


Chapter: 9

After their talk with Sirius, Sniffy and Richard appeared in another part of the country. Suspiciously on this place were that the street lamps still lit.

It was about 00:30 am and the surroundings looked quite like the last location they were in.

Neat houses stood on each side, with a car in front or inside the garage. Well-trimmed gardens and nice-looking hedges were found all around.

On the address plates of the post boxes was standing written in black letters: Privet Drive 4.

They were now at the place where baby Harry will appear soon.

Already under the invisibility cloak, because of some lurking car and then walking to the next house which stood next to the home of the Dursleys, Sniffy and Richard sat down on a bench on the front porch.

Richard was lost in his thoughts about their meeting with Sirius while they waited.

'He took it a lot calmer than expected. I hope that this new information will help him change the future because I cannot interfere too much in everything.

I also can only do that much with the things I know about the future.

The amulet was difficult to get and cost a fortune of money, but if he can get Peter into Azkaban while he looked like him, that would be amazing.

I don´t know yet which version of Dumbledore we are dealing with here, so I couldn´t tell Sirius the whole truth.

Although, that means that I possibly not only have to deal with a Voldischnorts and one possessed or manipulated Dumbledore, but also the puppeteer behind the scenes if there is one.'

Richard shuddered at the thought of a more powerful master behind Dumbledore.

'Very well, knowing my luck, something worse than that could easily come true. I need to consider all possibilities in my future endeavors. Better be safe than sorry. Likewise, that also includes that I need to hide my knowledge about everything from everyone, including people close to me.

Also, hopefully, my soon-to-be more than only average strength should stay as hidden as much as possible.'

Meanwhile, Sniffy was thinking about Richards's plans and hoped that their plan would go according to their expectations.

A few minutes later there appeared an elderly man in the view of Richard and Sniffy, who looked like the kindest grandfather from next door.

The only thing that was not fit right into the picture was his clothes. He was clad in lilac robes, which looked like out of a movie and gave off a complete misunderstanding feeling.

He looked really old. If his beard was anything to find out his age, then he would be well over 100 years old. It was well-groomed and ended at his knees. He also wore some glasses which were formed in a half-moon shape. Peculiar.

Richard looked at Dumbledore with a curious face and thought:' Dumbledore looks completely different in real life than I had seen him in the movies. He looks so much older.

Wrinkles were all over his face that could be seen and were not covered by his beard and it should be all thanks to his powerful magic that he can walk with no troubles.

He looks like a grandfather.

He looks like someone who would break a leg just by walking around. Only by judging his looks, he would not be considered a threat to anyone.

Now I know why many people underestimated this man. If he also plays the old man with some mind troubles and a bit of insanity to show, then even I would have troubles by underestimating him and I know what he should be capable of. I need to be careful of him.'

Dumbledore was walking down the streets with some sort of device in his hands that was absorbing the lights of the nearby street lights one by one.

Richard saw this and could only shake his head at the display of it while he thought:' This should be the Deluminator. It looks like some kind of nice magical device but if it can only absorb some light from lamps; it is useless.

I would just need to short circuit them and they would be out and it would take not this long. There for sure is a spell that can do this much more efficiently.'

Richard then also thought about the glasses of Dumbledore and that wizards knew how to regrow bones in a jiffy, but they could not figure out how to heal eyesight problems?

'There could be a better explanation for this or wizards just experiment doing no research and find a potion for one use but have actually no clue how they did it and they just tried and tried again and found themselves lucky every so often.

That really would fall right into the picture of the common sense of wizards. I need to look into that in the future.

But if potions masters do things like that and somehow stumble upon a lucky try once or twice in their life and are happy with that, then that is just pathetic.

I should study physics and chemistry a bit more if I have some free time. Magic should have a scientific explanation and I will surely be able to find it.'

Thought Richard while he sat on the bench alongside Sniffy with a curious expression on his face and a flicker in his eyes. Which should have been there because of the excitement that he felt when he thought of the things nobody had ever done before.

Dumbledore was done with his little magic trick that looked nice at first glance but was boring after another 2 seconds.

Towards him walked a black tabby cat, who should be Professor McGonagall.

Seeing her transform into her human form, Richard was stunned at this sight and thought. 'One fine day, I will do this and I will love every second. Transforming from a human to an animal will surely be a completely new feeling.

I can't wait to be able to do this.'

Seeing Minerva appearing in her cat form and then transforming back into her human form, Richard knew he should be wary of her.

'If she is this cautious to first transform into her cat form and then apparate after that to not be seen by any muggle, then she is at least capable of normal thinking.

It would be much more easily explainable to anyone who thought that they had seen a cat appear out of nothingness.

I need to be careful around her when I encounter her at Hogwarts. She is one of the most powerful witches in the entire story, therefore she should be able to use both occlumency and leglimency with no trouble.

Who would not learn it if there is the chance given and being a woman in an authority position, she surely shouldn´t be underestimated.' came Richard to the conclusion while he studied her.

Looking at Dumbledore and McGonagall conversing, Richard soon heard the same noise of the bike that he heard before.

Hagrid landed on the streets and stood up from the bike with Harry in his arms.

The boy was soundlessly asleep. The sound of the bike should have calmed him down enough to go to sleep after all his crying.

They argued for a bit with each other and then Dumbledore conjured a box where they put Harry in to alongside a letter explaining everything in it.

After that was done, they left with apparition, and Hagrid was flying the bicycle towards Hogwarts.

This should be the day, hero Harry was born and his legend will be known everywhere in the British wizarding community.

Waiting a few more minutes, Richard and Sniffy then went towards the house and little Harry.

Richard picked him up after sizing the letter, since it would be of no more use and said to Sniffy:" Now look at our cute hero, soundlessly asleep. I just hope that we can help him later when we are visiting him, hopefully alongside Sirius. Can you please open the door?"

Sniffy flicked her fingers, and the door sprung open with no noise.

Went into the house towards the bedroom of the Dursleys and made no sound at all, since their shoes were enchanted to not make any sound.

Opening the bedroom door, the view of the room came into sight of Richard and Sniffy.

It was a completely standard bedroom. The only thing which was not part of most others was the little bed on which was found a sleeping child. It looked no older than Harry and they knew it must be Dudley.

Taking out the memory potion of his pouch and Sniffy was then floating it towards the two-sleeping people on the bed.

Petunia and Vernon had a normal life and were completely happy with it. And their son was now 1,5 years old and they could not ask for anything more than this. They gave him all the love he deserved, and they lived blissfully.

Seeing the two Dursleys sleeping there, Richard could only sigh and hope that this would work out.

Using her magic, Sniffy was splitting the potion into 2 parts.

Floating it towards their mouths that were opened with magic, besides Vernon's, because he was snoring like a truck with his mouth hanging wide open.

The potion was moved inside their mouths and forced down, which woke them up.

They wanted to scream but could not since the potion did its work and their eyes glazed over in a second. Now they were in some kind of trance, which was the state Richard wanted to achieve with the memory potion.

It was some kind of trance and you could now put in thoughts and beliefs you wanted them to believe and they just would accept it as if these thoughts would be their own.

The effect was the same as the confundus charm, but much longer-lasting since they would think that the memories were their own, to begin with.

Because Richard and Sniffy could not use leglimency yet, they had to use that.

The potion was weak and could only be used on muggles because the magic in magical people protected them from such potions.

Now Richard was altering their beliefs a bit. Telling Petunia that she was never jealous of her sister Lily because she could use magic. Lily had often taken her on trips to Diagon alley and had often given her presents and gifts of the magical nature which she loved.

They shared a nice sisterly bond and she would never be jealous of Lily. Why would she? She found the love of her life and lived with him, and they even had a baby together.

They never had much chance to meet them after the boys had been born and there was supposedly a war going on therefore she had not seen Lily in about a year and could only hope for the best.

Next was Vernon. Richard imparted into him the thoughts that he also had a good relationship with James and they had often been drinking and spoken to each other while they were watching games together.

He knew all the wonders of magic and loved to visit the Potters to see and feel this wondrous world.

He loved his wife and kid and should from this day onward now try to stay more fit, since he looked fat.

He also should not give his kid everything and let him grow up like a normal kid, not some fat and completely spoiled one. A fit body also helps him.

They both would do everything to help the Potters, but they could only wait for the storm to pass and hope for the best.

They found Harry on their steps yesterday with a letter that explained the death of Lily and James and who killed them.

They took him in with no complaints at all. There were tears and some wailing while they mourned the deaths of Lily and James.

They were gladly raising Harry alongside Dudley and would tell them everything about his parents' lives.

Done with his little memory altering, Richard and Sniffy put down Harry beside Dudley and left the room while the Dursleys fell asleep again and Richard went into thinking:' That hopefully should do the thing.

That should prevent Harry be raised in a terrible environment and will be happily growing up. The whole family should now change for the better and I will visit Harry later alongside Sirius.'

After that was done, they were going through the entire house and changed a few pictures and added some small presents that the Dursleys supposedly got from the Potters, like a few paintings and some moving pictures. Two games, the wizarding chess, and exploding snap.

Some moving pictures of the Dursleys and the Potters. Some of only Lily with Petunia while they were kids and so on. That took a lot of time because they needed the items to fit into the house and not stand out too much.

Sniffy had created the pictures beforehand, at their home, and they only needed to find some places for them. Magic came conveniently at times like that.

That took a lot longer than Sniffy and Richard had expected.

Walking out of the house and closing every door to the state they were beforehand, Richard then looked around and was seeing the light of the morning sun slowly rising from east.

Feeling how long the night was for them and being up forever, Richard only wanted to go to bed and sleep for a long time. This day had burned his energy in every way.

He did little, but the stress he was under all the time and the whole anticipation and planning thing put not a small strain on his mind.

Richard and Snippy vanished and were gone without a trace.

Back at their home, they both fell asleep and slept long into the day.

Sniffy also had a long day since she needed to do a lot of magic today, and she was exhausted, too. Apparating took much energy out of house-elfs.

After they woke up, they followed their routine and waited for news of Sirius.

The only thing they got was a Daily Prophet newspaper with the headlines that were as follows: The fall of the dark lord, our hero Harry Potter and the boy who lived.

Reading over the paper and not finding anything new in it, he left it on the table and got back to his daily meditation.

One day after another passed, after the 3 days, they heard a knock on their door. Or better, the warning of the wards that found a man standing out their door and chimed like a bell. Richard found that option off the ward charming and took it when he ordered it.

Sitting at the table, since they just wanted to begin their lunch and Sniffy was moving the last bit of food onto the table, Richard was standing up and walked towards the door while shouting: "Coming, just a moment."

Richard reached the door and opened it.

There he saw a deadly tired-looking Sirius, which was breathless. He then was looking down at Sirius's body and found not a few injuries. A cut on his foot, his arm nastily broken the bone could be seen. Bloody all over, Richard just needed to glance over at Sirius once and then he shouted towards the kitchen while holding Sirius that fell over as the door opened:" Sniffy, Help Sirius is wounded."

In the next moment, Sniffy appeared beside them, and one glance later, they were in the basement. To be exact, in the potion lab.

Inside was not much because no one did any research or brew anything in it.

It comprised mostly of an empty room.

Another finger snip from Sniffy and a bed was summoned inside. Putting Sirius onto it, who was too stunned to say anything since he almost fainted in the beginning at the door and now did not know what was going on anymore.

Richard then grabbed a few potions out of his pouch and shoved one directly inside Sirius's mouth.

Who gulped that potion unwillingly down after coughing for a bit at the disgusting taste.

"What did I just drink?" asked Sirius when he found his voice again.

"Just some healing potion. This should help you right now and begin to heal your outside wounds and the inner ones.

What the hell happened to you? You look like you came from a war?"

"Hahaha..... cough….

Nice one. Indeed, it also felt like one to me. I found Peter after the last 3 days of searching.

The battle took a lot longer than anyone could have expected. Peter was not only cowardly but also slippery. I almost had him 2 times but then he got away each time.

At the third time, he was seeking help from some death eaters and they almost killed me right there and then. But I took them off guard when I shouted, I was here on the orders of the dark lord and they should help me with my given task.

That got them into thinking that Voldemort was alive and I got the second I needed to kill 2 of them and fight the other 3. It was a long-drawn-out battle but I got through it and then I got hold of Peter."

Recounting the tale of how he had gotten injured that much, Sirius had a content glimmer in his eyes as he got his vengeance and could now live with no regrets.

Sirius did what Richard told him and altered Peters's mind that he was now nothing more than a broken man and could only stammer some broken words out of his mouth. Peter did not care anymore that he lost a finger to Sirius and was then beaten black and blue.

The amulet did its job and transformed him into Sirius in the state after the battle, so he looked completely worn out.

They fought their battle on the streets of London and "Peter" was blasted to nothingness, but one finger remained and was found.

"Sirius" also killed a few bystanders that could not avoid the carnage and was then apprehended from the Aurors that appeared on the scene.

At this moment now, Peter was on his way to Azkaban to betray his friends and murder a few muggles.

Sirius did with his job at taking down Peter and putting on a fake fight even with all his injuries on his body took quite a toll on him and he then needed a long time to find this place. He was never much of an expert map reader.

Now lying there on the bed and with Sniffy healing his broken body, he told his story and then fell asleep.

After he finished his story, Sniffy did the best that she was capable of for the moment and then they went upstairs to get back to their meal while putting something aside for Sirius.

While eating, Richard was smiling and thought:' It is a delightful feeling when your plans bear fruits and work out. It even went better than I had expected. Nothing major should happen shortly and I can focus more on myself.'