
Chapter 1: New World

Third Person's P.O.V.

"Torii, I'm sorry. If I stay friends with you, my name will have dirt in it. I don't think we can be friends from now on. Goodbye, Torii. See you never."

As the boy in front of another boy said that, he left, leaving the man alone. He watched the boy leave as his eyes began to darken, his body weakening over time. The wind blew coldly, and the only thing that the man young man can hear was the wind.

*Bong* *Bong*

As the sound of the bell scattered around the whole school, the man looked at the sky. His mind was flooding with questions and thoughts. He wanted the ground to just swallow him right here right now, but instead of staring blankly into space, he took his bag and walked away. As he left his school, he doesn't know what to do.

His parents just died because of a raid for drug trafficking. It was posted online, and it was seen by over half of the population on the Earth. It was only posted yesterday, and when the whole school saw it, they avoided him, afraid of various things. Even his childhood best friend left him alone, which caused him extreme pain and melancholy. He wanted to kill himself the moment he went home. His mind was now not functioning properly, and his heart is beating extremely fast.

He watched his hands tremble as he stopped walking. He was too tired to get angry at his parents or anyone. He just can't do anything but breathe heavily. After a moment of silence, he took his phone and opened it. He looked at the time, and it was already 2:59 in the afternoon. He stared at it, as his mind completely went blank. Then, the phone dinged, creating a notification in his phone. He was at mild shock. He opened the notification, only to see the face of his best friend. Ex best friend, perhaps.

Instead of feeling anything, he went cold. He stood in the midst of silence, when all of a sudden, a small black hole 30,000 feet high above the ground. The black hole became bigger and bigger, but the man didn't pay much attention to it, thinking that he was about to go crazy. The ginormous black hole stopped enlarging in size. It was almost 6 kilometers in size. The atmosphere began to change, and the clouds began to darken. The sound of thunders was heard, and a strong wind began to blow.

The man looked at the black hole above him. He let out a small chuckle. 'I really am about to go crazy.' He thought as he closed his eyes.

As the man named Torii was lost in his thoughts, the black hole dropped something. Rather, an unknown entity fell. As the creature fell on the ground, it left a crater, but it was unscathed. The creature was at least 10 meters in front of Torii, and as the monster stood up, Torii just smiled.

'A goblin? Really? My mind really is going to be psychotic' He thought, looking at the goblin in front of him.

The goblin was 3 and a half feet tall, has green skin, and an ugly face. It was wearing a damaged cloth that is wrapped around its hips, covering the "most important parts" of its body. It was holding a wooden small club, looking and screeching towards Torii. Torii, on the other hand, didn't do anything. While the world was about to end, he just thinks that he is about to go crazy because of what has happened to him.

The goblin didn't hesitate or waste any time. The moment the goblin saw Torii, it rushed towards him with great hostility to kill him. As the goblin ran towards him, Torii didn't do anything but watch it. He wanted to die. He wanted to end his cruel life. However, when the goblin's club was almost an inch away from his head, he dodged it by moving his head violently towards the right.

Nevertheless, the goblin was still fast enough to injure Torii. The club hit Torii's left arm, causing it to bleed. Even though the goblin is small in size, it doesn't define its strength. The minor injury that the goblin inflicted on Torii gave him a clearer mind. It helped him to come back to his senses, thus, turning him back to his normal state. Well, kind of.

The pain that the goblin gave him was never close to the mental and emotional pain he is feeling right now. However, none of those matters to him as of now. When he came back to his senses, he immediately thought that there was something wrong. Since he can feel pain, he didn't doubt that this is not a dream. He looked at the hole above him as he ran, both with astonishment and fear filling his body. He stopped running, making enough distance for him and the goblin for him to think something.

As he watched the scenery above him, the goblin did not waste a single second and went straight into attacking him. As soon as Torii noticed the goblin rushing towards him, he ran away. Since he doesn't have any weapon, he can't afford to be reckless and face the goblin head-on. that would be a really... well, let's just say that it is dangerous. Regardless, he didn't panic nor tried to run away.

'If all of this is true, the least I can do before I die is to die with this goblin.' He thought to himself.

Literally a second later, and the goblin was already in front of Torii. As it jumped as high as the head of Xane, it swung its club with its left hand, swinging it from left to right. Barely, Torii managed to duck, dodging the attack of the goblin. Though instead of running away, he pulled the goblin's right leg, and since it was small, he easily heaved it to the ground. He gave it all his might and strength, and it managed to stop the goblin, making the goblin let go of its club.

However, it didn't end there. Since the goblin was already trembling because of the impact from the ground, it was defenseless. Coldly, he walked to get the club. When he finally picked up the club, he hit the goblin. Although it was already enough when he hurled the goblin with really strong strength, he still thinks that it isn't enough. He didn't do it thinking that if he didn't kill it, it would kill people. He didn't kill it thinking about justice or anything about morals.

He just wanted to take his pain and anger out from his mind and heart. Without thinking about anything, he killed the goblin. He was at his normal state when he killed the goblin, but he was cold. So cold that the Neptune would pack its bag and leave. Even though the goblin has already died a few seconds ago, he continued to hit it with the club, albeit he already knew that it was dead.

A few seconds later and the body of the goblin was like ground meat. It was minced. Both the ground and the club were flooding with blood from the goblin. He threw the club as far as he could, and before it could land, he walked away with his bag carried on his back.

The moment Torii left, the goblin that he just killed turned to ashes. Then, as soon as the goblin turned to ashes, slowly, the ashes flew towards the hole. When all of the ashes were inside the enormous black hole, tens, no hundreds, maybe thousands of monsters began to the drop down. Since Torii was already far away, he didn't notice the fall of tons of monsters.

As the fall continues, the numbers that once were thousands became millions in only a few minutes, and there were dozens of types of monsters. From goblins to orcs, lizardmen to ogres, and many more. The fall of monsters stopped for a moment, only to let out 3 dragons. 3, ginormous, dragons. The movements of the dragons alone almost made a tornado. Torii looked behind him. He was already far away from the hole, but he can clearly see the dragons.

He ran away as fast as he can, but the dragons seem to not care about what is going on below. Instead, they flew past the sky with unity. Literally half a second later and the dragons were nowhere to be seen. When the dragons were away, all of the monsters rushed to find their prey. They didn't fight each other. Instead, despite the difference in race, size, and power, they helped each other find their prey.

Other monsters were alone, some were with their races, and some were with other types of monsters. Since the hole was enormous, it didn't take long to find their food. In fact, since there were nearby houses, they took down all nearby houses in only a few seconds. Some humans tried to run away, some hid, but there was one thing for sure. The world is no longer the world humans knew.