
Laplace Oracle: I'm in another world? And I have the most mana?!

Aimer, who remembers her past life is reincarnated to another world called Eura and now she has the most mana in the world?! She trains to defeat the demon lord who will be reborn in 20 years when she was born.

KrisSensei · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Chapter 6: Laplace Magician Academy Part 1

As I enter school a lot of people are staring at me,

I don't like to stand out so I don't like it..

"Hey what's your name?" a girl says to me,

"Oh.. um Aimer, what about you?" I reply,

"Nice to meet you, my name is Freya, Ai-chan"

"Oh.. I don't really know why it's nice to meet me" Me saying in a sad tone,

I don't know why Freya was talking to me since I looked like a loner..

"What? Oh come on Ai-chan, you look so cute!!"

What? Cute? Am I really or is this girl messing with me?

"I don't really think so.."

"Have some confidence in yourself! Has anyone ever said you were so cute before?"

"Oh.. My mom and dad used to say that when I was little I guess."

"Well your mom and dad are right!" Freya proudly says,

as we approached my classroom I noticed she was still following me,

"Why are you still following me?"

"What do you mean? My classroom is in room 1-A0." Freya says,

"Oh so is mine." I reply,

"So that means we're in the same classroom? Hey why don't you sit with me?"

"Sure I guess" I say hesitating a little..

I feel like I'm going to stand out a lot with this girl around with me,

I mean she is nice, but she also is loud..

As I enter the classroom and sit with her the first period starts,

The teacher says "You must introduce yourselves 1 by 1 and after this period, you will be having your magic ranked"

When my turn to introduce myself starts I say,

"Hello my name is Aimer, a candidate and it's a pleasure to meet you all."

Nothing much happens in this period,

When the period ended the class had practical exams I was first,

As I demonstrate my Divine level magic I surprised the onlookers,

"Is that girl really a 6 year old?" one person says in the crowd,

the crowd murmurs and I stand out,

I didn't plan on standing out but I just wanted to get my abilities seen so I can maybe enter more advanced classes..

Oh well, I guess it can't be helped!

"You are now officially a Divine Magician, and the first to achieve it in such a low age" the examiner says while giving me the Divine Magician emblem,

I feel like this will make me stand out more,

if only I'm allowed to remove it..

It apparently acts like an identity card so it was required,

when the exam ended, the first day of school was done..

5 years later..

As I was always at the top of the class, I standed out more and more..

I got used to tolerating the attention though,

But anymore and I am at my limit!

Freya has been still blabbing about her day every day,

it's become like tradition of her talking about her day,

since it's been 5 years and I progressed to Imperial Magician, and I experimented with more special type magic and made, body barrier magic which is barrier that surrounds the body instead of an static area, Enhanced buff is a upgraded version of buff which I made that can give the body 1000% more power rather than the maximum of 400% which normal buff magic can do.

I have improved my over all magic but I can't really do swordsmanship, honestly things I can't study and can only practice with other people with are my weak points..

I will try to find some way to get better at swordsmanship..

As I think about swordsmanship, it really just comes down to finding openings and using that to your advantage,

so I thought if you think faster you can find the openings faster,

is thought acceleration possible with magic,

while I was thinking, I tried to give the neurons inside my brain mana and everything slowed down..

And if I put in more mana the slower everything gets,

while at full force I started to see everything stop,

I think time stopped because of how fast I am thinking..

If I combined this with enhanced buff I can walk at a normal speed but It isn't really normal to others,

from their perspective I seem to be teleporting,

I want to try using this while doing practicals,

and if I can think this fast can't I cast multiple times per second?

As I try that I can do 10 Imperial magic spells at full force thought acceleration,

it seems that this is a really powerful spell..

* To be continued at Part 2 *

(Author's note: The story will be on a hiatus because of personal reasons)