
Chapter forty-six

Authors POV

Caleb's consciousness began to fade in and out as he lay on the hospital bed, his body still weak and battered from the attack. Nurses bustled around him, monitoring his vital signs and administering medication to alleviate his pain.

As the haze of confusion lifted, Caleb's mind began to piece together the events that had transpired. He remembered standing outside of his apartment, reaching out to Athena, and the wave of anger and jealousy that had washed over Logan. But as the memories flooded in, Caleb felt a pang of guilt, realizing that he had unknowingly played into Logan's fears.

Thinking back to their conversation, Caleb realized that he had been selfish in his desire to reconnect with Athena. He had allowed his love for her to blind him to the consequences it could have on her current relationship with Logan. The pain and hurt he had caused by unintentionally fueling Logan's jealousy weighed heavily on Caleb's heart.