
Chapter 15

I hear the door is opened gently. I feel his aura almost instantly, the last few days I have begun to realize that I can know who is approaching by his feelings, unique and reflected. This looks like a cotton cloud… But cotton clouds have nothing in common with concrete walls.

I don't stop, I know I should be in my room, sleeping next to the twins. But I know she's not going to scold me, I know she listens. That same reason makes something in me go wrong again.

Kelara doesn't make me feel that way. The Russian doll doesn't make me feel like that. Why does she? I frown as I tap the keys, put my hands to my ears. That hurt.

- You can play the piano. - She says with a look that she seems to want to see beyond my head adorned with tousled reddish curls. Despite not being a question, she shrugged as one of my hands played a simple melody. - Who taught you?

<< My old music teacher… >> She slightly opens her eyes, her fleeting gesture fading as soon as it arrived. But I've seen it out of the corner of my eye.

-How was he? - She asks with a hoarse voice, her pupils are slightly more dilated than normal.

I let the image of a man, in his early thirties appear in my mind, of average height and eyes dark as night. His caucasian features reveal his northern European origin, his skin is pale like the keys he plays masterfully, his brown hair slipping with every movement.

-What is his name? - This time I give her a look full of annoyance, I frown for a few moments ... Why is she so insistent?

<< Danny… >> she turned me, coming face to face, again, with the keys. Her hands rest on my knees, a tickle runs through them insistently.

-Why did he teach you? - Pauses a little before continuing. - I understand that in ordinary high schools they teach you to play the flute, not the piano.

I sigh for the tenth time, I know she's not going to shut up until I give her a clear and satisfactory answer. I feel confused to see that her interrogation doesn't bother me, yet it makes something else even more disturbing dance in my chest… Like a hurricane.

<< I was in the first year, he saw that I had… difficulties, to relate to my classmates. So one day, he called me into his office and tried to talk to me.

I ignored him, but I didn't know that he was observing me more than anyone would have considered the responsibility of a teacher.

He locked me in the music room, at that moment I understood that it was not going to be so easy to avoid him.

He sat on the stool and played a tune that I had never heard before, I didn't know classical music was so appealing until I met him. I went over to listen.

Our relationship was somewhat spontaneous, sporadic.

After being enthralled by his talent with the piano, he decided to give me private lessons. My parents did not put obstacles, since he did not charge them, so after promising that my grades would not go down, we started my lessons.

In just a month, I already knew how to read a sheet music and could play simple pieces. Time flew by his side, he decided to sign me up for a piano competition, the International Jean Françaix Competition.

We spent the whole year practicing the same pieces, with a single goal in mind. He promised me the greatest gift of all if I made it to the final. With superhuman efforts and great luck, I made it through. I fulfilled his dream.

And he gave me my first time in a wonderful five-star hotel.

It was the most spectacular night of my entire life. Until, the next morning, he didn't wake up. In a moment broken by confusion and fear, I let an ambulance take him to the public hospital.

I waited, day after night, hours, weeks.

I was next to him when he closed his eyes for the last time. >>

- Oh, God…- She whispers as one of her sturdy hands cover her soft coral lips in a hue. - What …?

<< Cancer. >>

I see how she leans against the back of the piano as I play the last note.

- I'm sorry… - I shake my head, the fire flutters around me. - Did you love him?

I shake my head, I appreciated him, I am very grateful to him. He found a way of expressing myself that I would never have experienced, lived, had it not been for him.

<< I did not appear in the final, I lost the Contest. >> Céline stares at me.

- Do you think that is more important than leaving him to die alone? - I think for a moment what I'm going to say, that was his dream.

<< I don't regret having been by his side… >> Relief breaks through the teacher's features. << But I wouldn't have regretted it if I had gone to the final round of the Contest. >>

- Why? - I shrug my shoulders, if I don't understand myself, I don't think I can explain it to her.

I dig my feet to the ground and force myself to pull the stool back. My legs stretch under her watchful golden gaze, I walk until I am in front of her.

<< That happened a long time ago, no one could have done nothing for him, so there's no point in thinking about it anymore. >>

She staggers back a couple of steps.

<< What's wrong? >> her eyes are darker again than I remember, her eyebrows are almost in the middle of her forehead.

- How can you say that? - She shouts in a whisper, the hurricane that was in my heart is invaded by thousands of stingers that mercilessly dig into me. - You ... You ... If I died ...?

I stare at her as she clenches her fists, her aura darkening faster than her gaze. I want her to finish the question.

- ... you wouldn't mind either? - Those words affect me more than I think, than I want. I shake my head at the speed of light, for Céline never. She is special, unique… mine.

The despair that invades me horrifies something inside me, much deeper ... Something that is closed tight. Despite her height, I wrap my arms around her neck.

The image of a koala hanging from a tree comes to mind, following the animal's posture, I wrap my legs around her waist. I calm down instantly. I don't know what's going on ... but my instinct tell me I can do this with her ... For her.

Céline lies on the ground as she wraps her powerful arms around my waist. I place my back against her chest, I don't want to admit it, but since I've been here, my chest has grown considerably… At one point I had to ask for larger shirts, otherwise my stomach would freeze in winter.

- What were you doing here, λαγουδάκι? - I watch the moonlight sneak through the window, it is reflected in the treetops, it hides its natural color.

<< Alesha has no familiar. >>

The lazy lips that calmly run down my neck don't stop.

<< And Diana? >> I shrug at the tickling of her caresses, I think something is wrong with me. The caresses of the cub that I considered my friend, do not make me feel that way, not even close.

<< Lady Dagenda. >> I hear a murmur that Sam says is like a nod, that she has heard me.

<< She must be having a hard time. >> Before she can say a word, I interrupts her.

<< Yesterday she cried on my shoulder… >> I turn, I let her tender lips meet mine, they are somewhat thinner, but Céline says she adores them. << And I hugged her. >>

The kiss is broken the moment I pronounce myself.

<< You never hug. >> I shrug my shoulders, I myself feel that something in me, a too valuable part, is changing.

<< I know, but I didn't know what to do ... >>

<< Do you want to meet your relative? >> I remain silent, but nod, shifting until I am straddling her stretched legs on the cold, smooth marble.

We keep going until everything around us fades away.