
Losing hope?

I was dreading to go to the office today. I wasn't able to sleep last night since my head started hurting me again. I was awake the whole night, curling and turning myself on my bed. I did not risk getting up because i was terrified that I might collapse or something. I dialled Dr. Duazo's number but was sent to voicemail. Maybe his on his way now to US.

I was hopeful with what Dr. Duazo said to me yesterday. But when I was home, the attacks started and my hope drained down the sink. I drunk a lot of pain reliever medicine but none of it was working. I was drenched with my own sweat and tears as I try to ease the pain I'm feeling. I was about to dial Basti's number but....in the end I did not have the courage to do so. My parents weren't around since they decided to go on a trip again. So I was alone, inside my room, getting weaker as the attack went on.

I look at my reflection and I can see the dark circles around my eyes. I look like a total mess. I grab my concealer and cover up all of the remnants of what happened last night. Leaving no trail.

I was silent the whole trip going to my office. I was lost with my own train of thoughts. Watching the buildings as we pass by. I always think that we are actually not living our life like it how it supposed to be. We always rush ourselves to meet deadlines and forget to breathe every second and ask yourself, am I still alive? We are consumed with responsibilities and work that we forget to try to live and enjoy every second. Yes, we earn but it is useless when you are sick and dying. I learned these the past months that no matter how much money is entering your bank accounts, you can never really buy time. When you are sick and dying, you are losing time. And when you are losing time, money can't buy you a second.

I slowly went inside my office. Glancing at my table full of today's paper works. I put my bag and sat on my swivel chair. I sighed as I know that I'll face lots and lots of loads of work today. I just wish I could just go somewhere far away from all of this. But...I can't do it. There are a lot of people expecting me to do my job well. And I also don't want to be a burden to my parents. They deserve to travel and enjoy while they still can.

I was cut off from my thoughts when I heard my phone ring. Without looking who it was, I answered it.

"Yes, hello?"

I heard a sigh.


Hearing this deep voice, I know exactly who it was. I stayed silent. Waiting for him to say something to me. Something harsh. I wasn't able to answer his calls after I turned on my DnD mode. Or even reply to his texts. I did not know what to say if he ever ask me about where I was or what I was doing. I can say a lie but it'll be easy for him to know. He knows me that well.

"Where are you now?"

"In my office. Why?" I said. Leaning on my chair.

"Can I visit you later?"

"Hmmm...if you want. But aren't you busy?"

"Nope. I'm not busy. See you later then."

I was certain he'll say he was mad at me for ignoring him yesterday. But I guess he understands that there are certain things he can't still yet cross. After his call, I started checking all those papers. At ten thirty, I went to the conference room for a meeting about the construction of hospital in Batangas.

"Is everyone ready?" I asked my secretary.

"We're just waiting for Mr. Ciervo Miss."


"Mr. Ciervo Miss of Ciervo Group Corporation."

Damn him! He was involved in this project?! And he's not yet here? I look on my watch and see that his five minutes late. That's the one thing I hate the most.

"Is he alone?"

"Uhm..no Miss. His team is already here."

My secretary called someone. I guess this person is one of his member.

"Good morning Miss Yanez! I'm Engr. Fritz. We're sorry but Mr. Ciervo is not yet here. I hope you understand."

"It's okay."

It is not okay! How dare him?

I sat on my chair in the middle, impatiently. He is doing this on purpose. I know he is. If this project is not that big, I would have walked out from this room already.

Ten minutes later, he entered the room with a smirk on his face as he looked at me. Everyone bowed at him while I looked at him with narrowed eyes. He really is doing this on purpose!

"I'm sorry I was late. Shall we begin?"

My secretary looked at me. How dare him act like he owns this place.

"Let's start." I said and sat on my chair. Not waiting for the others to sit.  He sat on the vacant chair on my right side. Beside him are the board of directors. In front of him is Engr. Fritz and his team.

In front of us are the engineers assigned to this project. The whole project costs hundreds of millions. That is why I can't just ignore this one. It is one of our biggest project for this year. It is a private hospital. It will have three buildings. Each composed of five floors. One will have a helipad for emergencies. This will be Ciervo Group Corporation's first business on medical services. And they chose our company to head this project along with theirs.

"The first building and the middle will be connected with a bridge. This way it will be easier to access."

"How about we connect the three buildings?"

"No we can't do that. The third building will be exclusive for the administration team."

"The whole building?"


I heard silent whispers from the investors. I can feel that they don't like the idea of what is presented to them. I glance at Basti who was silent in the whole duration of the meeting. My lips parted as I was shock to see him looking at me. Was he just staring at me this whole time?

He smiled when our eyes met. I rolled my eyes at him and just ignore him.

"Mr. Ciervo?"

I can see the eyes of all the people looking at him and at me. They were waiting for him to say something. I am now nervous. I did not hear the question. Damn it Belia!

"The third building will not be connected to the other two buildings. It is still accessible since the three building are just near to each other." He said in his cold voice. His vibe right is very different to when entered a while ago.

All the murmurs died down. Those who questioned stay stilled. How can you not? When his words were full of authority and his decision sounded like it is already final.

I sighed. Knowing that if someone had asked me about my opinion and I did not hear the question, I'll be screwed. And Bastien will really make fun of me.

"How about you Miss Yanez?"

I thought I was safe then but someone did ask my opinion.

"If that's what our clients want then we'll do as what they want. I'll schedule another meeting with my team here about the overall changes on this project. And I'll inform you all for our next meeting. Hoping that everyone will agree when that day comes."

I can see that the board nodded their heads in agreement to what I just said.

"Is there anything we still need to discuss?"

I see them look at each other. And I shifted on my seat knowing that Basti is staring at me right now. When no one raised a question...

"None? Okay then, this meeting is dismissed."

I was about to go when I heard Basti called me by my name.


All those people who were still inside that room looked at me with curious eyes.

"Yes, Mr. Ciervo?"

He looked annoyed. He was about to say something when Engr. Fritz came to my side.

"Miss, I forgot to introduce you formally to our CEO."

"It's okay Fritz. I know him."

"Oh..." he said as he scratched the back of his neck. He's feeling all so shy.


This time, he called me with his cold voice. It made me nervous but I did not let it show.

"Miss Yanez, it was nice meeting you. I guess we need to go now." I see that Engr. Fritz pushed his colleagues out the room and the rest of the people who were in there followed. Leaving us two here inside this conference room.

"Hah! So you two now are friends hmm..?"

He took two strides and went very near to me. He has his cold eyes now and clenched jaw.

"So? His your engineer. And to have a better work environment later, we need to have good relationship with your people."

I equaled his stare. He must have forgotten that I am immune to his stare.

"Hmmmm...really? I should maybe assign him then to another project...what do you think?"

What's wrong with him?

"Suit yourself."

I stepped back and move away from him. Until he blocked my way.

"We're not yet done talking, Belle."