
LANCELOT (Fire Breather Series)

in a world where both Elementals and Humans existed. Demons have long hindered the rise of a true Elemental god king. The Night family have produced heirs who have been continually killed and prevented from uniting the Elemental Kingdoms and saving them from extinction. This story portrays the rise of the first True god King of the Night family, He is going to challenge Hades in hell and the gods in the god realm. He is going to reign supreme...

Nicholas_Morgan234 · Fantasie
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92 Chs

Chapter 73: Breakthrough in crisis!!!

Chapter 73: Breakthrough in crisis!!!

The Van in which Lancelot Jr and his team were being conveyed, including the family they saved and his adoptive mother, sped through the city at an alarming rate. They were going to rescue another family and didn't know what state they were in.

While Lancelot Jr thought of all the possible scenarios, he was also trying to calm his mind.

Alisha was beside him so was his adoptive mother, 'Clara'

Clara was fast asleep, the whole incident with Mr. Thomas took its toll on her, she was struggling with her emotions before she finally succumbed to sleep from the sleep-inducing drug that was administered to her by Lancelot Jr, he wanted her to rest and to take her mind off things.

Alisha noticed the worry on his face and reached out her hand to gently clasp his right hand which was tapping on his right knee. She placed both of her hands at either sand of his hand, particularly the palm.

'It would be okay, you know?"

"Hmmm," he responded as he felt the soothing feeling of her palm on his.

He finally relaxed, the tension building within him collapsed. He didn't understand what it was but he felt like he had been rejuvenated.

He turned and stared into her eyes, emotions running deep.

"l don't think you should be thinking about things like that right now" the spirit speaker spoke in Lancelot Jr's head. He blushed and looked away from Alisha.

'Is something wrong?" she asked curiously, noticing his sudden change in facial expression

"My mother was telling me something," he said with a smile, he then placed his left hand on Alisha's cheek and then left it to lay back in the van seat.

Alisha took the opportunity to lay on Lancelot's body, resting her head on his shoulders.

Suddenly they heard shouts coming from a distance, ahead of them.

'Is there anyone brave enough to challenge

Kubo? Kubo is the greatest warrior of the

Skeleton organization, one of the leading fighters of the Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), we are blocking this road until we find anyone worthy to fight Kubo.'

"Kubo show them your muscular build"

The short muscular man tore off his shirt and flexed his chest muscles, making a fist and roaring with reckless abandon.

"Kubo! Kubo! Kubo!" The commotion was much and the van had to stop a short distance away from the ski-masked men and Kubo.

When Kubo and his men noticed them, they all smiled. The people around, who were watching the scene all gulped in fear, 'what exactly is he going to do to these defenseless people in the van?

Kubo got one of the hyper rifles distributed by the skeleton organization, This rifle could produce a long-range laser beam, the laser beam were very dangerous, it was the same laser beam that caused major damage to the god of the earth nation earlier. It was like the weakness of elementals and the thing that could give humans equal footing with them when unleashed appropriately.

The laser beams from the rifle are not as deadly as the one released from a cannon, it was the cannon shot of laser beam that was directed at the god of the earth nation that managed to deal a dangerous blow.

Now, the rifle was directed at them, even though it wasn't as dangerous as the one released from the cannon, it is still lethal to its target.

"Lancelot Jr, that laser beam can kill every sing lifeform in this van, you have to act fast, if you don't want Alisha and Clara to die" the spirit speaker chose her words carefully, giving

Lancdlot Jr a sense of urgency.

Lancelot Jr was unsure of what to do, the laser beam has locked on to its target, and Kubo, the ruthless man standing in front of him, smiling from ear to ear, was about to pull the trigger.

Everyone around gasped in sadness, all they could see in their minds was how dead those in the van were and how Kubo had ended their life, they didn't even have faith that those in the van could survive the present ordeal, they just shook their heads in sadness, 'another group of people bites the dust'.

Lancelot Jr focused on the incoming laser beams, he didn't really know what he was doing but a part of him was triggered, a part he didn't know existed, a part deep in his consciousness, it spread out from him and covered the entire area, immediately he felt his strength draining rapidly, he was getting weak, he looked around and saw that every single person was frozen in place.

Nobody moved, they were stuck on their last actions before he activated that part of his consciousness. "Ability to stop time!!!" The spirit speaker gasped in amazement, she had never expected such an ability from her son, even the legendary Lancelot wasn't capable of stopping time, if Lancelot Jr could, then it has to be traceable to the legendary James Night, the ancestor from which all Night's lineage came from.

The spirit speaker thought to herself as she gasped in surprise, Lancelot Jr then used his air control abilities which broke through to level three on the spot, to push the beams away from the target of the van and distribute it to spots that would not cause harm to anyone in sight, then he passed out from exhaustion and time was restored.

Everyone noticed the beams shooting off in different angles, missing the van as if they were avoiding it, even Kubo who had prepared and targeted the van was surprised. To him he had done everything as it should, the outcome should have been dead bodies in the van but contrary they were all okay, and the laser beams were wasted.

It would take another half hour to recharge and that could be costly, however, as they were contemplating what to do, they felt an aura powerful enough to scare everyone around.

Standing to the left of the skeleton organization thugs was general Wang. General Wang had been previously attacked by the Skeleton organization from their underground base.

They had targetted her using a laser beam from cannons that worked based on computer programming to target its victims. Thanks to the timely appearance of the god of the earth nation, she gets to live. She had sworn to get her revenge.

She had to spread her consciousness in small ranges, in a manner that won't drain her of her strength and at the same time would enable her to search the earth for any trace of the skeleton organization scums (as she addressed them in her head).

After searching for them for a while, she finally noticed a familiar set of people in a van, then she noticed they stopped, 'they must have encountered trouble' she thought, and 10 and behold when she got within sight, the whole scene unfolded before her eyes. How they survived the laser beams was lost on her but she didn't care about that, she had finally found people on which she could vent her frustration.

She charged forward towards the skeleton organization scums, the earth vibrated ever so slightly, the little earth tremor could be felt like the ground would erupt at any moment. Every stride she took emitted such power that caused everyone around to lose their balance momentarily, struggling to hold on to something to keep from falling.

General Suzie Wang looked behind her through the windscreen of the van, and saw Alisha clinging on to Lancelot Jr who had passed out. She saw the relived faces of others in the van who were happy to see her even if they don't like her that much, her presence meant they get to live another day.

The people around took a couple of steps back, they had seen the summit on TV, they know what she is capable of, and if they couldn't fully grasp it, they had a vague idea. She was crazy enough to kill a top 5- star general in a human-elemental summit and not afraid to start a war, she was fearless and commanding, domineering in every aspect of the word.

She stood tall and proud like a peacock spreading its flowery tail. She stared at Kubo with a gaze that had killing intentions so strong, one could almost feel it.

"Hey pretty lady, you came to join the party?"

Kubo said with a smile as he eyed the general from head to toe, "l am thinking of all the things

I will do to you when I get you to my inner room he said while licking his lips.

"This one will die without knowing how he died"

'It's a good thing he is from the skeleton organization because his death would be too gory to behold"

"He has no idea who he is messing with, his brain is totally fried"

"Both you and your raging libido will perish'

"You want to have a way with General Wang, the legendary general Wang that killed the elemental King with one strike, you don't even stand a chance against the elemental King let alone General Wang, your death would be a tale of nightmares"

Gossips were flying around as General Wang faced the group of thugs in front of her, the urge to kill intensified.