
Chapter 8

I walk across the grass with my shoulder bent, the bag is heavy. I observe the other students, they are gathered in strange groups. There is one that outnumbers all the others, I stop to study them, their movements. I've seen them in TV movies, they are martial arts, hand-to-hand fighting. And a girl was beating up another boy who exceeds her in height and body mass.

- Oh, those are the Children of Ares and Artemis - Gabriel explains, stopping next to me. -. They're both descendants of gods of war, so ... they're probably the only ones who get along in school.

I nod as I resume my march.

- Those,- He says pointing to a group of teenagers doing races, they seem animated, a friendly competition. - They are the Sons of Hermes, they are messengers and protectors.

We continued advancing under the watchful eye of what looked like the Children of Aphrodite. His gaze is fixed on me, as we go, everyone gathers at the marble gates of the school. They watched me expectantly.

-She is a Daughter of Dionysus. - A group seems to be "happy" despite being four in the afternoon, starts cheering and points at me as a symbol of victory.

The others leave, the glances fade, the animated group approaches me. I don't stop two girls from hugging me. They both have green eyes, but it's not my tonality. Theirs are a dark forest.

- My name is Alesha, - Says the shorter one, she has hair golden like the sun, collected in two African braids covered with whitish flowers. - I'm just a third generation descendant.

The other girl hugs her tightly, Alesha grabs her legs that surround her waist, holding her so she doesn't fall to the ground. That is normal?

- Diana!

- I'm also third generation. - The unruly Diana was watching me with the same eyes as Alesha over her shoulder, I'm sure. They are sisters, physically, I can't tell them apart. - And yes, we are twins.

A boy with dyed pastel blue hair pushes them to pounce on me, I move quickly at the last second. He crashes to the ground, causing a crash that makes me clench my teeth again. It seems that I'm stuck with the loudest group.

-Baek Cho - He Raises a hand to me from the ground, I notice his Asian features. -. Nice to meet you, newbie.

Another boy, who I think he is the only one who has not drunk, approaches and looks at me through his purple rectangular glasses, wearing a fringe that covers his gaze. The shade of green is the one that is closest to mine. He shakes his head, his auburn hair pulling away from him, allowing me to better observe his gaze.


I walk up to the only one who just made me feel like it's okay.


His eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as I felt my answer echo inside his head. The others watch with expectation and a mocking smile peeks over the twins' lips.

- It seems that ... - Alesha begins.

- ... someone is speechless. - Diana ends making all the Dionysus burst out laughing.

Confusion seizes my gaze, I have never understood jokes, I think I will never understand them. So I shrug my shoulders, letting Gabriel and Luis guide me through the marble walls of the hallways to an oak door that has a gold sign engraved in a language I don't identify.

A strange sensation is born in my chest, unconsciously, I take two steps back. There is something, or someone, in there that gives me the creeps. This has happened to me before. Sam had clarified some doubts, he says that what happens to me is normal in a Daughter of Dionysus. He explained to me, that day on the Hill:

<< Ailey, don't be scared if it happens again, remember that we must control ourselves. - She gives a very long sigh before continuing to explain in a tired voice. - You are feeling the aura of other Sons, they are your instincts, you are still a baby so your mind, your body does it, to keep you safe from all risks. >>

I suck in air and release it slowly.

I knock on the door, I feel the vibrations that the wood transmits to me through the door, a dominant voice, high-pitched. Gabriel opens the door when he verifies that I am not going to do it, he holds it and, I turn quickly with the intention of fleeing when I see that they do not enter.

- Darling, - I turn around very slowly, I find myself with grayish eyes, almost silver, looking at me like a dog at a chop ... Waiting to be eaten. Her thin, whitish-skinned hands point to the white leather chair in front of her pearl-stained oak desk. - please sit down.

I obey, I feel my heart pound at a wild rhythm in my ears.

I want to go out.

- My name is Eleanor, I am the Principal of this school. - She makes a small pause as she quickly goes through some sheets enclosed in a pee-colored cardboard folder.

I want to go out.

- You are an exceptional case. - Her gaze pierces me like a hot iron.

I want to go out.

- I have already been informed that you know you have powers, and you have them under tight control.

My body does not dare to breathe, the seat is comfortable, but right now I think I have sat in the waiting room of Hell.

- Relax, - How does she know I'm nervous? - No one is going to hurt you, you are safe within our walls.

I clench my hands on the armrests, her "aura," as Sam called it, is increasingly crushing me against the seat. A cold sweat begins to soak my Homer Simpson T-shirt.

I stare at her features, her brow furrows, I don't prevent small waves of panic from running through me, I've felt it before.

I want to go out.

- Miss Filleule, - Her voice was ice freezing the streams of blood trying desperately to reach my brain. - calm down.

I get up like an exhalation when she approaches, I feel the cold oak on my back, my hand reaches for the knob and I try to open it. Is closed. When...? I shake my head.

- Miss...

- Open up! - I yell at the door, giving my back to the predator who seems to want to hunt me down. I pull away before the door slammed and I run down the hall.

I hear the curses of the woman who tries to stop me.

I go out into the garden, my legs speed up at the surprised gaze of the Children of Ares and Artemis. His exclamations of surprise at my speed are a distant whisper. Again, I don't feel the earth under my feet, until a hand rests on my shoulder.

I scream, I watch as the middle school covers its ears so they don't explode. Thousands of lights surround me again, hide my figure from the gray gaze.

Her whitish hair is messy, her French bun has not held the race, she is panting. When she catches her breath, she approaches at a determined pace, the little fairies stop her.

She looks at them like they are pesky little flies. But, at the moment, I realize that they are flies that can stop her.

The students swirl around us, fixing their gazes on the little beings that protect me, already recovered from the scream that I have given.

I look down to meet the same friend from the trip. She watches me with her big luminous eyes, she flutters animatedly until she gets on my shoulder, I feel safe once more. At least until the Director raises her voice.

- Let me pass! - The lights open on a direct path to me. I open my eyes, that feeling is gone and the urgency makes me scream back.

- Don't obey her!

The students hold their breath as they watch the little fairies resume their formation, protecting me. A whisper from a voice I know echoed through the deathly silence.

"She's more powerful than the Headmistress ..." I turn to Baek Cho.

In her eyes I find a bewilderment that makes me raise a hand, the little fairy falls on her knees, kisses me again, in front of the whole school.

- The kiss of Dionysus. - Declares the voice of the Director solemnly. - You're a first generation.

Instantly, everyone takes a couple of steps away, the burden disappears little by little. I can breathe again. The lights scatter except for one, my friend sits on my shoulder, again.

I don't know what just happened, but I think from now on I'm going to have problems.