invade your privacy by inquiring about your interest in Skagos. Please, accept my apology for that. And thank you for indulging my curiosity regarding Skagos. It appears House Targaryen knows less about dragons than we presumed," said Corlys, bowing his head slightly. I nodded, accepting his apology and acknowledging his thanks. Rhaenys glanced at Corlys with a fleeting angry look, which quickly turned contemptuous as she began to ponder.
Afterward, our conversation turned to the mundane affairs of the realm and what Corlys had heard from the small council meeting. The awkwardness that arose from discussing Skagos lingered, prompting me to depart. I needed to reach Skagos to complete the ritual early, which would then allow me some private time as there is only Anarion that would be present there and I trust him more than anyone in this world.
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