
Last Rune Bearer

Last Rune Bearer is a fantasy story that follows the story of Arin, a 14-year-old boy living in the country of Aurora. Born into a family of magic users, Arin has always felt like he was the black sheep as he never exhibited any signs of magic. However, one day while playing near ancient ruins, he stumbles upon an ancient magic rune book that contains the secrets of Rune Magic, a rare and powerful form of magic. When Arin activates the magic rune, he discovers that he has the ability to use a type of Magic that no one else can use Rune Magic. It allows him to use many different types of magic through runes. This comes as a shock to his family, especially his family and the magic community, as people usually can only use one type of magic. He then gets accepted to the Arcanum school of magic as well as getting himself mixed up in political schemes.

Vonscott_Bair · Fantasie
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Chapter 30: An unlikely ally approaches.

Arin and Azazelith made their way to the courtyard where they had arranged to meet Sam. As they walked, Azazelith couldn't help but feel excited for Sam to officially join the Order of the Rune Bearers. She knew that Sam was a skilled wind mage and would be a great addition to their group.

When they arrived, Sam was waiting for them, a smile on her face. Arin and Azazelith approached her, and Arin wasted no time in asking if she wanted to officially join the Order. Sam's eyes lit up and she eagerly agreed, already feeling like part of the team.

Arin and Azazelith took Sam's hand, and with a quick flash of magic, they teleported to the entrance of the main complex. Luke and Kira were waiting for them, and they welcomed Sam with open arms. It was clear that they were all excited to have her join them.

They made their way to Nethranor, who was waiting for them in the main hall. Arin introduced Sam to him and explained that she wanted to join the Order. Nethranor nodded, understanding the significance of adding another member to their ranks.

He made his way over to the Ancient Rune Magic Tome and began to work his magic. The process of creating a new rune was not an easy one, but Nethranor was skilled in his craft, and soon he had crafted a new rune that was a perfect match for Sam.

He handed the rune to her and instructed her to place it on her chest, just as Arin and Azazelith had done. As she did, she felt a surge of energy course through her body, and she knew that she was now an official member of the Order of the Rune Bearers.

The group cheered and congratulated Sam on her new status. They all knew that she was going to be a valuable member of the team and couldn't wait to see what adventures they would all have together.

As Arin led his sister Sam to her personal quarters in the Order of the Rune Bearers Barracks, he explained to her that the room would change based on her needs. He walked up to the door and let her examine the gargoyle door knocker before explaining that it takes a scan of the owner of the room and generates whatever the mage needs.

Sam was amazed as the door knocker scanned her face and the door creaked open, revealing a beautiful and personalized room. The walls were painted in her favorite color, a soft shade of pink, and the room was filled with plush furniture and comfortable looking bed. The room was also equipped with a large bookshelf filled with her favorite books, and an enchanted mirror that could show her what was happening outside the room.

Sam walked around the room in awe, feeling the soft carpet under her feet and taking in the ambiance of the room. As she moved around, she noticed that the room seemed to pick up on her desires and preferences, and adjusted accordingly. The bookshelf filled with her favorite books had expanded, and new books had been added based on her recent readings. The mirror had now transformed into a portal that could take her directly to her classes at Arcanum.

As she settled down on the comfortable bed, Sam couldn't believe how perfect the room was. She felt like she was at home, and everything she needed was at her fingertips. She was excited to be a part of the Order of the Rune Bearers and was grateful to Arin for showing her this new world.

Arin smiled at his sister's reaction, happy that she liked the room. He was excited to have her join the Order and was sure that she would be a valuable member of the team.

The group walked into the war room, where Nethranor was huddled over a map with several markers and notes. "Greetings, my friends," Nethranor said as he looked up from the map. "I assume you're here to discuss the current situation between Nocturna and Ignis?"

Arin nodded, "Yes, we're concerned about the tensions and possible conflicts on the border. Which country is pushing in on the other?"

Nethranor sighed, "It's a bit of a 50-50 choice, my boy. The movements of troops and positioning are quite similar on both sides."

Azazelith furrowed her brows, "That's not good. What about the rumors of the Order of Shadows infiltrating one of the sides?"

Nethranor leaned back, "That is unfortunately a possibility. We have heard whispers of such infiltration, but we haven't been able to confirm it. It's a dangerous game if true."

Luke spoke up, "What can we do to help?"

Nethranor smiled, "You've already helped more than you know, my boy. You've been securing the outposts and ensuring our ability to move quickly if necessary. But for now, we need to keep a close eye on the movements of both sides and be prepared to act quickly if things escalate."

Kira leaned in, "How can we keep track of these movements?"

Nethranor gestured to the map, "We have our spies and scouts in both countries pointing to a nearby dot on the map, when Nethranor pressed the dot a small illusion of birds flying around appeared. But we can always use more intel. If any of you have connections or abilities to gather information, it would be greatly appreciated."

Arin then chuckled and said " You created bird spies?" Nethranor looked over with what could only be described as a evil smirk as he nodded and said " You have a better idea? We do not have the manpower currently and the order is still trying to rebuild.... So I created a few Magically enchanted stone birds that I can see what they see."

Arin nodded, "We'll do what we can. But for now, let's keep a close eye on the situation and be prepared for anything."

With that, the group left the war room, deep in thought about the tensions between the two countries and the potential for war.

Arin and Azazelith materialized in the shadows of an abandoned building in the border town, wearing dark cloaks and hoods to conceal their identities. The sounds of explosions and clashing swords filled the air, as they cautiously stepped out into the open street, trying to blend in with the crowds of civilians fleeing the conflict.

Azazelith clung tightly to Arin's arm as they made their way towards the front lines, their senses on high alert for any danger. They moved slowly, trying to avoid the attention of the soldiers and magitek constructs patrolling the streets.

As they approached the edge of town, the sounds of battle grew louder, and they could see flashes of light in the distance. They darted between buildings, trying to stay out of sight, until they finally reached the outskirts of the conflict.

From their vantage point, they could see the opposing forces locked in fierce combat, with Nocturnian soldiers wielding dark magic and Ignis soldiers fighting with blazing elemental spells. Arin and Azazelith moved closer, using their magic to conceal themselves as they watched the battle unfold.

As they watched, they noticed something strange happening on the Nocturnian side. A group of shadowy figures, cloaked in black, seemed to be moving between the soldiers, almost undetectable in the chaos of the battle. Arin and Azazelith shared a look, knowing that this could be the Order of Shadows at work.

Arin's eyes widened as he watched Marcus, his rival from school, cast his magic in a way that was unmistakable. The lightning crackled from his fingertips in a familiar pattern, one that Arin had seen countless times before in their classes at Arcanum.

"Marcus is a member of the Order of Shadows," Arin muttered to Azazelith, who looked just as surprised as he did.

"We have to do something," she said, her eyes narrowing in determination. "We can't let them push for war like this."

Arin nodded in agreement, his mind already working on a plan. He scanned the area, looking for a way to get closer to Marcus without being noticed. He spotted a small cluster of trees that would provide some cover, and gestured for Azazelith to follow him.

Once they were hidden behind the trees, Arin closed his eyes and focused, using his magic to create an illusion that would make them blend in with their surroundings. It wasn't perfect, but it would hopefully be enough to keep them from being detected.

Slowly and carefully, they made their way closer to the front lines of the battle, keeping their eyes peeled for any sign of Marcus or the other members of the Order of Shadows. It wasn't long before they spotted them, huddled together in a group just beyond the line of soldiers.

Arin clenched his fists, his anger boiling over at the thought of these shadowy figures manipulating the war for their own purposes. He could feel his magic pulsing within him, itching to be unleashed.

But he held back, knowing that the element of surprise was on their side. They needed to gather more information before they made their move.

As they watched, they saw Marcus step forward and begin to cast a powerful spell. Arin recognized it immediately – it was a lightning bolt, one that would cause significant damage to the Ignis soldiers if it hit them.

He knew he had to act fast. Without a word, he and Azazelith sprinted towards Marcus, their magic already charged and ready to be unleashed.

But just as they were about to reach him, a group of Ignis soldiers tackled Marcus to the ground, cutting off his spell mid-cast. He began to glow and electricity spark across his body when he discharged the build up frying all the soldiers.

Arin and Azazelith skidded to a halt just a few feet away, their magic fizzling out as they realized they had been too late.

"Damn it," Arin muttered, clenching his fists in frustration.

Azazelith placed a hand on his shoulder, her expression softening. "We'll find another way," she said, her voice gentle but firm. "We'll stop him, I promise."

"Arin, we can't blow our cover. We have to find out more information," she whispered to him. Arin reluctantly agreed and they both kept an eye on Marcus as he continued to cast spells on the battlefield.

As the battle raged on, Arin noticed Marcus sneaking towards a nearby hill, trying to avoid being seen. Arin and Azazelith decided to follow him.

When they reached the top of the hill, they saw that Marcus had disappeared. They looked around, trying to spot any sign of him, when suddenly, they heard a sound behind them.

Turning around, they saw Marcus, standing with a group of other members of the Order of Shadows. Arin's blood boiled at the sight of him.

"What are you doing here, Marcus? Why are you betraying your own country?" Arin demanded, pointing his sword at him.

Marcus smirked. "It's not about loyalty to a country, Arin. It's about power. And the Order of Shadows has offered me power beyond anything I could have imagined."

Arin was disgusted by his words. "You're a fool, Marcus. The Order of Shadows will only bring destruction and chaos. You'll regret this."

But Marcus just laughed. "We'll see about that, Arin. One day you'll see things my way." He began to chuckle as he motioned to the others to attack Arin and Azazelith.

With that, Marcus disappeared into the shadows, leaving Arin and Azazelith to deal with the other members of the Order of Shadows.

Arin and Azazelith transformed into their true demon forms, causing the Order of Shadows to step back in shock. Arin's form was fearsome, with razor-sharp horns and thick monstrous claws, while Azazelith's form was sleek and deadly, with long claws and glowing red eyes.

The members of the Order of Shadows attacked without hesitation, casting spells and summoning demons to fight for them. Arin and Azazelith were ready, however, and they fought back with their own powerful magic.

Azazelith summoned a wave of fire that burned through the ranks of the enemy, while Arin called upon the earth to send several jagged spikes up and into the group of mages. The two fought as a team, covering each other's backs and unleashing a barrage of powerful spells.

Azazelith took out her demonsteel longsword and started to weave demonic magic, casting a spell that sent a wave of darkness towards their enemies. The Shadows members were thrown off balance and some were even knocked unconscious.

Arin summoned his demonic energy into his radiant blast, focusing it into a powerful blast that shot towards the Shadows members. It hit them with such force that it sent them flying backwards, slamming into the ground with a loud thud some were instantly turned into floating dust particles.

The remaining Shadows members continued their assault, throwing dark magic and summoning shadowy creatures to attack the demon couple. Arin and Azazelith fought back with their own demonic magic, their spells colliding with their enemies in a dazzling display of power.

As the battle continued, the Shadows members started to retreat, realizing they were no match for Arin and Azazelith's combined strength. With a final burst of energy, the demon couple took out the remaining Shadows members, leaving the battlefield silent.

Arin looked over at Azazelith, his eyes glowing with pride. "You fought well," he said, a note of respect in his voice.

Azazelith smiled back at him, her own eyes glowing with excitement. "So did you," she replied, a hint of teasing in her voice while she winked and blew him a kiss.

The two laughed together, basking in the afterglow of their victory. They knew that this was just the beginning, Arin and Azazelith returned to their human forms their adrenaline still pumping. They knew that this fight against the Order of Shadows was just the start, but they were ready for whatever was to come next.

Arin and Azazelith quickly teleport back to the main complex, eager to share the news of what they just witnessed on the battlefield. They find the rest of the group gathered in the War Room, discussing possible strategies for dealing with the tensions between Nocturna and Ignis.

As they walk in, all eyes turn to them, curious about what they have to report. Arin begins to speak, recounting what they had seen on the battlefield, how the Order of Shadows was helping Nocturna's side, and how they had fought off some of the order's members, including Marcus, who was revealed to be a part of the group.

Kira's eyes widen in shock, "Marcus? Are you sure?"

Arin nods, "Positive. He was casting lightning spells just like he did in school. We were fighting some of the members he sicced on us when he laughed and disappeared."

Nethranor speaks up, "This is concerning news indeed. The Order of Shadows has always been a mystery, but to learn they are involved in the conflict between Nocturna and Ignis is troubling. We need to find out more.

"Kira nodded in agreement, "We can't just sit back and watch them manipulate these countries into war."

Luke speaks up, "I agree. We can't let them manipulate the situation and push the two countries into war. But how do we find out more about them?"

Sam, who had been listening quietly, spoke up, "I'll do what I can to help. I may be new to the Order, but I'm a skilled wind mage and I want to protect our world."

Arin nods in agreement, "We can't just sit back and let them cause chaos."

Kira looks worried, "But what if they come after us again?"

Arin puts a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "We'll be ready for them. And we won't be alone. We have each other."

Azazelith steps forward, "I can talk with my dad and see if we can get and intel from him in the demon realm. Perhaps I can reach out if you all are ok with it?"

Arin walks over to Azazelith and smiles "It's worth a shot. Ill join you to see Azazel he is always happy when he sees us together."

Wow! Chapter 30 I can't believe we are already here! Thank you all for reading this far I truly appreciate it!

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