An unknown powerful Dragon Lord with knowledge of the modern world and future comes into the turbulent time of the Dance of Dragons. With lineage greater than Targaryen could ever hope to achieve. What change would it bring to the fate of others?? Because I am new to this it takes hours to write one chapter so just give me some motivation with power stones and reviews. And last English isn't my first language, and I am learning as I write. Chao! Enjoy
With Anarion's mighty leap and the powerful flaps of his wings, we ascend into the sky. Only seconds pass, yet I have no desire to return to the ground. The sensation of soaring through the clouds, watching towers that once loomed large now shrink beneath us, is indescribable. The formidable energy rolling off Anarion's body is unforgettable, a memory to cherish for a lifetime. I now grasp why dragon lords deem themselves superior to other mortals; from this vantage point, whether you are a lord or a peasant, a single word can reduce you to nothing but ash in the wind.
We circled the Valyria peninsula, and amidst Anarion's pained roars, I attempted to discern what lay below. In the dim and murky atmosphere, only shifting shadows were visible, but that was enough for me to urge Anarion to take us away. Gliding over Valyria, I spotted dragon bones scattered across the terrain. I was tempted to collect them, yet uncertain of the dangers that lurked beneath. I resolved to return once my mastery of magic was sufficient. The dragon bones are a crucial component for forging Valyrian steel. As we exited Valyria's outer reaches, I glimpsed the sea, now known as the Smoking Sea.
After issuing some verbal commands to Anarion, we began our descent to a place where visibility was clear. Once landed, I unbuckled my straps, dismounted, and started to gather black bones. I surmised these were the remains of dragons that had attempted to escape but perished here instead. Judging by the size and number of bones, they belonged to two adult dragons. Even if they had managed to escape, they likely would have drowned. Having collected the bones and secured myself in the saddle, I commanded Anarion to ascend into the sky.
We encountered numerous ships, some of which had red and gold sails, matching the armor on skeletons aboard. I surmised these were Lannister soldiers who had come to plunder Valyria. I sought the famed Brightroar but to no avail. Returning their ancestral Valyrian greatsword could easily ingratiate me with House Lannister. Alternatively, I could forge a new one to sell or gift, depending on the circumstances. They possess nothing of value to me, yet fostering good relations with other houses is beneficial, which is why I endeavored to locate that sword.
As I steer Anarion towards Volantis, I am guided by Daeranyx's frequent visits, knowing well the direction to take. While enjoying the scenery and soothing my mind, I discern a difference in the air. It seems as though the air of Plantos is purer than that of Earth. This is to be expected, after all, as here there are no factories, vehicles, or the numerous other sources of pollution that were present back on Earth.
I need to carefully consider my training location. Skagos or the Summer Isles appear to be my only options, as Essos conceals many lurking dangers. Although R'hllor isn't as renowned now as he will be in a hundred or a hundred and fifty years, I still prefer a safer place. However, the people of the Summer Isles speak a different language, and I'm not well-acquainted with them, unlike Skagos, where I know the ruling houses. Food is essential during my training. While I could hunt, I would still need to visit markets or stalls here for spices.
I have several reasons for visiting Skagos. One is to learn the Old Tongue and determine whether I can use it in the form of runes. If not, then I must visit Runestone to verify the authenticity of the runes engraved on their armor. It was also speculated back on Earth that Skagos has a volcano, albeit a dormant one, which would suffice for Anarion.
I maintain that volcanoes act as ley lines of magic in this world, or that they have a higher concentration of magic than other places. Some may disagree, but here are my theories on the subject. Dragons flourish in volcanic regions; they are drawn to these areas as their preferred natural habitat. Dragons are creatures of magic; they require magic to live and prosper. Without it, they could survive, but they wouldn't reach their full potential. Some might argue that Daenerys' dragons grew large without volcanoes, and there was speculation that magic had vanished from the world at that time. However, this is incorrect because magic was potent due to the emergence of the Night King and the impending Long Night.
The Long Night itself is a magical event, and without potent magic, neither the Night King nor any White Walker could wield such power. They are creatures born of magic, akin to dragons. The red comet has also been heralded as a sign of magic's resurgence. The Targaryens have often stated that their dragons flourished on Dragonstone. Valyria's decision to construct a stronghold so distant from their homeland, on a continent they deemed a land of barbarians with no interest in conquest, is telling. They erected the Black Wall around Volantis, the Valyrian Freehold's first colony, yet they built an entire castle of black stone on Dragonstone. They disregarded the Westerosi lords' threats of invasion, ready to defend an island. This underscores the immense value Valyria placed on volcanoes.
However, this does not prove that volcanoes possess more magic than any other geological feature. Here's another speculation: Winterfell is reportedly built upon a hot spring, which often signifies volcanic activity. Hot springs are typically the result of groundwater heated by geothermal energy, commonly linked to volcanic activity or tectonic movements. The existence of a hot spring may indicate underlying magma or geothermal forces. Bran the Builder could have chosen any location for Winterfell, yet he selected a site atop dormant volcanoes. It is said that this choice was made because the magic within the volcanoes would shield his descendants from the Long Night he foresaw. During the previous Long Night, the Children of the Forest are said to have resided on Dragonstone. Only a few places are known to have volcanoes: Dragonstone, Valyria, and aside from Asshai, Marahai in the Jade Sea is also recognized for its volcanic nature. Marahai, a lush crescent accompanied by twin fire islands, is home to burning mountains that spew molten stone day and night, making it unsafe to live there.
Volcanic locations are often linked to magic in some form. I need to verify my theories, but that can wait. My knowledge of Skagos' volcanic nature comes from the Skagosi trading obsidian or dragon glass, which is typically found near volcanoes. Therefore, I must visit Skagos as it offers an ideal environment for physical training and for Anarion to hunt in the sea. Training in such challenging conditions would be beneficial, and if my assumptions about volcanoes are correct, Skagos could be an advantageous location for the dragons.
It appears we have arrived at Volantis. I instructed Anarion to soar high to avoid detection as we began to bypass Volantis en route to our destination, Valysar. Valysar is a fortified Volantene town in Essos, located on the western bank of the Rhoyne, nestled between Volon Therys to the south and Selhorys to the north. I plan to satiate my hunger there and, after a period of rest, we will resume our journey to Skagos.
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Like it ? Add to librar. And I was not feeling well today but I did as much as I could and wrote this chapter for you guys. Chao!