
Last Paladin

Darkness rules the land since the sacred order of the Paladin vanished for to the point their tales are now but legends and none now live who’ve seen a Paladin let alone known someone who has. Maybe they never really existed but if they do the people of Arcadia Nine could really use their help. This is the tale of a young man who chooses that weather they are real or not he was done being pushed around and would from this point forward stand up against the darkness.

ShadowFoxx89 · Fantasie
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The Time Is Almost Here

After Marcus arrived home a messenger of Buki arrived with a small ruin stone that had the ancient markings of Buki on it. It was a black stone with golden engravings. Yet it wasn't something one could easily hide as it was almost a miniature monolith about a book's height.

Over the next four years Marcus and Buki would communicate from time to time as he would with Ari and even Ono long after High Prophet Snowpelt had returned. In fact he was spending more time with the three of them then he was with Rebekah and the effects of it started to show as she slowly became very jealous of them.