
Last One Standing Vol 1 The First Wave

Last One Standing is a 60,000+ word novel about a 17-year-old boy met with a challenge to preserve the world from devastating attacks and defeat powerful monsters rushing through gates that have turned the world upside down. Utilizing his unique system to vanquish his enemies, Aoi, is capable of leveling up and extracting information solely disclosed to him. Last One Standing, Vol 1 - The First Wave, is a novel where the leading character Aoi, must overcome many hardships. Suffering the loss of his comrades and friends but also meeting his supposedly deceased family members. Aoi must bear the weight of many heroes before him. For the past thousands of years, the system has selected many legendary heroes. And yet all have failed. It's now up to Aoi as the last chosen one to save the world with his unique fighting style. Fighting alongside him are his friends and rivals, Celeb, Aoi’s closest friend is capable of controlling pure mana allowing him to fire attacks greatly superior then those who control natural mana. Whereas, Aoi is capable of controlling anything and everything that contains matter. Unlike the others, Aoi is capable of leveling up his skills ranks, allowing him to grow to vaster lengths than the others. Granting him the ability to improve an infinite amount. However, Aoi is in a rush. The longer it takes to attain victory the more innocent people have to die. Will Aoi be able to save those around him? Or will he spend the rest of his life regretting the loss of his fallen comrades?

Anthony_Quimper · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Chapter 10

It's currently morning; I get out of the superstore and look around to see what's happened since going to sleep. Because of last night my level has increased, and I am now level 10.


Stat power level: 75 (E rank)

Skill power level: 1769 (A rank)

Total power level:1844 (B rank)

E rank

Level 10 exp 94%

Strength 15

Agility 18 - 24

Mana 18

Intellect 18


Energy conductor - D rank, Proficiency: 2%

Unique skill — Adaptation/ Evolution — SS rank

Raking - E rank, Proficiency: 76%

Jujitsu - E rank, Proficiency: 7%

Mix martial Arts - E rank, proficiency: 22%

Duel wield - D rank, Proficiency: 33%

Mana Slash - D rank, Proficiency: 43%


Stat power level: 42 (E rank)

Skill power level: 32 (F rank)

Total power level: 74 (F rank)

F rank

Level 9 exp 57%

Strength 7

Agility 8

Mana 16 - 19

Intellect 12


Bite - E rank, Proficiency 78%

Unknown -??? Rank, Proficiency 97%

I've now reached level 10 and have received a few notifications that I was too lazy to look at, since I was tired. "Open status info," I state. In the instant that my status window opened my screen was completely covered in notifications, some were congratulations for reaching level 10, and some conveyed some more information like a leaderboard. However, it seems that the leaderboard is another system, this one is a system that everyone has access to, by saying, "leaderboard", everyone can acquire it once they set up their information. By having the leaderboard system, we can see where we are compared to others. However, to see where you are you need to enter your information. It asks for your name and level at the beginning. Before putting in my name, I ask the system whether I can put in a different name, since I don't want people to recognize who I am. "Affirmative, you may put a name other than yours, if that is what you desire," announces the system. With this supplementary information I've decided my name, Psyche. The name comes from the Goddess psyche which means to grow in Greek, after inserting my name in the newly found system I further include my level, and click accept. Once I clicked, accept the screen loaded for a bit before showing everyone's level, and adding mine to the leaderboard. Unlike most video games with leaderboards this one is different, it doesn't miss a singular person. It's not only the top 50 or 100, it's everyone that has been admitted to the system. Everyone in the world, whether it be in the United States or Japan, everyone is in the system. I look further into this newly found tool, and observe everyone's level and look at where I am located in the leaderboard. Vaguely disappointed by the results I'm located in the late 1000, to be exact I'm in 1958th place. I get a new notification "Congratulations on reaching level 10, you are in the first 2000s to reach level 10, as a reward you have access to a new system. The higher your rank the more rewards and systems you will receive. Use them wisely." Says the system. "To open the store simply say "store" and the function shall open," she adds. As informed I reiterate what she indicated to me to say, "open store". As she notified me, a new function opened up, yet again a different system from the one I was first given. This one allows me to make purchases with currency. "To obtain currency, you may sell us monster parts to receive coins. With these coins you may buy potions to replenish your health, due to your rank this is the only purchase you can make." says the new system. I look over these so-called potions, and obtain more information on what they are. These are healing potions. By drinking them, you can replenish your health. These potions will repair your injuries rapidly, which is perfect for battles if Aiko isn't able to heal us in time. I can buy a few of them by getting Bee to grab the monster's limbs and deliver them back to me. To dispose of the parts I merely need to declare "sell" and the system will automatically give me coins. By doing so for a few minutes I manage to reach 150 coins. It appears that each limb gives me exactly 10 coins. Each potion costs 50 coins. For the present I purchase three potions and place them in my bag. For now I haven't received notifications anymore or rewards for reaching level 10, apart from a class selection. I examine it a bit and extract information on how to obtain a class. "To obtain a class, you must enter a dungeon through the system; this is a dungeon that only you gain access to, by entering the dungeon you will be able to receive a class depending on how you perform," I read. I decide to hold off on going to the dungeon for now since we first need to decide what to do. I go back to the superstore, where Daiki and Aiko are eating breakfast. I walk up to them, and request that we head out and have a look at the school ground and decide what to do next. They agree, and we make our way to the back of the store so we can have a look at the monsters without being seen. The Goblins that didn't follow Bee last night are still there. They're about 500 goblins remaining. Furthermore, there are approximately 500-800 trolls, followed by about 500 orcs. And lastly, to add there are 2 human-like creatures. Unfortunately we aren't able to see what they are, but one thing we know for sure is that they're not on the humanities side. So for now, they remain our enemies; We discuss our plan on how to do things. We decide we will engage the goblins once again by using Bee as bait and bring them all to the plaza. We proceeded with our plan, however this time something went wrong, something unusual. Something that no matter what we did we wouldn't have been capable of intercepting it. One of those so-called human creatures noticed Bee, and in less than a second advanced from the school all the way to the entrance of the school field where Bee was located. My eyes are barely capable of keeping up with its movements, its male like figure kicks Bee at full speed launching him through the brick wall of the superstore. In that split second I run to Bee, to make sure he's still alive. I look for him through all the rubble until I ultimately find him all bruised up. I give him a healing potion before he gathers his last breath, healing him. In only a few seconds, all of his cuts and shattered bones heal up without there being a single bruise on Bee's body. 

While doing all of this, the Creature is still standing where Bee was located. He orders all the goblins and trolls to attack us while he stays back. Fortunately the Orcs were not ordered to strike, however we still have the Goblins and Trolls to deal with. The first few monsters I struck down with my daggers, slashing them one by one, with my daggers. Slashing their throats and changing to my ranged skills, executing them by melting their chests open. Regrettably, we get pushed back by the sheer number of monsters that are overflowing. I order Daiki and Aiko to retreat since we are getting overwhelmed by their numbers. We all retreat inside the superstore's new entrance created by the human figure, we go deeper and deeper inside the store until it's dark, almost unable to see. We get together avoiding being seen once the monster comes in. As luck would have it, we have a few seconds before that happens, so we all cuddle together into a little ball to reduce the chances of being seen. We are so close that we can gather every single breath each person takes. A livelier and heavier pace than usual, a few seconds later we hear a few little legs running around, must be the goblins. Suddenly more and more are coming. The longer we wait, the more and more legs and stomping we hear. Suddenly, it's silent, there isn't any more running. We can't hear anything but our own breaths. Until suddenly all the silence comes to an end. The goblins and trolls run through the store wrecking it in its entirety. They don't stop running, not even for a second. They rummage through the store searching for us. I indicate to Daiki and Aiko to stay here with Bee, as I slowly stand up. Although in confusion they listen to me and stay where they are without moving a muscle. I slowly get out through a hole where we had come in from. And secure the monsters' attention. Whether it be trolls or goblins, it didn't matter, I wanted all of their attention without stopping. Once I do so, I start running into the broad plaza. I attract more and more monsters without stopping, getting as many as I possibly can. Once doing so I start to run in the opposite direction from the school. Without slowing down I keep running without stopping. If I stop running for even a second, I will get caught. I maintain that thought in mind as I run away. However, I can't run too fast since they'll stop following me. Once I make it far enough from the plaza I turn around and stop. "Farewell," I say, as I disappear, activating my class specialization quest.