
Last of His Bloodline

A monster sits on the throne, her long polished nails scratching the smooth gold with a smirk. Haru had been a happy, loved son and heir to the throne. Then she appeared. She killed his mother, stole her throne and then murdered him in cold blood. It should have been over, the country hers. But fate has a nasty way of serving up karma. Reborn into a magical ring he must find a way to win back his people and save his father... if there is anything left of him to save.

Sarah_J_Wyatt · Fantasie
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2 Chs

A Child's Gaze

Crying, that had been Haru's constant headache for the past year. Non-stop wailing, screaming and godforsaken tantrums. Reincarnation was supposed to be fair and equal, surely in his past life, he had done enough to deserve more than… this! It was as if the gods had gone through his brain to find his worst nightmare to live in. He sighed; silently of course as inanimate objects could make no real noise. If only he'd been bought by another family, he wished. Or better yet, placed in a jewellery box to live the rest of his existence in silence.

"Dad this isn't fair, why does she get everything!" The little boy squealed, his pink cheeks expanding as if he would blow the entire house down.

Haru hoped the little devil would, at least then he'd get some peace and quiet. Before he could pray for such a miracle however, a tiny cry sang through the air. It was new, and Haru's hearing picked it up instantly.

"She does not get everything son, you are just being greedy," the boy's father lectured, sitting his son down on the well-used chair next to the fire. "I thought you wanted a sister?"

Rika seemed to contemplate this for a moment, his eyes darting around the room to avoid his father's stare. Then, making his decision, his cheeks puffed out even more and turned a bright shade of red.

"I wanted a sister, not some squashed, screaming potato -"


Haru laughed, watching from his perch on the mantlepiece as the man patted his son gently on his puffed-out cheek. Which, deflated at the impact and released a squelching noise. Finally, he thought, perhaps this would teach the nuisance some respect!

Reo knew his mistake instantly as his son's eyes welled with moisture, large gleaming droplets spilling from his face onto the wooden floor.

"MUM!" The child wailed, holding his cheek in his hands as if he'd been seriously hurt.

"Oh for crying out loud Mei, all I did was gently tap the boy," Reo yelled, defending himself from the foreboding aura in the other room.

Within moments, the old floorboards of the house began to creak, warning Reo of the rage that would soon surely follow. The door to the bedroom burst open and a woman around thirty years of age moved into the room. Her dark hair was covered in sweat and was tied into a single bun around her nape.

"You tapped your son?" Her voice was like ice, "your only male offspring that will one day inherit this farm and watch over your daughter?"

There was no replying to a madwoman, so Reo instantly gave up and ruffled his son's hair in an apology.

"I apologise, Mei," he whispered, moving forward to place an arm around her tired waist.

The bundle in her arms began wriggling at the commotion, a tiny foot bursting through the thin blanket to grab Rika's attention.

"Potato!" The little menace squealed, jumping from his seat and rushing towards his new sister.

As the boy pulled at her blanket her mother sighed, moving her higher up, away from prying hands.

"You will call her by her name," Mei said, her firm eyes looked into Rika's for a long time before the boy deflated, nodding in agreement.

"Sorry, Yuna," he said.

The babe seemed to answer his call and poked out of her mother's grip. Her large blue eyes seemed to mesmerize the room, as everyone inhaled at her beauty. Yuna's gaze did not linger on her brother's face, no, it moved through the room searching. After a moment, it found their prize, landing on the beautiful silver ring that held Haru.

Damn, he thought, his not so quiet life was about to get much more hectic.